The Mornin' Mail is published every weekday except major holidays
Tuesday, January 26, 2010 Volume XVIII, Number 152

did ya know?

Did Ya Know?... Carthage Humane Society is currently overcrowded with very nice pet-quality young adult cats. For a limited time, they are offering reduced adoption fees on all brown tabby cats. Call or today for more information. 358-6402

today's laugh

Following the death of Quasimodo, the Bishop of the Cathedral Church of Notre Dame sent word throughout the streets of Paris that a new bellringer would need to be appointed. The Bishop decided that he would conduct the interviews, when an armless man approached him saying that he was there to apply. The Bishop declared,

" My Son, you have no arms!"

" No matter" replied the man.

He then proceeded to strike the bells with his face, producing the most beautiful melody on the carillon. The Bishop was astonished, believing he had indeed found a suitable replacement for Quasimodo. But in rushing forward to strike a bell, the armless man tripped, and plunged headlong out of the belfry to his death in the street below. A crowd had gathered around the fallen figure, drawn by the beauty of the music they had heard a moment before. One in the crowd asked, " Bishop, who was this man?"

" I don’t know his name" replied the Bishop sadly,

" But his face rings a bell."

The following day, despite the sadness that weighed heavily on his heart, the Bishop continued his interviews for a bell ringer. The first man to approach addressed him, "Your Grace, I am the brother of the poor armless man who fell to his death from this belfry yesterday. I pray that you will allow me to replace my brother." The Bishop agreed to an audition, but as the man reached to strike the first bell, he groaned, clutched at his chest, collapsed, and died on the spot. Two monks, hearing the cries of grief from the Bishop at the tragedy, rushed up the stairs......

"What has happened? Who is this man? " they cried.

" I don’t know his name" exclaimed the distraught Bishop,.........

" I don’t know his name............but he’s a dead ringer for his brother."

A Chronological Record of Events as they have Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.

Jack $51 per Ton.

The output of the Eagle mine as well as that of the Arkansas lease sold yesterday to the Humphrey Smelting Co. for $51. This sets the top price for the week. The Pleasant Valley mines will command the same price.

Dance at Logan Hall.

The young people of Carthage gave a social dance last night at Logan Hall in honor of Misses Valiere and Beeson. A select crowd of invited guests were present and an enjoyable evening was spent.

Mrs. W. S. Shuler is lying very ill at her home east of Carthage. Tuesday evening she was taken suddenly sick with a chill, followed by a high fever and for a time grave fears were entertained for her recovery, but she is greatly improved today, and it is hoped will soon be convalescent.

  Today's Feature

From the Minutes.

Exerpts from Public Safety meet last week.

"Chief Dagnan advised the committee that the Jasper County 911 services had a command bus that was equipped with computers and radio systems, along with bathroom facility they were looking to reallocate the asset to the City of Carthage with no charge.

Chief reported that the yearly maintenance and storage fees the 911 center were currently spending totaled approximately $4,800.00. Chief advised the committee that he understood the funds for the upkeep if accepting the bus were not budgeted for, but if the gift was to be accepted he felt his budget would accommodate the costs. It was also discussed that the bus could be used and shared by the fire department and possibly be a shared cost in the future budgets.

The bus could be used during Marian Days and in any major incidents where personnel were required to be stationed at any particular site for numerous hours at a time.

After a lengthy discussion, Chairman Welsh made a motion that the committee recommend to accept the bus and requested item be sent on to council for their approval."




The Carthage City Council met in regular session on the above date at 7:30 P.M. in the City Hall Council Chambers with Mayor James G. Woestman presiding. The invocation was given by Fire Chief John Cooper and the flag salute was led by Police Chief Greg Dagnan.

The following Council Members answered roll call: Bill Welch, Brent Greninger, Dan Rife, Claude Newport, Wayne Campbell, T. J. Teed, Mike Harris, John Studebaker and Diane Sharits. Council Member Larry Ross was absent. City Administrator Tom Short and City Attorney Nate Dally were present.

On a motion by Mrs. Sharits, seconded by Mr. Teed, minutes of the December 22, 2009 meeting were approved.

Mr. Newport reported the Budget Ways and Means Committee met January 11, 2010 and discussed the mid-year budget report provided by Mr. Short. Mr. Newport made a motion, seconded by Mr. Welch, to accept the budget calendar for Fiscal Year 2011. Motion carried. Mr. Newport made a motion, seconded by Mr. Harris, to accept donations from Dr. Russell Smith of $1,000.00 to the Children’S Christmas Party and $1,000.00 to the Golf Course, plus a donation from Wal-Mart in the amount of $1,000.00 for the Park’s Department. Motion carried. The Committee reviewed the latest sales tax report.

Mrs. Sharits reported the Finance and Personnel Committee met on this date in Council Chambers and continued discussion on the proposals from UMB Bank officials on options that would enhance earnings and offset fees. Mrs. Sharits made a motion, seconded by Mr. Newport, to waive the 80 hour comp time limit in the Street Department during the ice/snow season and raise it to 120 hours to be used by December 31,2010. Motion carried.

Reporting for the Public Services Committee, Mrs. Sharits reported the January 4, 2010 meeting had been cancelled due to weather and the next meeting would be February 1, 2010.

Mr. Welch reported the Public Safety Committee would meet January 18, 2010 at the Fire Department.

Mr. Rife reported the Public Works Committee met January 5, 2010 and there were no items requiring Council action.

Special Committee and Board Liaison Reports were given by: Mrs. Sharits, Library Board and Mr. Newport, Economic Director/Chamber of Commerce Search Committee.

Mayor Woestman encouraged everyone to vote at the April election with the hope the turnout will be above 10 percent.

