The Mornin' Mail is published every weekday except major holidays
Tuesday, July 15, 2008 Volume XVII, Number 18

did ya know?


Did Ya Know?... The Carthage Public Library Teen "Big Bug Movie Matinee" for ages 12-18 on Saturday, July 19th at 1:30-3:30 p.m. in the Community Room. Call Deb at 417-237-7040 for more info.

Did Ya Know?...July 21, 6:00 p.m. Lincoln Ladies Republican Women’s Club invites you to our "MEET THE CANDIDATE" ICE CREAM SOCIAL & RALLY at Carthage Memorial Hall. Free to the Public. Contact Jenny Mansfield 417-358-6346.

today's laugh

Tommy, the canary has disappeared.

That’s funny. It was there just now when I tried to clean it with the vacuum cleaner.


What do you call those little white things in your head that bite?

I know the name but I don’t like to speak of such things.

I fooled you that time. All I meant was your teeth. They’re white and the bite, don’t they?


I’ll take a steak with potatoes lyonnaise.

That’s not potatoes, that’s a lion’s wife.


Is that a man eating lion?

Yes, lady, but we’re short of men this week, so all he gets is beef.

A Chronological Record of Events as they have Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.


If Carthage can secure 200 fire hydrants and adequate water works by a private company supplying clear pure water at a cost in taxes to the people for less than three and one-half percent on $220,000 (the proposed municipal bond issue for waterworks) and at the same time save the payment of the principal, why isn’t that much better then to pay five per cent interest on $220,000, and have the principal to pay too, which would be necessary under municipal ownership?

If the bonds are retired in twenty years, the time for which they are issued, the difference between the tow propositions means $14,800 per year in taxes for the next twenty years, and that is taking it for granted that the city will earn enough during the time to take care of all improvements and extensions necessary, and to pay interest on bonds and operating expenses. If the city doesn’t pay enough to make the extensions, and to pay interest and operating, then whatever is lacking will make the difference that much greater then $14,800 per year. Continued on next page

If the people will take this difference of $14,800 each year for twenty years and use it to secure or to build factories, how much will our town have grown in that time with such inducement, along with other advantages and low taxes?

On the other hand, heavily burdened with taxes, how much is the town going to grow?

O. J. McLane



Today's Feature

Public Works Meeting.

The City Council Public Works Committee will meet this afternoon at 5:00 p.m. in the Public Works Department building, 623 E. 7th Street. Items on the agenda include the discussion of the final pay estimate and change order for improvements to Fir Road and Garrison Avenue.


Jasper County Youth Fair Winners.

The Jasper County Youth Fair was held last week and the winners of various animal showings have been announced. A selection of winners are listed below.

Goat show: Senior Showmanship, Andrew Jackson, Sarcoxie FFA; Intermediate Showmanship, Levi Weaver, Lincoln 4-H; Junior Showmanship, Zachariah Morris, Lincoln 4-H; Best Buck in Show, Sarah Cooper, Carthage FFA; Best Doe in Show, Levi Weaver, Lincoln 4-H; Grand Champion Market Goat, Logan McLemore, Carthage FFA

Swine show: Junior Showmanship, Quinton Crow, Pleasant Valley Pioneers 4-H; Intermediate Showmanship, Jessica Chrisman, Sarcoxie Chiefs 4-H; Senior Showmanship, Rebecca Lewis, Sarcoxie Chiefs 4-H; Grand Champion Market Hog, Benny McWilliams, Carl Junction FFA.

Rabbit Show: Best of Show (6 Class), Justin Cooley, Lincoln 4-H; Best Opposite (6 Class), Tucker Dunaway, Pleasant Valley Pioneers 4-H; Best of Show (4 Class), Caroline Waldbuesser, Jasper FFA; Outstanding Exhibitor, Caroline Waldbuesser, Jasper FFA.

Poultry Show: Junior Showmanship, Garrett Dunn, Avilla 4-H; Intermediate Showmanship, Eric Stark, Forest Mill Friends 4-H; Senior Showmanship, Alicia Stark, Carthage FFA; Grand Champion Best of Show, Jared Carver, Forest Mill Friends 4-H.

Cat Show: Junior Showmanship, Falon Scyoc, Country Champs 4-H; Intermediate Showmanship, Eli Weng, Center Point Chargers 4-H; Senior Showmanship, Caroline Waldbuesser, Lincoln 4-H; Grand Champion Cat, Eli Weng, Center Point Chargers 4-H.

Dog Show: Obedience, Faith Fraser, Spring River 4-H; Over All Showmanship, Caroline Waldbuesser, Lincoln 4-H

Horse Show: Junior Hi-Point Game Award, Casey Lee, Avilla 4-H; Senior Hi-Point Game Award, Haleigh Laney, Carthage FFA

Just Jake Talkin'

Gotta chance to talk with most of the candidates out at the Fair last week. ‘Course a lotta the discussion goin’ on was concernin’ the public endorsement of Craig Putnam by Sheriff Dunn and Presiding Commissioner Bartosh. The question ever’one was askin’ was would the act help the cause or did they shoot themselves in the collective foot.

Putnam says the three all stand on their own two feet and are independent thinkers, wanting to do what is best for Jasper County.

I suppose the refreshing thing is that Jasper County voters were made privy to exactly how things stand. No guessin’ who supports who and who doesn’t. It has also upped the ante as an indicator of the depth of the political base supportin’ Bartosh and Dunn. The gauge will be read August 5th.

This is some fact, but mostly

Just Jake Talkin’.

Mc-Cune Brooks Regional Hospital

COPD Is a Leading Cause of Death.

DEAR DR. DONOHUE: I’m in my late 40s and was told I have COPD. I have smoked for 30 years. Will you tell me more about COPD? -- N.N.

ANSWER: You are relatively young, and you don’t have to die from COPD, even though it’s fourth on the list of causes of death. You must, however, stop smoking. That is the most important facet of treatment, and it’s your way to a longer life. If you need help, talk with your doctor. The nicotine patch, gum, nasal spray or nasal inhaler can lessen your cigarette cravings.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease consists of two illnesses: emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Most people with COPD have both illnesses, and most are or were cigarette smokers.

Emphysema is the destruction of air sacs, those delicate structures through which oxygen passes from the lungs into the blood. Emphysema’s primary symptom is breathlessness when exerting, and the exertion doesn’t have to be all that. Chronic bronchitis is airway (bronchi) inflammation that narrows the air passages and increases the production of thick mucus. Its primary symptom is coughing that brings up thick sputum.

Neither illness can be undone. The progression of both can be halted by stopping the irritation of lungs from smoking.

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