The Mornin' Mail is published every weekday except major holidays
Monday, December 21, 2009 Volume XVIII, Number 128

did ya know?

Did Ya Know?... The VFW Men’s Auxiliary will hold a turkey shoot every Sunday, from 1 p.m. until 5 p.m. at the Post at the intersection of 96 & 171 highways. Public Invited, male and female.

today's laugh

No one can fracture a Christmas carol better than a kid. Sing along with these new takes on old favorites:

Deck the Halls with Buddy Holly

We three kings of porridge and tar

On the first day of Christmas my tulip gave to me

Later on we’ll perspire, as we dream by the fire.

He’s makin’ a list, chicken and rice.

Noel. Noel, Barney’s the king of Israel.

With the jelly toast proclaim

Olive, the other reindeer.

Frosty the Snowman is a ferret elf, I say

Sleep in heavenly peas

In the meadow we can build a snowman, Then pretend that he is sparse and brown

You’ll go down in listerine

Oh, what fun it is to ride with one horse, soap and hay

Come, froggy faithful

Good tidings we bring to you and your kid

A Chronological Record of Events as they have Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.

Dr. Bishop Called.

New Pastor of the Westminster

Presbyterian Church Chosen.

At a meeting of the members of the Westminster Presbyterian church, held last night at the church, a unanimous call was extended to Dr. Wm Frost Bishop, of Liberty, Missouri, to accept the pastorate of this church. Assurance had previously been received from Dr. Bishop that he would accept the call. Dr. Bishop has preached twice for the congregation and he is well liked. He will remove his family to Carthage in a short time.

Major S.E. Wetzel, who is now devoting all his attention to his milling interests at Galesburg, spent Sunday with his family in this city. The Galesburg mills are having a fine run on their "Whole Wheat Burr Flour," the strong point about which is that it contains all the food properties of the wheat.

  Today's Feature

End of the Year Leaf Pick-up.

The City of Carthage Street will continue picking up leaves at the curbside through Thursday, December 31, 2009.

Residents are asked if they have leaves they would like picked up, to rake them to the back of the curb, not in the street, and call the Street Department before December 31 to have leaves picked up.

Since the leaf pick up program started on November 1st, 370 loads of leaves have been hauled to the Recycling Center and 1,080 curbside stops have been made.

For more information call the Carthage Street Department at 358-7020.

The Department also as arranged for Allied Waste Services to pick the additional items on their regularly scheduled garbage pick up day from December 28th through January 1st to allow residents to remove extra boxes and paper after the Christmas holiday.

The Recycling Center will be open for operation from 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. on Monday, December 28, 2009.

Just Jake Talkin'

Saw a group a boys jumpin’ a chat pile on their bicycles the other day. Get a good run and up one side, seein’ how far they dared to fly in mid air.

We used to go down to the spot where the highway crews kept various mounds of this and that for the roads. For those who have never tried this, there is a direct relationship to the amount of intestinal fortitude and how far you fly. There are various methods to control the ascent, speed bein’ the most critical. There is an art to goin’ fast up to the last split second and then brakin’ just a little to lesson the jump. After a few jumps on one particular day, yours truly decided to go all out. I managed to stay upright on landin’, but I also managed to sit squarely on the exposed rear tire upon impact. Those knobby tires made quite an impression on me.

This is some fact, but mostly,

Just Jake Talkin’.

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By Samantha Mazzotta

Wobbly Chair Leg Is Easy to Repair

Q: We’ve entertained a lot of guests over the holidays, and a couple of our kitchen chairs are showing the strain. They’re a bit wobbly, and I’d like to fix them rather than throw them out. How difficult would the job be? -- Katie in Marietta, Ga.

A: Wobbly chairs generally can be repaired quickly. If the chairs are antiques, I’d recommend having them repaired by a professional, but if they’re everyday chairs and you just want them to stay functional, you can fix them yourself.

Inspect the extent of the damage by turning the chairs upside down. A common weak point for most chairs is the joints, where legs and seat connect. Doweled joints have round pegs holding the wood together, while mortise-and-tenon joints have a prong or tongue attaching the two pieces of wood. Triangular blocks are often glued around the joints to support them.

If the joints are just loose without any cracks in the wood, they can be re-glued. Carefully loosen the leg from the joint -- use a small flathead screwdriver or stiff putty knife to assist. Scrape old glue out of the joint and from the connector peg (or tongue). Apply fresh wood glue and slip the peg or tongue back into the joint. You may want to clamp the joint while it’s drying to make sure the leg stays in place.

What if the connector peg or tongue is smaller than the groove? This can happen as wood expands or shrinks over the years. If you don’t care about appearances you can shim around the joint with very thin pieces of wood (soft pine is good). Place a shim on each side of the inside of the joint, and slip the connector into the joint to make sure the fit is tight. Then remove everything, glue the shims into place, apply glue to the connector and slip it into place. After the glue dries, carefully cut away the ends of the shims so that they’re flush with the wood.

If a chair leg or one of the horizontal rungs is cracked, it’s better to replace that part. Carefully remove the damaged part and take it to a home-improvement store to find a similar size and shape.

HOME TIP: For quick furniture repairs, wood glue and C-clamps are an essential part of any do-it-yourselfer’s toolkit.

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