Did Ya Know?...The Carthage Business Women of Missouri have Black Walnuts and Pecans for $9 a pound. Sales supports a Scholarship Program. 358-3505 Did Ya Know?...Carthage Crisis Center, 100 South Main will host a free Christmas Day dinner Saturday December 25, 2010 from 12 Noon till 2:00 pm. |
laugh This is an unusual paragraph. Im curious how quickly you can find out what is so unusual about it. It looks so plain you would think nothing was wrong with it. In fact, nothing is wrong with it! It is unusual though. Study it, and think about it, but you still may not find anything odd. But if you work at it a bit, you might find out! Try to do so without any coaching! You probably wont, at first, find anything particularly odd or unusual or in any way dissimilar to any ordinary composition. That is not at all surprising, for it is no strain to accomplish in so short a paragraph a stunt similar to that which an author did throughout all of his book, without spoiling a good writing job, and it was no small book at that. By studying this paragraph assiduously, you will shortly, I trust, know what is its distinguishing oddity. Upon locating that "mark of distinction," you will probably doubt my story of this author and his book of similar unusuality throughout. It is commonly known among book-conscious folk and proof of it is still around. If you must know, this sort of writing is known as a lipogram, but dont look up that word in any dictionary until you find out what this is all about. The letter "e," which is the most common letter in the English language, does not appear once in the text of the long paragraph. 1910
EDELS LOSS $3,600. Store Room Will Be Remodeled and Re-Occupied in 15 Days. Adjuster Welsh worked until midnight last night on the Edel fire loss and reports the damage at $3,600, which is satisfactory to Mr. Edel. The store had quite a sale on fire goods today, but Mr. Edel will vacate the room at once for 15 days, in order that the interior can be remodeled especially for his convenience. His temporary quarters are not yet selected. Had an Eye Hurt. Little Donald McCubbin had an eye slightly injured yesterday while at play. Another lad tossed a ruler which struck the eye a glancing blow but did not injure it seriously. Dr. Wale dressed the wound.
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