The Mornin' Mail is published every weekday except major holidays
Tuesday, January 12, 2010 Volume XVIII, Number 142

did ya know?

Did Ya Know?... The McCune Brooks Grief Support Group will meet from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. Tue. Jan. 12 in the Felix E. Wright Family Chapel. Open to public.

today's laugh

John Elway, after living a full life, died. When he got to heaven, God was showing him around. They came to a modest little house with a faded Broncos flag in the window. "This house is yours for eternity, John," said God. "This is very special; not everyone gets a house up here." John felt special, indeed, and walked up to his house.

On his way up the porch, he noticed another house just around the corner. It was a 3-story mansion with a Green & White & Silver sidewalk, a 50 foot tall flagpole with an enormous EAGLES logo flag, and in every window, an Eagles emblem. John looked at God and said "God, I’m not trying to be ungrateful, but I have a question. I was an all-pro QB, I won 2 Super Bowls, and I even went to the Hall of Fame."

God said "So what’s your point John?"

"Well, why does Donovan McNabb get a better house than me?"

God chuckled, and said "John, that’s not Donovan’s house, it’s mine."

A Scotsman’s fantasy is to have two cleaning, the other dusting...

A Chronological Record of Events as they have Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.

The Pony Liked to Run.

Last evening the pony of Harry Waters attempted to emulate the example of John Gilpin’s famous mare and ran from the Frisco stock yards to the Chautauqua grounds at a great pace. The rider’s hat flew off when the run first began and had he had any cloak it would have followed suit. The race began by showing a friend what a pace his pony could strike but he was unable to check up again. He finally stopped the horse by steering him into a fence.

F. G. Cook, a veterinary surgeon who has practiced for the last fourteen years in Columbus, Kansas, arrived in Carthage Sunday and expects to make his home in this city. Dr. Cook was a classmate of Dr. Chas. Castelaw, formerly of Carthage, and now of Lamar. Mrs. Cook and family will remain in Columbus until the closing of the school year.

  Today's Feature

Electronic Documents On Schedule.

The City Council is scheduled to meet for its regular meeting this evening at 7:30 p.m. in City Hall.

As reported yesterday, this will be the first meeting that includes an electronic file of all documents supplied to Council members. Included in today’s paper (inside) is a copy of the minutes of the last meeting of the Council. These minutes and 48 other pages of documents were supplied to the Mornin’ Mail by City personnel via email and contain all documents received by Council members.

According to City Clerk Lynn Campbell, various documents are submitted to City Hall over approximately two weeks between regular meetings. These documents a scanned to an electronic file and stored until they are gathered and sent to Council members and media.

She says the effort to initiate the project for the first time was fairly simple and efficient.

A traditional hard copy of the files were also produced for this meeting, but in the future only the electronic version will be produced unless by special request.



DECEMBER 22, 2009


The Carthage City Council met in regular session on the above date at 7:30 P.M. in the City Hall Council Chambers with Mayor James G. Woestman presiding. The invocation was given by Fire Chief John Cooper and the flag salute was led by Police Chief Greg Dagnan.

The following Council Members answered roll call: Larry Ross, Bill Welch, Brent Greninger, Dan Rife, Claude Newport, Wayne Campbell, T. J. Teed, Mike Harris, John Studebaker and Diane Sharits. City Administrator Tom Short and City Attomey Nate Dally were present.

On a motion by Mrs. Sharits, seconded by Mr. Teed, minutes of the December 8, 2009 meeting were approved.

Mr. Newport reported the Budget Ways and Means Committee met December 14, 2009. Mr. Newport noted the Committee supports C.B.09-64 and he would provide more details later in the meeting. Mr. Newport made a motion, seconded by Mr. Harris, to allow the use of Council Contingency Funds in the amount of $1,000.00 for desks in City Hall for Court Personnel. Motion carried.

Mrs. Sharits reported the Finance and Personnel Committee met on this date in Council Chambers and heard proposals from UMB Bank officials on options that would enhance earnings and offset fees. Mrs. Sharits made a motion, seconded by Mr. Ross, to reorganize the Municipal Court to be under General Administration in City Hall. Motion carried.

Reporting for the Public Services Committee, Mr. Ross reported the Committee supports C.B. 09-63 on second reading. Mr. Ross commented on the pulmonary equipment at McCune-Brooks Regional Hospital and the possibility of guardrails on the road near the hospital.

Mr. Welch reported the Public Safety Committee met December 21, 2009. Mr. Welch made a motion, seconded by Mr. Campbell, to close the 300 block of Grant on August 7, 2010 from 10:00 AM -1 :00 PM for a Children’s Crusade. Motion carried. Mr. Welch made a motion, seconded by Mr. Greninger, to accept the bid of Fire Master Fire Apparatus, Inc, Springfield, in the amount of $1,746.00 a unit for bunker gear (16 units). Motion carried. The only other bid was from Casco Industries, Inc., Barlett, Kansas, in the amount of $1,573.00 without a light and $1,643.00 with a light. The Casco bid did not meet specifications. Mr. Welch made a motion, seconded by Mr. Greninger, to remove the yellow no parking lines in the 600 block of Maple. Motion carried. Mr. Welch made a motion, seconded by Mr. Campbell, to remove the no parking lanes in the 800 block of W. Central. Motion carried.

Mr. Rife reported the Public Works Committee met December 15, 2009 and there was no action required by the Council.

Special Committee and Board Liaison Reports were given by: Mr. Harris, Planning, Zoning and Historic Preservation Commission, Mr. Newport, Carthage Water & Electric Board; Mr. Welch, Carthage Humane Society and Mr. Greninger, Police and Fire Pension Committee.

