The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Monday, March 30, 2009, Volume XVII, Number
ya know?
Did Ya Know?... The
Family Literacy Center will be making
chocolate Easter Eggs for $3.00 each. You can
purchase the eggs March 16th thru April 12th
at several stores and businesses in Carthage.
Did Ya Know?.. Relay
For Life team is hosting a ZUMBA night ,
April 6th from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. at the Light
House, 800 S. Main Street, Carthage, MO. Call
358-6862 after 5:00 p.m. for more
ADULT: A person who has stopped
growing at both ends and is now growing in the
CHICKENS: The only animals you
eat before they are born and after they are dead.
DUST: Mud with the juice
squeezed out.
GOSSIP: A person who will never
tell a lie if the truth will do more damage.
INFLATION: Cutting money in
half without damaging the paper.
MOSQUITO: An insect that makes
you like flies better.
RAISIN: Grape with a sunburn.
TOMORROW: One of the greatest
labour saving devices of today.
YAWN: An honest opinion openly
WRINKLES: Something other
people have. You have character lines.
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
T. B. Haughawout,
Attorney for the Plaintiff, Watching His Condition.
It has been currently reported that Z.
T. Lindley, the patent right man who got his skull
crushed on the electric Saturday night, will bring suit
in circuit court against the electric railway for a large
sum for damages. The suit, according to rumors, will be
for something between $10,000 and $25,000.
T. B. Haughawout admitted to a reporter
that he had been spoken to about conducting a suit for
Lindley, and that he would probably do so, but that
nothing had yet been decided as to the amount of damages
that would be claimed. That could not be decided, he
said, till the condition of Lindley was determined, and
in the meantime he is waiting and watching the outcome of
Lindleys injuries.
Dr. Katcham, who is attending the
injured man, says he rested easy yesterday.
Tax on Ballot
Next Week.
The question of whether or not
the citizens of Carthage want to increase its
sales tax by one-half cents will be on the ballot
in just over a week on April 7. The approximate
$800,000 a year for ten years the tax is expected
to generate would be used to secure funding for
the purchase and development of a 700 acre
industrial park just south of the McCune Brooks
Regional hospital. The purchase of the property
would be carried out in three phases according to
the information supplied by the Carthage Economic
Development Corporation.
According to a flyer provided
by the CEDC and distributed in CW&EP bills
this month, it would take 12 to 18 months to
develop the needed infrastructure for the initial
phase of the park. That time frame would
hopefully allow ample room for the economy to
begin recovery and allow the City to "take
advantage of development opportunities as they
become available".
The new tax would put the
Carthage sales tax rate at 7.888%, which would be
in the average range in southwestern Missouri
according to the CEDC. The tax would cost the
average family about $4 per month.

Just Jake
Talkin' Mornin'
I still carry my golf clubs
wherever I go. I never use em, mind ya, but
I always keep em handy. Ever now and
then I get the urge just ta go out and whack some
dandy lions. I still figure Ill actually
make it out to the drivin range and
actually hit a few balls someday.
I read one theory once that
says if ya want a new easy chair, you should move
furniture around and leave a space where the
chair would sit if ya actually had it. Sooner or
later the emptiness will be filled. I suppose
that is the type a thing Im figurin
on with those used clubs I bought at the garage
sale. Sooner or later the opportunity will
present itself and Ill be able to say
Ive actually hit a golf ball.
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin.
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This is a Hammer. Cleaning Area Rugs
Q: My mother gave me two very
nice Oriental rugs for my apartment, which has
old pine-board flooring. Whats the best way
to clean them? Can I steam clean them? -- Megan,
via e-mail
A: Steam cleaning is not
recommended for antique Oriental rugs, for a
number of reasons: The threads could be damaged
by the water, colorfastness may be an issue and
so on. So stay away from the rental steam
cleaners in your local supermarket, as they are
more suited to wall-to-wall carpets.
Vacuuming is fine for most
rugs, though youll want to set the height
of the vacuum about a notch higher than the
"carpet" setting on the machine.
Vacuuming will pick up dust and small debris and
is the best way to keep the rugs clean through
the year.
But what if the rugs are really
dirty? Pick up a corner of one of the rugs and
kick the underside. If a cloud of dirt flies out
of the rug, its time for a more thorough
cleaning than a vacuum can provide. At this
point, you can either have them cleaned
professionally -- something you may want to do if
they are really antiques -- or you can clean them
yourself, if you have the space to hang them up.
Youll need: a vacuum
cleaner, cold water, mild rug shampoo, a soft
natural brush and a window squeegee.
Lay the rugs out on a garage
floor or clean driveway. Vacuum the top and
underside of each rug to remove surface dirt.
Fill a pail with water and rug shampoo.
Test one spot on each rug for
colorfastness first with the soapy water. If the
colors dont run, begin cleaning by dipping
the soft brush in the soapy water and brushing in
the same direction as the nap. Wet the nap
thoroughly. Wash the fringes as well, and brush
out dirt.
Rinse the rug thoroughly with
cold, running water and squeegee in the direction
of the nap until no more water is forced out. Let
the rugs dry flat, turning over when the nap
feels dry. Once dry, vacuum or brush one last
time to fluff out the pile.
HOME TIP: Spot-clean Oriental
rugs by adding 1/4 cup white vinegar to two cups
cool water; add one squirt of liquid dish
detergent and clean the spill or stain with a
brush or sponge. The vinegar prevents dyes in the
rug from running.
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