Mr. Short reported on the following: the recent changes in Municipal Court including a meeting with Judge Brad Cameron; the mid-year budget status reports; the recent water damage at Memorial Hall; the Joplin E-Waste program funded through a Region M grant; a upcoming bid opening for the awning at the Over-60 Center; talks with City and State officials on the Emergency 911 issues; the arrival of funds from the AT&T Landline settlement and the SEMA reimbursement from the May 2009 storm; overtime usage in the Street Department due to the recent snow storms on Christmas and New Year’s Day; the EPA lifting the ban on cinders; the latest sales tax report and dates he will be out of the office due to meetings.

Mr. Carney reported on the overtime and comp time paid as a result of the snow/ice storms on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day. The week after Christmas the recycling center baled 700 pounds of cardboard according to Mr. Carney.

The Claims Report was given showing claims against the following funds: General Revenue $65,183.58; Public Health $248.52; Public Safety $19,764.75; Golf Course Fund $2,747.71; Lodging $6,250.00; Powers Museum $5,088.28; Library $30,451.50; McCune-Brooks Regional Hospital $2,850,000.00 and Payroll $283,558.28. Mrs. Sharits made a motion, seconded by Mr. Teed, to accept the report and allow the claims. Motion carried.

No one spoke during the Citizen’s Participation Period.

Under old business, C. B. 09-64, an Ordinance amending the Annual Operating and Capital Budget of the City of Carthage for the fiscal year 2009 -2010 was placed on second reading followed by a roll call vote of 9 yeas and no nays. Bill passed. Council Member Larry Ross was absent.

Under new business, C.B. 10-01, an Ordinance authorizing the Mayor to enter into a contract with Midwest Wholesalers, Inc. for hauling and recycling of e-waste from the Carthage Recycling Center was put on first reading with no action taken. Mr. Rife provided details on the contract.

C.B. 10-02, an Ordinance changing the E-Waste section of the Public Health Fee Schedule to amend fees for Monitors, Televisions and Microwaves was put on first reading with no action taken. Mr. Rife provided additional information.

C.B. 10-03, an Ordinance authorizing the Mayor to enter into a Lease Agreement with Alternative Opportunities, Inc., in the amount of $8,400.00 for space on the main level of the Memorial Hall building as a license office for one year commencing January 20, 2010 was placed on first reading. Mrs. Sharits made a motion, seconded by Mr. Welch, to move C.B. 10-03 to second reading and to amend the lease amount to $9,000.00. Motion carried. C.B. 10-03 was placed on second reading followed by a roll call vote of 9 yeas and no nays. Bill passed. Council Member Larry Ross was absent. Prior to the vote, Mr. Short explained the lease agreement. Mr. Campbell and Mr. Welch had questions on the lease.

Mr. Teed made a motion, seconded by Mr. Harris, to approve Resolution No.1590 a Resolution of the City of Carthage approving a recommendation of the Public Works Committee granting an Administrative Lot Split for property located at 1400 S. Case Street, Carthage, Missouri. Motion carried.

In closing remarks, Mr. Harris gave encouraging remarks on the City Council’s decision to go paperless.

Mrs. Sharits made a motion, seconded by Mr. Newport, to adjourn the regular Council Meeting. Motion carried, adjourned at 8:05 P.M.

Just Jake Talkin'

I’m gonna have ta get me a pair of galosha’s. Growin’ up all us kids had a pair with the buckles. They were big enough ta fit over the shoe and you could tuck the pants leg down inside. They were great for splashin’ in mud puddles and wadin’ in the small ditch that ran in front of the house.

There wasn’t anything much more fun that gettin’ out after a good rain and sl opin’ around in the puddles.

Course now folks might think it a little odd to see the neighbor out jumpin’ up and down in a mud hole.

That’s one of the good things ‘bout bein’ a kid. You could do things just ‘cause ya wanted to. If someone though your were a little crazy, it just added to the fun.

This is some fact, but mostly,

Just Jake Talkin’.

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To Your Good Health

By Paul G. Donohue, M.D.

Sleep Position and Heartburn

DEAR DR. DONOHUE: I have had acid reflux for quite some time, and doctors have prescribed different medicines, the last being omeprazole. Medicines were not relieving the burning pain. The best advice came from an online message board that said to "sleep on your left side." Figuring it wouldn’t hurt to try this method, I began sleeping on my left side. Once my body learned to stay in that position, the pain does not bother me now at all at night. Why don’t doctors share such simple methods for relief rather than prescribing medications? Please pass this information on to others. -- N.S.

ANSWER: When it works, a change in sleeping position is a simple way to deal with a big problem. It doesn’t work for everyone. In fact, it works for only a few, but it’s still valuable advice and is something that should be suggested more often. A change in sleeping position also can work for snoring. Sleeping on the side, right or left, can open up the throat and stop snoring. Redundant throat tissue, like a reed in a wind instrument, lies behind snoring. Sewing a pocket in the back of the pajamas and putting either a tennis ball or a marble in it keeps snorers off their backs.

Other self-help tips for GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease, heartburn or acid indigestion -- all are the same condition) include staying away from foods that cause it. Onions, garlic, coffee, carbonated beverages, alcohol, chocolate, fried and fatty foods, citrus fruits and juices, tomato sauces, peppermint, spearmint and spicy foods are notorious troublemakers.

Sleeping with the head of the bed elevated is another way to keep stomach acid in the stomach. Prop 6- or 8-inch blocks under the posts at the head of the bed. In this position, gravity keeps stomach acid in the stomach.

Chewing gum stimulates saliva production, and saliva is a natural antacid.

Don’t wear tight garments or tight belts, both of which promote acid reflux. I managed to get through this answer without mentioning a single medicine, not even Tums.

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