Mayor Woestman reported on meetings he had attended since the last Council Meeting including the CW&EP Banquet and the CMC Christmas ServicelDinner. Mayor Woestman recommended the microphones be clipped higher on the shirts for those who speak softly or be exchanged with another Council Member who may have a stronger microphone. Mayor Woestman noted that Mr. Teed had reported the system was in need of replacement when funds allow. Mayor Woestman thanked Council Member Claude Newport for the poinsettias.

Mr. Short reported on the following: the selection committee’s decision to recommend Zeb Carney as the Public Works Director; discussions with MoDOT on guardrails near McCune-Brooks Regional Hospital; possible Section 130 funds available for the Oak Street Bridge; talks with Chief Dagnan. Nate Dally and the Cat Rescue group on feral cats; the move of the Municipal Court proceedings to Memorial Hall and the move of court personnel to City Hall; a combined project scheduled next year with the Special Road District and the disappointing sales tax revenues down approximately 4% from last year.

The Claims Report was given showing claims against the following funds: General Revenue $121,772.50; Public Health $100.740.59; Golf Course $15,488.95; Library $17,766.29; Public Safety Grants $3.533.77; Civic Enhancement $981.75: Lodging $744.00; Powers Museum $4.011.65; Parks/Stormwater $4.625.00; McCune-Brooks Regional Hospital $1.500,000.00; Carthage Water & Electric Plant $2,000.000.00 and Payroll $143.295.29. Mrs. Sharits made a motion. seconded by Mr. Teed, to accept the report and allow the claims. Motion carried.

During the Citizen’s Participation Period. Wendi Douglass of the Convention and Visitors Bureau presented her quarterly report and provided copies of the new visitor’s guide to City Officials.

Under old business. C. B. 09-63 an Ordinance authorizing the Mayor to enter into a Lease Agreement with Pam Eck in the amount of $3,600.00 for continued use of the pavilion in Municipal Park as a skating rink for a one year lease term was placed on second reading followed by a roll call vote of 10 yeas and no nays. Bill passed. Mr. Campbell asked a question on the lease.

Under new business, C. B. 09-64 an Ordinance amending the Annual Operating and Capital Budget of the City of Carthage for the fiscal year 2009 -2010 was placed on first reading with no action taken. Mr. Newport explained each budget amendment by fund.

Mr. Welch made a motion. seconded by Mr. Rife. to accept the Mayor’s Appointment of Zeb carney as Public Works Director. the re-appointment of John Gremling and John Patrick to the Police Personnel Administration Board until January 2014 and the appointment of Roy Eppard to the Care Leave Committee until December 2011. Motion carried.

Mr. Teed made a motion, seconded by Mr. Campbell, to approve Resolution No.1589 a Resolution adopting a model substance abuse policy for the City of Carthage Transit System. Motion carried. Mr. Welch and Chief Dagnan explained the policy.

In closing remarks, Mr. Harris and Mr. Studebaker praised the Carthage Police Academy and Mrs. Sharits expressed appreciation to CMC for the Christmas ServicelDinner. Many Council

Members congratulated Zeb Carney on his appointment.

Mrs. Sharits made a motion,seconded by Mr. Ross, to adjourn the regular Council Meeting. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:01 P.M.

Just Jake Talkin'

I got into another one a those, you go, no you go, no you go, speechless discussions at the intersection the other day. This time it was with a motorcycle rider. Had his (I think it was a he) face shield down so I couldn’t tell his expression, but we had quite a discussion decidin’ who was gonna balk first. After a couple a false starts, the biker won out. I can only take so much of bein’ mister nice guy and after a while I go on through just ta prove a point. The problem is, I haven’t figured out what the point is. I find myself talkin’ to myself sayin’ somethin’ like, ‘well, if you’re gonna be that way, I just show you’ and off I go. Guess I just don’t have the stamina I used too. When I was younger I could sit at a corner longer than anyone. That really showed ‘em too I suppose.

This is some fact, but mostly,

Just Jake Talkin’.

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To Your Good Health

By Paul G. Donohue, M.D.

Catch a Chill, Catch a Cold?

DEAR DR. DONOHUE: My friend and I have an ongoing discussion about how we catch colds. I believe the only way is by being exposed to a germ. My friend agrees, but also says you can become chilled, and that results in a cold. Please settle this once and for all. -- L.G.

ANSWER: The only way to catch a cold is to meet up with a cold virus. But let’s kick this around a little while it lies there quivering.

Rhinoviruses are responsible for many colds. This virus is passed from one person to another most often via the hands and fingers. An infected person invariably will have virus on his or her hands and fingers. If that person touches another person’s hands or fingers, the virus is transferred. All the second person has to do is touch his or her nose or eyes and the virus has found a new home. (The drainage channel for tears siphons viruses into the nose.) It’s also possible to spread a cold through sneezing or coughing, but that’s a secondary route.

Many colds are preceded by a body chill. That’s part of the infection symptoms, and that might be what your friend refers to.

Once a virus lands in a person’s nose, the time till the development of cold symptoms is short -- eight to 12 hours. Runny nose, nasal stuffiness, scratchy throat, cough and sneezing are typical symptoms. They peak in 48 hours and are gone in about one week. A person is most contagious during the first three days of symptoms, when nasal discharge is at high volume and when it contains the most viruses.

If by "chilling" your friend means being in a cold blast of air or getting your feet wet in frigid weather and shivering as a result, she has a slight point. That kind of chilling constricts the nose’s blood vessels and decreases mucus production. It might, therefore, permit cold viruses to mount a more effective attack and can contribute to the ease of catching a cold. All the same, without the virus there is no cold.

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