The Mornin' Mail is published every weekday except major holidays
Friday, May 26, 2000 Volume VIII, Number 243

did ya know?

Did Ya Know?. . .The Carthage Public Library will be closed on Monday, May 29, for Memorial Day.

Did Ya Know?. . .Tickets to the Carthage United Singles kickoff "Spectacular," June 10, are available at Carthage Chamber of Commerce, Main Street Mercantile, Presbyterian and Fairview Christian churches. Tickets are $10 for an evening of music, dinner, and entertainment by comedian Mike Joiner.

Did Ya Know?. . .On this date in 1780 the Revolutionary War came to Missouri in the form of a British-Indian attack on St. Louis.

today's laugh

Why is the figure 9 like a peacock?
Because without its tail, it’s nothing.

A man driving in southern Indiana saw a sign that read, last chance for $1.25 gas. As he was getting his change from the attendant he asked, "How much is gas in Kentucky?"
"A dollar fifteen."

They just opened a new restaurant on the moon. It has great food but no atmosphere.

The most important rule of playing horseshoes is, first remove the horse.

A Chronological Record of Events as they have Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.


Masked Man Robbed A. W. Hill, a West End Grocer, Last Night.

A daring hold-up was perpetrated on Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Hill, managers of Dr. Balfour’s west end store, at the corner of Oak and Case streets, at a little before 9 o’clock last night, by an unknown masked man.

It was about time to close the store and the store-keepers and his wife were sitting by the stove in the west room, or drug store, half asleep. Hearing a step on the porch and the rattle of the latch, they looked up, to see a medium-sized man with a black calico mask over his head and shoulders, coming into the door with a pistol levelled at them. "Throw up! Throw up!" he said, an order which Mrs. Hill quickly obeyed, but her husband thought he recognized the voice, and believing it to be a practical joke, was slow to obey.

The marauder advanced almost to within reach and repeating his command in a threatening tone, "Get up, and throw up your hands," was finally obeyed. He then turned his artillery on the frightened little woman, and pointing through the open doorway to his left, into the grocery department, ordered her to "go and get that money and get it quick."

Mrs. Hill went behind the counter, in full view of the robber, and while pretending to get the money deliberately scrapped all the small coins out of the tray into the under part of the drawer where they would be out of sight. The masked man was considerably aggravated at her delay but was evidently afraid to take his eye off Mr. Hill, who added to his uneasiness by saying, "If that woman was onto her job you’d be in a pretty fix," thinking that his wife should have dashed out the back door and summoned help. In response to savage threats Mrs. Hill brought five silver dollars to the man, who snatched them and fled, while the groceryman rushed to his telephone to summon the police.

Two officers soon put in their appearance and thoroughly searched the brush, a camp of movers, and even a house or two, but that they were unable to find the thief is not surprising in view of the slight description they had to work on.

The man described by Mr. and Mrs. Hill as a young man of medium size with blue eyes, clad in a shabby duck suit and an old, black slouch hat.

  Today's Feature

Council Votes Property Sale.

A new release from City Hall states that the Carthage City Council voted in closed session last Tuesday evening to accept an offer of $60,000 from Innovative Industries for approximately one acre of land that joins the non-for-profit corporation’s property. The property has been sought by Innovative Industries for several years as room for expansion.

The current arrangement is that the City allows an entrance on their property off HH Highway because the proximity to the intersection keeps Innovative Industries from having an entrance.

The vote was 9-1with Boyer voting no.

The Council also voted to instruct City Administrator Tom Short to contact the architect and primary contractor of the Carthage Police Department building and arrange a meeting to discuss ongoing problems the City has experienced with that structure.

A list of complaints about the building include rust marks on the exterior of the building. These rust spots are thought to be caused by iron in the aggregate of the building blocks.

