The Mornin' Mail is published every weekday except major holidays
Tuesday, April 10, 2001 Volume IX, Number 207

did ya know?

Did Ya Know?. . .The Carthage Recycling Drop-off Center and Composting Lot has changed its hours of operation. The Center, 1309 Oak Hill Rd., is now open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tues.-Sat. These hours will remain through October.

Did Ya Know?. . .Golden Reflections will hold a Birthday Tea at 2 p.m. on Thurs., April 19th in the McCune-Brooks Hospital dining room. The program will include "Bingo for Fun."

Did Ya Know?. . .Cristie Rose will present "Ribbon, Stitches, Needles & Yarn," at 1 p.m. on Thurs., April 26th at the Powers Museum, 1617 W. Oak St. across from Municipal Park. For more information on the free lecture and Identification Session call 417-358-2667 or email

today's laugh

Teacher- "When was Rome built?"
Percy- "At night."
Teacher- "Who told you that?"
Percy- "You did. You said Rome wasn’t built in a day."

Betty (who has been served with a wing of chicken)- "Mother, can’t I have another bit? This is nothing but hinges."

"Dad, what is influence?"
"Influence, my son, is a thing you think you have until you try to use it."

A Chronological Record of Events as they have Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.

Farmers at Work.

In spite of the ideal condition of the weather, comparatively few farmers visited town today and the merchants report trade from the country a little slow. It is presumed that the farmers generally stayed at home to put in their time while the weather is fair.

A. O. U. W. Social.

The A. O. U. W. lodge members, their wives and families enjoyed a delightful social and supper last night at their ball. Games and dancing were also features. As one member says: "It was rare pleasure for such old fellows as Charley Corwine, Jim Deagan, Charley Tobias and myself to get out on the floor and dance with the children."

J. W. Baird returned last night from his trip to the Indian Territory. He reports that country in an exceedingly thriving condition.

  Today's Feature

Storm Water Costs.

The Public Works Committee is recommending that Sandor Development, the company developing the property between WalMart and Barton’s, be allowed to use the City’s regional storm water detention facility at the northwest corner of the Myers Park Development. The company would pay a one time fee of $22,500 for the use of the facility.

The City requires any commercial development of one acre or more to have a water detention system that meets City code. The City is responsible for maintenance of such facilities after they are built.

The current Myers Park regional detention pond is said to have adequate capacity for the Sandor site as well as the SMB site which will also use the regional system. The one time payment is calculated by the Engineering Department and is intended to offset the eventual cost of future expansion of the regional collection site.

Correction: In last Friday’s, April 6th, issue of the Mornin’ Mail, the Carthage members of the "Show-Me Harmony Chorus" should have been Jo Davison, Rita Johnson, Pat Wall, Rowena Farley, and Shirley Stubbs.


Martin "Bubs" Hohulin
State Representative, District 126

The inmates really are running the asylum. Sometimes I look at some of my colleagues and wonder what color the sky is in their world. What is bringing on this ranting and raving is the reaction to a very common sense bill that is under consideration in the Legislature.

Currently, if a person is fired from their job for using drugs, they are still eligible for unemployment benefits. I was appalled to find this out. If someone is going to do drugs, they should have no benefits of any kind coming. There has been a bill introduced to cut off unemployment benefits to people fired for using drugs. How can anyone be against that? Apparently I underestimate the common sense quotient of liberals.

I expected wailing and gnashing of teeth from the labor unions. They have a long history of trying to protect workers that are either unproductive or, in some cases, downright criminal. What surprised me was the statements of the Senator that represents Boone county. He said, and I am not making this up, ‘This will discriminate against those that abuse drugs’. Well, no kidding! That is what it is intended to do. The way the law is now it is discriminating against the businesses that are providing the jobs, the workers doing their jobs and obeying the laws, and law abiding citizens in general that still have respect for the law.

That is the problem we are facing more and more. If you are some kind of a sicko degenerate that doesn’t follow the rules, there will always be someone there to stick up for you, make excuses for you and immediately proclaim you to be the victim. If anyone dares to point out that those are the people causing trouble for the rest of us, they are immediately condemned as cold hearted, extremist, elitist, or any other variety of terms. They can make up all the excuses and new definitions they want. Right is still right, wrong is still wrong and if we set back, don’t stand up for what we believe in, and let what they say go unchallenged, we are just as guilty as they are.

As usual, I can be reached at House Post Office, State Capitol, Jefferson City, MO 65101, or 1-800-878-7126, or for your questions, comments, or advice.

Just Jake Talkin'


At first glance it looks like a pretty good setup. Require developers to have a storm water system and then charge ‘em for usin’ one you happen to have on site.

Fact is, most developers are quite familiar with storm water detention and the City havin’ an optional regional site is prob’ly looked at as a blessin’. They not only save the cost of construction, they don’t have to use a portion of their property to build it on.

The question raised at earlier negotiations with SMB is whether the City is chargin’ enough to recoup costs for buildin’ the regional site in the first place. As Myers Park is developed, a larger pond is gonna be necessary to handle the expansion. Enough land has been set aside for some growth, but it prob’ly won’t be enough for all.

This is some fact, but mostly,

Just Jake Talkin’.



McCune- Brooks Hospital

Weekly Column

Health Notes

Health & Nutrition by Judith Sheldon

DUCK THE QUACKS: Spring may signal the return of song birds, but the Quack is always among us, and every now and then I like to remind you how you can avoid becoming a victim of unproven medical treatments touted by men and women whose concern is not for your well-being, but for the health of their bank accounts.

Some signs that should warn you to avoid these scamsters include the following:

• The product or treatment is referred to as amazing, miraculous, a medical breakthrough, etc.

• The product or treatment is said to be based on a "secret" or "ancient" formula.

• The product or treatment is said to have immediate and lasting results with no side effects.

• The product or treatment is promoted only through back page ads, direct mail, telemarketing or infomercials.

• The product or treatment uses testimonials from "satisfied" customers to "prove" it works.

Most of the time, the worst that can happen to you is you’ll lose your money for worthless products or treatments. But sometimes, much harm can be done if people waste time with these scams when they could be undergoing timely (and lifesaving) competent medical treatment.

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