The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Thursday, December 19, 2002 Volume XI, Number 130
did ya
Did Ya Know?. . .Golden Reflections will have a Christmas
Party from 5-7 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 20th in the
McCune-Brooks hospital cafeteria. There will be music,
entertainment and snacks.
Did Ya Know?. . .Auditions for
Stones Throw Dinner Theatres next production,
"Sylvia" by A. R. Gurney will be on Sunday,
Dec. 22nd at 7:30 p.m. at the theatre, 796 South Stone
Lane, Carthage. Call 417-358-9665 or 417-358-7268 for
more information.
Did Ya Know?. . .The Carthage
Public Library will be closed Tues., Dec. 24th &
Wed., Dec. 25th. It will close at 5 p.m. on Tues., Dec.
31st and all day Wed., Jan. 1st.
The happy ending of
some movies is the mere fact that they have ended.
To keep a friendship from breaking,
dont drop it.
I dont mind my wife serving T.V.
dinners, but now shes serving re-runs.
A drumstick is a chicken-on-the-cob.
Man is lazy by nature, so God gave us
children to get us up early.
A Chronological Record of
Events as they have Transpired in the City and County
since our last Issue.
Novel Cremation
Exercises at Christian Church Tomorrow.
Today for the first time the Christian
church of this city is formally free from debt. The
mortgage given for $3,000 in 1887, to Robt. Lanyon, was
released and canceled today and the transaction recorded
at the county recorders office.
As a measure of rejoicing there will be
a public cremation exercise tomorrow night at the church,
the deed of trust and note being burned at the altar.
Everybody is invited.
The Cumberland Sunday school has
elected the following officers for the ensuing year:
Superintendent, Joseph A. Prather; Assistant, A. P.
Knowles; Primary, Miss Pearl Blake; Home Department, Mrs.
J. F. Thurman; Assistant, Miss Anna Weeks.
Today's Feature
Extra Hours For
City Hall will be open from
8:30 to 10:30 a.m. on Christmas Eve. The day is a
City holiday, but state statutes require
candidates for the April election be given an
opportunity to file for office on the 24th this
year. The County elections office will be open at
8 a.m. for at least an hour to allow for filing
of road district candidates.
City elections will be for City
Council members. Six council seats will be voted.
These include the five usual seats for two year
terms, plus a one year term for the remainder of
Fourth Ward member Jim McPheeters who resigned
his seat. Ron Ferguson was appointed to fill the
vacated seat, but is required to be elected to
fulfill the remaining year of McPheeters term.
Each of the five wards have two
council representatives with one from each ward
being elected for a two year term each year.
The five scheduled seats up for
election this April will be Chuck Tobrock, Ward
1; Ronnie Wells, Ward 2; J.D. Whitledge, Ward 3;
Bill Putnam, Ward 4; and Jim Woestman, Ward 5.
Candidates need twenty-five
dollars or 25 signatures from ward voters to
to the Max
Another piece of the silly
season puzzle fell into place recently when John
Andretti signed a new contract with Petty
Enterprises. Andretti has been with Petty for
several years and the sticking point in this
contract was reported to be Andrettis
desire to run the Indy Racing Leagues
Indianapolis 500.
The Indy 500 is an early
afternoon race and occurs on the same day as the
NASCARs Coca-Cola 600, which is run in the
Andretti and a few other
drivers including Tony Stewart and Robbie Gordon
have competed in both on the same day but doing
so is a logistics nightmare. To accomplish both
involves the driver leaving the track immediately
after the 500 is over for a short helicopter ride
to the airport where a private jet is boarded for
the trip to Charlotte, NC. The driver then exits
the jet for another helicopter ride to
Lowes Motor Speedway, usually just in time
for driver introductions. No official word on how
Andrettis contract was ultimately
Several notable veterans are
preparing to watch the races next year from an
easy chair rather than from the drivers
seat. Ken Schrader, Bobby Hamilton and Jimmie
Spencer have combined for over 1300 starts in
NASCARs premier series but none of them
have secured a ride for next year. Hamilton
missed several races last season due to injury,
Spencer failed to qualify for several events and
Schrader has gone through a victory drought
dating back over eleven years to June of 1991.
Though sporting over 1300 starts, the trio has
combined for only 10 victories.
Further complicating matters
for some of the veteran drivers has been the
success of many of the sports young stars. During
the 2002 season 23 of the 36 races were won by
drivers 31 years old or younger. Drivers 40 or
older only won 10 races. Hamilton, Schrader and
Spencer are all in their mid-40s. The
competitive nature of the three will somehow find
them behind the wheel.
To the faithful NASCAR to
the Max readers, Happy Holidays from the Max.
Just Jake
Its good ta see that
the evenin paper has such a good grasp
on public sentiment. In yesterday
evenins editorial told the library
board, who has spent the last couple a years
developin a plan for expansion of the
Library, to never mind at this time.
The sky is fallin as
far as government spendin is concerned,
accordin to the editorial. No need in
puttin out effort to try and convince
folks the expansion would be a legitimate
undertakin, no one will listen, was the
wisdom. Wait till folks dont care
about taxes, I suppose, and then do the
As Ive often quoted
in the past, "timin is the most
critical component of any rain dance."
But if ya spend your life as a wall flower,
ya wont ever learn how ta dance. Sure
it will be a tough sell, but lets at
least hear the pitch.
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin.
Sponsored by
Metcalf Auto Supply
Weekly Column
& Clack
By Tom & Ray Magliozzi
Dear Tom and
Ive got a problem
Im sure you guys can help me fix. The power
steering on my 1996 Volvo 850 Wagon doesnt
seem to work on cold mornings. The steering is
very stiff until I reach the first traffic light
on the way to work. Then it works fine. The
dealers mechanic says the seals are fine
and the pump is working OK. The belt is also OK,
and the reservoir is full of fluid. This problem
only shows up when its below 40 degrees
outside, and it gets bad below 30. This is a real
safety hazard, and Im afraid to let my wife
drive the car. Help! Bob.
RAY: Geez, Bob. I hope
its not what it sounds like.
TOM: My brother thinks you have
a bad steering rack, Bob.
RAY: Unfortunately, you have
the classic symptoms. I still remember when the
first car with these symptoms presented itself to
us, back around 1982. It was a GM X-body car,
like a Chevy Citation. And we wondered, what can
this be? This is unusual ...
TOM: And a decade and a half
later, about 14 zillion GM owners had new
power-steering racks, at 600 bucks a pop. And
wait til you see what it costs on a Volvo!
RAY: But before you panic and
take out a home equity loan, have your Volvo
mechanic check out the pump more thoroughly. The
only way to really check the pump is to put a
gauge on it and measure how much pressure
its putting out. So insist that your
mechanic do that. And even if the pump seems to
be OK, you might ask him to try a new one anyway,
since its relatively inexpensive.
TOM: But if all else fails,
starts saving your pesos, Bob, because a new
Volvo rack is around a thousand bucks.
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Heritage Publishing. All rights reserved.