The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Monday, January 14, 2002 Volume X, Number 146
did ya
Did Ya Know?. . .The deadline
for Chamber of Commerce Banquet tickets is today, Monday,
January 14th. The banquet is Friday, January 18th. Call
358-2373 for more information.
Did Ya Know?. . .The Golden
Reflections Senior Program of McCune-Brooks Hospital will
have their next monthly program at 2 p.m. on Thurs., Jan.
17th in the McCune-Brooks Hospital cafeteria. Steve
Cooper, from the Carthage Crisis Center, will speak then
Bingo for Fun will be played. Visitors 55 years or older
are welcome to attend.
Did Ya Know?. . .The Carthage
Humane Society have pets that need loving homes. For more
information call 358-6402.
Two small boys were
discussing the capabilities of their mothers, who were
active club members.
"My mother can talk on just
about any subject," one lad declared proudly.
"Aw, shucks," retorted the other, "my
mother can talk without any subject at all."
Auntie- "What did little Margaret
get at the birthday party?"
Mother- "Three books, four handkerchiefs, and the
I even say "Thank you" when
the automatic door opens for me.
A Chronological Record of
Events as they have Transpired in the City and County
since our last Issue.
Factory Running.
The Mason furniture factory started up
again yesterday at noon, after being shut down a week on
account of lack of lumber. A carload of oak and
cottonwood lumber arrived yesterday morning, thus
enabling them to start up again.
The lumber had been sent for in plenty
of time, but there was a delay at the mill, which was
particularly inconvenient at this time, as the factory
was already behind with its orders. It will now push work
all the faster.
Lamar Wants a Game.
Ralph Bowling of Lamar ventured into
the lair of the Carthage High school football
"tigers" yesterday seeking a game for the Lamar
High school next Friday. Capt. Neely Friend was out on a
man-hunt, however, and failed to meet the Lamar youth. He
has written for the game and hopes to secure it just the
Today's Feature
Budget Season Starts.
The City Council Budget/Ways
and Means Committee is scheduled to meet this
evening in City Hall at 7 oclock to begin
the annual budget process.
The agenda includes a look at
the mid year status for this fiscal year which
runs from July to June. The Committee is also
scheduled to look at the five year capital
improvement program and set the fiscal year 2003
budget goals and objectives. Committee Chair
Jackie Boyer has asked that Council members not
on the committee attend the meeting and
participate in the discussion.
These initial sessions are for
planning purposes. Actual budget meetings will
not start until after the April election.
For Filing Tomorrow.
All candidates for City Council
have until Tuesday, January 15 at 5 p.m. to file
for office. As of last Friday afternoon Ward One
did not have a candidate filed to replace current
Council member Larry Ross. Ross announced several
weeks ago that he would not seek reelection. Ward
Two member Bill Fortune filed last week for
reelection. Ward Three member Jim McPheeters is
challenged by Carey Murphy.
Just Jake
There will be a race for
the three School Board seats open this year.
Until late last week only three had filed.
At this point all three
incumbents, Tony Diggs, Mike Wells, and Dr.
Micheal Woody have filed. Nate Stokes will
make his second attempt at being elected to
the Board.
The big push now is to get
someone from the First Ward to file.
Course if no one files, the Mayor at
the time (another unanswered question at this
time) will appoint someone to the seat.
This would make an
interestin fix, the race for Mayor
would actually be also for the rights to
bring another Council member on board. The
Council would have to approve the
appointment, but thats mostly a
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin.
Sponsored by
Workman's Loan
Weekly Column
The Super Handyman
by Al Carrell & Kelly
Screwdrivers are about the most
used of all tools. Heres a great way to
store them. Use a round salt box. Fill it with
sand, and keep the screwdrivers with the tips
poked in the sand. The sand keeps the
screwdrivers upright and keeps the container from
falling over. Its easy to pull out a
particular screwdriver when you need it. The sand
also protects the tools. A drop or two of
lightweight oil in the sand would give them even
more protection.
Super Hint - If you keep a few
basic tools in the trunk of the car and are tired
of listening to them rattle around back there,
store them in some rubber boots. The boots can
keep your tools quiet, and with winter weather
around the corner, the boots might come in handy.
Super Hint - To get a better
seal on a half-used can of paint and keep it from
drying out, put the lid on the can and then turn
it upside down for a couple of seconds. The paint
itself helps seal the can.
Q: We are planning to pour a
new, circular concrete driveway this fall. Is
there a rule of thumb on how far apart the
expansion joints should be located in a circular
drive? - H. H.
A: If the circular drive starts
at a concrete walk, you must have an expansion
joint at both ends. In between, shoot for
additional joints about every eight feet or so.
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