Registration For artCamp Going On Now!

by Robin Putnam, artCentral

Well..........we did all the furniture (two rooms full !!) moved up onto the third floor !! Members, Penny Wilkinson, (and her family !!) and Debbie Reed came last Thursday and we really worked up a sweat !!

We want to thank those two as well as Paul, Susan and Jeremy. Poor Paul was moving a huge, heavy potted plant downstairs and missed the last step !! His entire foot and ankle have been swollen and purple all this week !! We are soooo very sorry he got wounded !!

Since then the largest room which will be a classroom has been painted and now just needs the carpeting removed. The new sculpture group will begin using this space in June !!

The smaller of the two rooms will be our new Member’s Gallery. We had to patch and paint the walls in there but it’s done and everything looks great !! Now we just need track lighting and VOILA we’ll have a shiny new gallery !!

One of our distant members, Linda Dian Stair, Wister, OK, will be hanging some of her pastels in the new gallery the weekend of June 9th. Seems she will be attending her class reunion and some of her returning classmates have asked to see her work !!

We are thrilled to be able to offer her our newest space !! Linda will be showing in our main gallery in October.

ARTCAMP 2000 !!!!!!!!! Now is the time to get your kids signed up for some of the coolest art classes ever offered in the 4 states !!! We have two weeks of fun for just $12 per day !!

This year we are offering multi-media weaving ( using twigs, metal, yarn, beads, buttons, etc), sculpture with plaster gauze, writing and illustration, clay, cartooning, painting, mosaic, print-making and copper relief.

Registration is going on now through July 8th !! For kids ages 8 - 14. We have left registration forms on the front porch for your con-:venience !!

We have had a very generous donation of art books, paints and other art materials from the family of the late Mary Baumann-Williams. We really ap-preciate Jerry’s thinking of us when wondering what to do with all of Mary’s art supplies. We all know it’s what she would have wanted. Our heartfelt thanks. week. 358-4404. 1110 E 13th & www. under organizations. Our hours are Tues. - Sat. 9am - 3pm.

Just Jake Talkin'


Since next Monday is Memorial Day, there will not be a Mornin’ Mail printed. This occurrence happens six days a year as it has for the last eight years.

Although we have always operated with little "back up" personnel, we have somehow managed to never miss a day of scheduled publishin’ since we began this experiment on June 20,1992. I don’t know the exact number, but I’d be guessin’ that mounts up to about 18 or 1900 issues we’ve put on the street. ‘Course the story isn’t over. Not a day goes by that somethin’ interestin’ doesn’t pop up for us to comment on or a story that you want to hear about.

When we begin our ninth year of publishin’ near the end of this month, I’m just hopin’ folks don’t stop bein’ curious about the goin’s on here in Carthage.

This is some fact, but mostly,

Just Jake Talkin’.



Oak Street health & herbs

Weekly Column

Natural Nutrition
by Mari An Willis

The more years I stand on these feet, the more they ache and the more varicose veins and spider veins crop up. If I would stop every couple of hours and put my feet up and change my shoes once a day during work, those two things would help a lot, but...there just doesn’t seem to be time for that, although complaining takes no less time!

In many of today’s books there are suggested remedies for varicose veins. Among those are the following:

• Vitamin K, as described by Earl Mindell in the Vitamin Bible, helps prevent internal bleeding and hemorrhages and promotes proper blood clotting. It has been mentioned for keeping the veins strong. I have been using the creme and find that it is helping with the small spider veins when I use it consistently.

One of my customers has been helped tremendously and states that he has less pain than he has had in years.

• Butchers Broom is supposed to help tone and tighten the circulatory system. I have found it takes some of the pain from the pressure off my legs.

• Recently in Dr. Gott’s column (sometimes we agree!) he mentions horsechestnut extract as a remedy for "heavy leg syndrome." Feedback has been good.

It is important to drink plenty of fluids this time of year. Drinking small amounts at one time is easier for some people. I have been told many times that the thirstier you body is the more fluid it retains.

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