The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Wednesday, July 8, 2009 Volume XVIII, Number 13
did ya
Did Ya Know?... There will be a
meeting at the County Commissioners office on July 9th to
discuss the closing of Church Street.
Did Ya Know?... The Prestige Ice
Cream Social will be held on July 9th at 7 PM in the St.
Johns Mercy Conference Center. For more information
call 417-625-2962.
Did Ya Know?... The Jasper
County Youth Fair will be held in Carthages
Municipal Park from July 9th - 18th.
laugh An
inscription problem
According to the Knight-Ridder News
Service, the inscription on the metal bands used by the
U.S. Department of the Interior to tag migratory birds
has been changed. The bands used to bear the address of
the Washington Biological Survey, abbreviated,
"Wash. Biol. Surv." until the agency received
the following letter from an Arkansas camper:
"Dear Sirs: While camping last
week I shot one of your birds. I think it was a crow. I
followed the cooking instructions on the leg tag and I
want to tell you it was horrible."
Youre in great health
Doctor: Youre in good health.
Youll live to be eighty.
Patient: But, doctor, I am 80 right
Doctor: See, what did I tell you.
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Squirrels for Court
House Yard.
Mayor Harrington has secured a permit
from the county court and will place a number of
squirrels in the Maple trees around the court house.
Ellis Jackson will put in a wire netting tomorrow to keep
the animals at home for a few days in one of the trees
just south of the east court house walk. Four squirrels
will be placed there at once and others will be added as
soon as they can be secured. Mayor Harrington has had
four of them locked up in his store room at the hotel,
waiting for the permit from the county court, which was
secured yesterday.
Of the eight squirrels placed in the
city park by Mayor Harrington, three gray ones have run
away, but five of them are still there and are making
themselves at home quite nicely.
Today's Feature
Show-De-O on Tap.
The Carthage Saddle
Club will hold its monthly
Show-De-O at the Club Arena in Municipal
Park this Saturday starting at 5 p.m. The
event is always free to the public. The
cookshack will be open for business.
According to club
president Steve Hency the event typically
attracts between thirty and seventy-five
Events include barrel
racing, a flag race, key hole and others
and are run according to the age of the
riders. Age groups range from peewees to
Super Seniors.
Through the cooperation
of the Park Board and park
superintendent, the Saddle Club Arena was
constructed in 1955 inside Municipal
Park. Improvements have been made through
the year: improvements include running
water, concession stands, bleachers,
restrooms and bucking chutes. In the most
recent years the cookshack has been
replace, the announcer stand rebuilt, new
pipe arena fence, flagpole built, a new
P.A. system, electronic timer purchased,
a covered shelter for handicapped
visitors and in 2003 new restrooms were
Just Jake
Mornin',I was talkin to a guy the other
day and he said for some reason it seemed his
work load was gettin heavier. All the
sudden he looked up and he was buried with things
to do and not enough time ta get em done.
The makins of frustration.
I was amazed when someone
pointed out to me that frustration isnt the
result of not bein able to do
somethin, but the result of knowin
you can do somethin, but for some reason
its just not gettin done.
Frustration is havin a
handle break on your shovel bout half way
through diggin a hole. Or havin the
computer crash just seconds before ya save those
last few changes. Although throwin a broken
shovel handle halfway down the block can relieve
some of that tension, I wouldnt recommend
the same remedy in the case of the computer.
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin
Weekly Columns HERES A TIP
JoAnn Derson
To keep yarn untangled
as you use it in a project, put it in a mesh bag.
Thread the string though a hole and close up the
bag. The yarn spins in the bag but stays in good
"I love berry
season, and I save the baskets for all kinds of
uses. Heres a neat one: Use a clean berry
basket to protect the bow on a wrapped gift that
you send through the mail. Pack the gift bow side
up and slip the basket over the bow. Continue to
pad the gift and ship. They always used to get
crushed, so I would never put a bow on a present
I mailed, but I think gifts look best with a nice
bow." -- U.L. in Arkansas
Looking for the best
prices on grocery items? Arent we all.
Check the items on higher and lower shelves, as
they tend to be the most economical options. And
be sure to compare items based on cost per unit.
Sometimes, bigger is not better.
A reminder from an old
handy guy: "Varnish should NOT be stirred or
shaken like paint. It will cause bubbles that can
ruin a finish. Make sure your varnish sits before
you use it." -- C.C. in New Mexico
Clean up your golf balls
by soaking them in a solution made from a
quarter-cup of ammonia and a cup of water. Buff
dry. And avoid water hazards and sand traps!
Go Green Tip: Recycle
single-use batteries. Go to and
plug in your ZIP code to find a location close to
you that recycles them.
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Publishing. All rights reserved.