Railroad Agent-
"Heres another farmer who is suing us on
account of his cows."
Official- "One of our trains
has killed them, I suppose?"
Railroad Agent- "No, he claims our trains go by so
slow that the passengers lean out of the windows and milk
the cows when they go by."
Conductor- "Do you mind if I put
your bag out of the way, sir? People coming in are
falling over it."
Traveler- "You leave it where it is. If nobody falls
over it I shall forget its there."
The decrepit old car drove up to the
"Fifty cents," cried the gateman.
"Sold," replied the driver.
A Chronological Record of
Events as they have Transpired in the City and County
since our last Issue.
All Busy.
"There is more work for
stonemasons now in progress in Carthage," said a
local stone contractor last night, "than I ever knew
at this time of year before. There is not only lots of
building going on, but many new stone walks are being
laid. There will be plenty of work for stonemasons in
Carthage all through the winter, which is unsual for any
Entertained at Whist.
Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Leach entertained
at whist last night in honor of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Gowdy,
who have lately arrived in the city and are stopping at
the Arlington hotel.
The guests were, Mr. and Mrs. Milt
Davison, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Meehan, Miss Leona Dodwell,
Mrs. Gowdys sister, Miss Adell Reece, John Emerson
and Leigh Dodwell.
Today's Feature
Mill Split Vote.
A presentation by the Carthage
Mill & Museum Park Corporation got mixed
reactions from members of the City Council at the
regular Council meeting in City Hall Tuesday
evening. A request for endorsement of the project
was approved, but by a split vote of 5-3. Members
Bill Putnam and Jim McPheeters were absent.
Council members Ronnie Wells,
J.D. Whitledge, and Jim Woestman voted against
the endorsement.
Woestman said he thought the
idea of turning the one hundred fifty-one acres
around the site know as Morrow Mill was a good
one, but wanted more information about the
organization putting the multi-million dollar
project together.
J.D Whitledge was concerned
because the proposed free park would not allow
access or exit from the river around the dam.
The endorsement did not commit
any funds or commitment from the City, but rather
will be used to show community support when state
and federal grants are sought by the corporation.
The first phase of the park is
scheduled to be open in 2004.
to the Max
Preseason testing has begun at
Daytona International Speedway, home of the
Daytona 500, which kicks off the NASCAR Season on
February 17. In previous years, these tests were
conducted as three series of two-day tests,
one for each car manufacturer (GM, Pontiac and
Dodge). This year the tests are being conducted
as two series of three-day tests. One
series is comprised of those who finished
in the odd numbers of the seasons final
points standings, the other being filled
with the even number finishing positions. The
major drawback to the previous method was that
all of the sessions had to have been completed
before NASCAR could look at the results and
determine if any rules changes needed to be made.
It also often lead to accusations among the
various makes that the others were
"sandbagging", or holding back, in an
effort to get favorable rule changes. Using this
years method, each make will be represented
on the track at the same time and the sanctioning
body can make changes to the rules and
requirements as the tests are being conducted and
have the results immediately. After the first day
of this years first session, which was held
Monday, January 7, Rookie Jimmie Johnson holds
the top speed. Johnson is driving a car co-owned
by last years Champion, Jeff Gordon and
Gordons team owner Rick Hendrick.
Johnsons speed was 183.120, slightly slower
than last years pole speed of 183.565 by
Bill Elliott.
Missourian and World of Outlaws
Sprint Car Champion Danny Lasoski has been
invited to participate in this years
International Race of Champions. IROC is a series
pitting 12 drivers from different series in
identically prepared Pontiac Firebirds.
Lasoskis car owner, and NASCAR Superstar,
Tony Stewart has also been invited to
participate. Though WOO participants are
uncommon, former WOO Champion Steve Kinser won an
IROC Round at Talladega Superspeedway, a track
usually dominated by the NASCAR contingency.
Add NASCAR Rookie-of-the-Year
winner Kevin Harvicks name to the list of
NASCAR drivers to compete in the Rolex 24 Hours
of Daytona on February 2 and 3.
Just Jake
Nothin like a couple
a 50 or 60 degree days in the middle of
January to brighten up the spirits some.
Course with the relatively mild winter
weve had, its hard ta claim cabin
Im always interested
in the studies they do with folks bein
deprived of sunlight over a period of time.
They say when folks dont have clocks or
the sun to regulate their time, the natural
rhythm of sleep and time awake moves into
about a 25 hour cycle. Seems odd that we
havent yet trained our bodies to more
closely match the cycle of the sun. Or maybe
when our biological clocks were bein
set, the days were actually longer.
Instead of daylight
savin time, maybe we should just go
with the twenty-five hour day. Thered
be less of em ta keep track of but on
occasion ya get ta sleep in some.
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin.
Sponsored by
Metcalf Auto Supply
Weekly Column
& Clack
by Tom & Ray Magliozzi
Dear Tom and Ray:
I have received a battery
charger as a gift. It has the following settings
on it: 6-volt/6amp; 12-volt/2 amp; 12-volt/6 amp.
I have a 1982 Oldsmobile, a 77 Chevy pickup
truck and a Snapper rider mower.
Which of the above settings
should be used to charge the batteries on each of
these vehicles? - Bob
Tom: Well, for the first two
vehicles, the Olds and the Chevy, you should use
the 12-volt/6 amp setting. The first number, the
voltage, is determined by the battery. And all
modern cars use 12-volt electrical systems.
Ray: The second number,
amperage, is a measure of how much electricity
can flow through the chargers wires at any
given time. And even your highest setting, 6
amps, is not very much.
A 6-amp charger would take all
night to transfer enough electricity to charge
your cars battery.
Thats why they call your
device a "trickle charger," because the
electricity trickles in slowly.
Tom: As for your riding mower,
I dont know for certain what kind of
electrical system it has.
Many of them use 12-volt
systems, but without knowing the age of the
mower, I cant say for sure.
The voltage should be written
right on the battery (or you can always call the
company to be sure). And as long as the voltage
is set correctly, I think either amperage setting
would be OK.
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Heritage Publishing. All rights reserved.