The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Tuesday, May 18, 2010 Volume XVIII, Number 22
did ya
Did Ya Know?.. . Carthage
Farmers Market every Wed. and Sat starting at 7 a.m.
Plants, produce and more. Carthage Square.
Did Ya Know?....The Carthage
Train Crew will host its annual Fish Fry May 19 at the
Train bard. Cost is $15. Stag only. 6:30 p.m.
Did Ya Know?. . .Optimist Club
meeting Thursday at 5:30 p.m. SMB South Grand. 358-3270
Did Ya Know?....Powers Museum
will hold an Open House Sunday May 23 from 1 to 4 p.m. in
honor of the 100th anniversary of the Carthage Post
Office building.
laugh (Culled from
- The burglar was about 30 years old,
white, 5 10", with wavy hair weighing about
150 pounds.
- The family lawyer will read the will
tomorrow at the residence of Mr. Hannon, who died June 19
to accommodate his relatives.
~ Mrs. Shirley Baxter, who went deer
hunting with her husband, is very proud that she was able
to shoot a fine buck as well as her husband.
- Organ donations from the living
reached a record high last year, outnumbering donors who
are dead for the first time.
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Mr. and Mrs. Adams, of Oronogo,
slumbered peacefully night before last with a large
rattlesnake for a bed-fellow. They were all unconscious
of his snakeships presence or their rest would have
been more disturbed. When Mrs. Adams arose she busied
herself about other household duties for a few minutes
and then started to make up the bed in which she had
slept. As she turned down the straw tick which was on top
of the mattress, she found a large rattlesnake coiled
between them snoozing.
Her movement and screams disturbed the
reptile and it slid down the leg of the bedstead hissing
fiercely at Mrs. Adams. The plucky woman grabbed a broom
and proceeded to end its life with sundry whacks on
vulnerable points.
She was very indignant that the
"nasty thing" should have sought refuge in her
bed which fact added force to her blows.
Today's Feature 2010 BOYLAN ART
Vicki Cash, Director of the
Carthage R-9 School Foundation, announced the
2010 winners of the annual Helen S. Boylan Art
and Writing Contest at the Carthage High School
Academic Awards Night on Thursday, May 13, 2010.
The contest is open to Carthage
High School students and consists of seven
divisions with First, Second and Third places
awarded in each division. The First Place winners
receive $500; the Second Place winners receive
$300, and the Third Place winners receive $200,
resulting in a total of $7,000 in prize money
being distributed.
"The Boylan Foundation
places a high priority on education and actively
supports the Carthage R-9 School District in a
variety of ways," said Cash. "The
annual Helen S. Boylan Art and Writing Contest is
only one example of their generosity in providing
numerous opportunities for our students."
The 2010 winners of the Helen
S. Boylan Art and Writing Contest are:listed on
the inside.
1st Place: Kelly Maxwell
2nd Place: Hannah Bryant
3rd Place: Jordan Denefrio
1st Place: Crystal Buman
2nd Place: Andrea Westhoff
3rd Place: Jordan Denefrio
1st Place: Nicole Petersen
2nd Place: Ben Davis
3rd Place: Kendi Petersen
1st Place: Emily Booker
2nd Place: Andrea Westhoff
3rd Place: Ben Davis
Two-dimensional Drawing
1st Place: Carlos Leon
2nd Place: Adam Christian
3rd Place: Cesar Lopez
Two-dimensional Painting
1st Place: Cesar Lopez
2nd Place: Aaron Butler
3rd Place: Marissa Thompson
Three-dimensional Art
1st Place: Tucker Dunaway
2nd Place: Taylor Dickerson
3rd Place: Jenny Bastin
Just Jake
I figured out this last
week end why they charge so much for small
trees. Somebody has ta dig the dang things
outa the ground.
Even transplanting a fairly
young saplin involves movin a
lotta dirt. Ive seen those contraptions
that look like a big ice cream scoop that
Im sure the folks who move trees for a
livin use. Fact I was startin to
wonder just where to locate one after
bout an hour of shovelin.
Fortunately, diggin a
whole to put a tree in isnt near as
tedious. I recommend dedicatin a
separate day for the plantin hole,
preferably on a separate week end.
Havin a week to consider the task
ahead, and allowin the aches to
subside, might make the price theyre
askin at the tree shop look a lot more
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin.
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Weekly Columns To Your
Good Health
By Paul G. Donohue, M.D.
Women Can
Ignore Most Fibroids
DEAR DR. DONOHUE: A 50-year-old
friend of mine was diagnosed with leiomyoma of
the uterus. Does this have anything to do with
fibroids? She has fibroids, but her doctor says
they are best left alone, since they shrink at
menopause. What causes leiomyoma? Can it become
cancer? What treatments are available? -- L.B.
ANSWER: "Leiomyoma"
(LIE-oh-my-OH-muh) is the medical word for
"fibroid." Fibroids are noncancerous
growths of the uterine muscle. The uterus
basically is a muscular sack with a lining
designed to nourish a fetus.
The cause of fibroids
hasnt been determined.
Theyre extremely common.
By age 35, 40 percent to 50 percent of women have
one or more. By age 50, 70 percent to 90 percent
have at least one fibroid. For most of these
women, fibroids cause no trouble and can be
Large fibroids might cause
pelvic pain, and they can press on adjacent
structures such as the bladder. When that
happens, a woman has a need to empty her bladder
frequently. Heavy menstrual bleeding is a sign of
fibroids. They also can bring painful menstrual
periods, and sometimes they make sexual relations
uncomfortable. Infertility is cited as a possible
effect, but infertility due to fibroids is rare.
Transformation into cancer is
possible, but not probable. If a fibroid grows
rapidly, thats a sign of cancer change and
must be investigated. Most fibroids shrink with
Doctors can treat fibroids in a
number of ways. One is removal of the uterus --
hysterectomy. If a woman wants more children,
sometimes removal of only the fibroid is
possible, and this can be managed in some cases
with a scope and special instruments. Uterine
artery embolization is a newer treatment in which
a slender, soft tube (a catheter) is passed from
a surface artery to the uterine artery. When
its at the precise spot, the doctor
releases sand-size synthetic particles that clog
the artery and cut off the fibroids blood
supply. It withers and is shed.
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