The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Monday, April 29, 2002 Volume X, Number 221
did ya
Did Ya Know?. . .The Carthage Public Library will be closed
until 4 p.m. on Mon., April 29th and open from 4 to 8
p.m. On Tues., April 30th the library will be closed
until 2 p.m. and open from 2-8 p.m. During these closed
hours the staff will be installing four new public
Did Ya Know?. . .The Carthage
Humane Society will be open from 9-4 p.m. on Sat., May
4th and from 12-4 p.m. on Sun., May 5th. They will also
be on the Carthage square from 11-3 p.m. on Thurs., May
11th for a Special Adoption Day. If your pet if missing
call 358-6402 ASAP.
Did Ya Know?. . .The Annual
Residential City Wide Spring Clean Up is on Saturday, May
4th, 2002. No trash is to be placed at pickup points
until Friday night. Items should be placed at your
regular designated pick up. Rocks, batteries,
refrigerators, freezers, A.C.s, yard waste, paint,
chemicals, hazardous household waste, and items over 75
lbs. will not be picked up.
"This seal coat is
fine. But will it stand rain?"
"Madam, did you ever see a
seal with an umbrella?"
"You opening sale has closed. What
"Our closing sale opens."
A Chronological Record of
Events as they have Transpired in the City and County
since our last Issue.
People in Oklahoma.
A friend of the newspaper at Chandler,
Okla., sends the following notes of interest to Carthage
"Miss Kathryn Herrin and mother
are here for a weeks visit with Hayes.
"Young Carpenter, who was last
owner of the Carthage soap factory, is traveling out of
Oklahoma City for a wholesale grocery.
"Fred Gates, a former Carthage
boy, who for years was in the lumber business, is now
traveling through Oklahoma for a Kansas City hardware
"J. C. Edmonds, who left Carthage
last June, now has a good farm two miles out from town
and is planting 100 acres of cotton this season, for
which he will get probably $1,500.
"W. Willoughby has returned to
Carthage for a two weeks visit."
Today's Feature
Carthage Regional Arts Festival.
Art mediums of all
kinds will be displayed during the Carthage
Regional Arts Festival. This music and fine arts
show is set for Saturday, May 4th, 2002, and will
be held from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on the historic
Carthage Square in Carthage, MO.
Numerous artists included in
the show are Bob Tommey, Lowell Davis, Debbie
Tobiaz, Todd Williams, Sabrina Walker, Norm
Bernier, Sean Shuster, Kevin Guinn, April Leiter,
Martha Unruh, Jeanette Westbay, Teresa Hatcher,
Dee Eigenmann, Jake Evans and various artists
with Art Forum.
Other festivities throughout
the day include musical entertainment,
childrens activities and various food
Musical groups include the
Ozark Festival Orchestra: Tim Whitmer group from
Kansas City featuring blues music; Kenny Babb and
Phil Rogers Duo with blues and jazz; Southern
Jazz Quartet; and Jim Hunter and the Mellotones
with a big band sound.
A new feature offered at this
years event is an historic homes tour.
Guests can ride in the Double Decker bus to take
the tour of the Kendrick House, White Rose Bed
& Breakfast; Grand Avenue Bed & Breakfast
and Leggett House Bed & Breakfast. Historic
Homes Tour price is $10 and includes all four
During the Art Show, several
food vendors will be located on the Square, as
well as the Farmers Market, offering
numerous varieties of fresh fruits, vegetables
and other goods from area residents.
Located in southwest Missouri,
Carthage community organizers are excited about
this excellent show.
"This is the second year
for this event," said Thomas Klinginsmith,
chairman of Carthage Regional Arts Festival.
"We were pleased with last years
turnout and look forward to another successful
year. We have a lot of fun things planned and
invite everyone to come out. It is a popular time
for families to look for fun activities that they
can attend and enjoy together. This is one of
those events; it is a good time for all
Carthage Regional Arts Festival
is in cooperation with the Carthage Chamber of
Commerce, Main Street Carthage, Boylan
Foundation, the Carthage Heritage Gallery
&Museum, LLC, and is assisted by Precious
For more information, please
call Sandy Higgins at 417-358-7163 or Tonjia
Everts at 417-358-3316.
Just Jake
Ive never been
involved in the windin of a May pole. I
dont even know if windin is the
correct term for the ceremony.
In grade school seems one a
the teachers set up a stick with crepe paper
stringers and called it a May pole. Streamers
weaved in and out wrappin around the
stick. Supposed to be somethin to do
with spring and bein a good crop year
from what I remember. A tradition from some
far off place. I must not have paid much
The first a May at that
time was set aside for startin the
countdown ta when school would be out. No
time for playin ring around the May
pole. It was time for the fishin pole.
Baseball was just around the corner.
Mowin lawns for some spendin
money. Bicycle rides in the country. Now
theres a tradition worth
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin.
Sponsored by
Carthage Printing Services
Weekly Column
Super Handyman
by Al Carrell & Kelly
A nail apron is a handy thing
to have. Most have a large pocket across the
front. One thing you can do to make your apron
more versatile is to add sections to the pocket.
Put small plastic containers
into the pocket to hold a variety of things
without getting them all mixed up. Cut off the
tops of the plastic containers so they wont
stick up over the pocket. You could really get
organized with a nail apron like that.
A SUPER HINT: To keep hand
tools with round handles from rolling off your
workbench when you set them down, wrap the
handles with rubber bands. It will help keep them
from rolling and also can give you a better grip.
Dear Kelly: Most of the
doorknobs in our home are the old crystal type,
and some are even antiques. A lot of them rattle
because they are so old and dont fit tight
like they used to. It has always bothered me, so
I finally did something about it. I put a dab of
clear silicon caulk inside the works of each knob
and then pushed them back together.
The caulk takes up the slack
and quiets the knobs from rattling. It works
great, and I dont feel like the caulk will
ruin the knobs. - M.M.
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Heritage Publishing. All rights reserved.