The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Thursday, August 22, 2002 Volume XI, Number 47
did ya
Did Ya Know?. . .The Powers Museum will have a Junior
Ragtime Contest on Sat., Aug. 31st. Entries are due by
Sat., Aug. 24th. There is no entry fee. For more info
call Powers Museum at 358-2667.
Did Ya Know?. . .The City of
Carthage will be spraying for mosquitoes next week,
Mon.-Fri., Aug. 26th through Aug. 30th. Your area will be
sprayed in the evening of the day your trash is picked
up, between 8 p.m. and 11 p.m. You may want to turn off
any attic or window fans while the sprayer is in the
Did Ya Know?. . .The next
Diabetes Support Group will meet from 4-5 p.m. on
Wednesday, August 28th in the dining room at the
McCune-Brooks Hospital. The topic will be "Care for
your Kidneys: Blood Sugar and Kidney Disease," with
speaker Jane Bycroft, RN.
Salesman: Im
sorry, sir, I just dropped this clock on the floor.
Store Owner: Did it stop?
Salesman: Certainly. You didnt
expect it to go through to the basement, did you?
One delegate to another at the close of
a very long meeting: "The thing that left the
strongest impression on me from the meeting was the
folding chairs."
A Chronological Record of
Events as they have Transpired in the City and County
since our last Issue.
Charles Newbert, Jr., of this city
surprised his many friends by bringing home with him from
his visit to North Missouri a young and pretty bride.
Last Tuesday morning he was married to Miss Minnie J.
Maiden of Vandalia in Mexico, Mo. They left immediately
after the ceremony for their home in Carthage.
The groom is well and favorably known
in this city, and has many warm personal friends to
welcome him and his bride to the city.
The bride is a most estimable young
lady and stood high in her former home. They will be at
home to their friends at 324 McGregor street. They have
been the recipients of two serena des since their return.
Dr. Husseys new quarters on west
Third street are accessible and comfortable and the
doctor is prepared to do all dental work in an up-to-date
Today's Feature
2002 Tax
Certificate Sale.
Four-hundred thirty-seven parcels remain as of
today on the delinquent tax certificate sale list
according to the information released today by
Stephen H. Holt, Jasper County Collector of
Revenue. The breakdown is as follows: Eastern
District 157; Central District 108; and Western
District 172.
All 2002 and prior delinquent
years of Real Estate Taxes will be offered at the
tax sale beginning at 10:00 a.m. on the third
floor of the Jasper County Courthouse. The sale
will be held on Monday, Aug. 26, 2002, as
required by Missouri State Statutes. A current
delinquent listing is posted at the west entrance
of the Jasper County Courthouse Carthage. All
2000 and prior payments must be received in the
Collectors offices in Joplin or Carthage
prior to 12:00 p.m. on Friday, Aug. 23, 2002 to
avoid the sale.
The Joplin Collectors
office will be closed on Monday, Aug. 26, 2002
for the Tax Sale and will re-open at 8:30 a.m. on
Tuesday, Aug. 27, 2002. The Carthage office
located in the Courthouse will be closed during
the sale and will re-open after the sale is
completed Monday, Aug. 26, 2002.
to the Max
Dale Jarrett has probably
looked at his calendar and knows when the next
time August 18 falls on a Sunday. Jarrett is also
probably already lobbying NASCAR to race at
Michigan International Speedway on that date. The
series has raced on August 18 at MIS three times
since 1991 and Jarrett has won all three.
Jarretts first career victory came at MIS
in the 1991 race when he beat the late Davey
Allison by mere inches.
Jarretts day did not
start out with him looking like he would contend
for the win. On lap 11 of the scheduled 200,
Jarrett lost control of his car, skidded across
the infield and damaged the front end of his car.
Jarretts accident brought out the first of
7 cautions and afforded Jarretts crew time
to adjust his car back into race trim.
With less than 40 laps
remaining, Jarretts crew elected to give
him four fresh tires during the races next to
last caution period. Jarrett then began his slow
progression up through the field until he took
the lead with five laps remaining and held off a
hard charging Tony Stewart by 20 car lengths to
claim his 30th career victory.
The series next stop will
be this Saturday evening for the Sharpie 500 from
Bristol Motor Speedway. Bristol is a .533-mile
short track with 36 degree banking through the
turns, the steepest on the tour. Several drivers
have likened racing at Bristol to flying a
fighter jet in a gymnasium. Drivers will lap the
track in just over 15 seconds and speeds will
exceed 120 mph. Because of the tight quarters,
caution periods are numerous and more than 15 is
common. There will be considerable bumping and
banging with very few cars leaving the track
without some sort of bumper or fender damage.
Of the past three Bristol
races, Kurt Busch and Elliott Sadler have claimed
their first career victory here. Dont count
out the cagey veteran Rusty Wallace or Tony
Stewart, who won this race last year, to be among
the challengers of the 43 starters.
Just Jake
Believe it or not,
were just a little over a week away
from Labor Day. When a friend mentioned that
I thought he must have had too much sun, but,
a look at the calendar confirmed. September 2
is the last unofficial holiday of the summer.
Course the worst is the fact that it
means three months till the
Thanksgiving holiday.
Maple Leaf and Halloween
are fast approachin and that gives the
holiday atmosphere, even if ya dont get
a long weekend. Its the time a year ya
know those summer projects need ta be
gettin started.
Naturally the large ones
will just have ta wait another year, but
those smaller ones are still on the list.
This time a year it just seems too hot for
some, so there is a little window of hope for
a couple. Sides, its almost time
to attend to winter chores postponed from
last year.
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin.
Sponsored by
Metcalf Auto Supply
Weekly Column
& Clack
By Tom & Ray Magliozzi
Dear Tom &
My 93 Ford F150 is
spouting oil out of the dipstick, and the oil is
then running down the arm of the dipstick and
burning on the top of the engine.
A mechanic told me its
due to the age of the engine (174,000 miles). Is
there is anything I can do? I live in Fairbanks,
Alaska it gets cold up here in the winter
(-25 F), and I need my truck. Jamie
TOM: Unfortunately, I think
your mechanic is probably right, Jamie. Most
likely, youve got a wicked case of blow-by.
RAY: Blow-by occurs when
combustion gasses slip by old, worn-out piston
rings and end up in the crankcase, where they
dont belong. Actually, a small amount of
blow-by is normal and is easily expunged by the
crankcase ventilation system. But on old heaps
(i.e., yours), worn-out rings can let so much
stuff into the crankcase that the ventilation
system just cant handle it.
TOM: So the pressure in the
crankcase builds up until gasses and oil try to
escape any way they can. And we often see
air-filter housings full of oil, seals blown out
or leaking, and the occasional dribbling
RAY: The solution is an engine
rebuild, which would include a ring job. But,
before that, take a close look at the dipstick.
Theres a rubber seal around the top of the
dipstick that keeps oil from spilling out of the
dipstick tube. Theres always pressure
pushing up on the dipstick seal, and if your seal
is no good, that could explain why the dipstick
is being pushed out and the oil is leaking. And
that seal can be replaced for pennies.
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Heritage Publishing. All rights reserved.