The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Wednesday, July 10, 2002 Volume XI, Number 16
did ya
Did Ya Know?. . .The Carthage Masonic Lodge #197 will have a
move up night at their regular meeting at 7:30 p.m. on
Thurs., July 11th. Dinner will be served before the
meeting. All Masons are encouraged to attend.
Did Ya Know?. . .The Carthage
Humane Society has the perfect pet for you. Call 358-6402
if your pet is lost.
Did Ya Know?. . .The Fair Acres
Family YMCA is currently accepting registrations for a
Co-ed Sand Volleyball League. The league will be held on
Tues. nights and will run for 6 weeks. Cost is $100 per
team and the deadline for registration is July 17th. For
more information call 358-1070.
Salesman to airline
clerk: "How can anything that goes eight hundred
miles an hour be late?"
A hillbilly goes to New York for a few
days and returns home. Neighbors ask him, "Did you
see the city?"
The hillbilly says, "Tell you the truth, there was
so much going on at the bus depot, I never got into the
I only had one concern when I was in
the hospital. I just wanted to make sure the doctors
didnt go to the same school as the cooks.
A Chronological Record of
Events as they have Transpired in the City and County
since our last Issue.
Stray Bicycle.
Officer Drake yesterday evening ran
across a wheel that had probably been stolen. It had been
found recently in an alley in the east part of town by
someone, with an old coat thrown over it. It looks like
it had seen hard usage lately. The saddle is badly worn
and one peddle is substituted by an old bolt, screwed
firmly into the pedal crank. The wheel is Crescent No. 1
and was turned over to the officers to be held for
Knells $100,000
While at Galena E. Knell learned of a
citizen worth $100,000 of that town who hitched a fine
horse and road wagon outside the driving park and crawled
through a hole in the fence to witness the races. If
there is anybody in Carthage worth $100,000 who
doesnt feel like paying $1 to attend the Jasper
county fair in September, Mr. Knell wants to give him a
Today's Feature
Students To Be Awarded Scholarships.
Washington, D.C. -
Jacqueline Anderson of Carthage was one of
nineteen Southwest Missouri high school seniors
that will receive four year, federally-funded,
honors scholarships according to Seventh District
Congressman Roy Blunt. The Robert C. Byrd honors
Scholarship Program awards up to $1500 per year
for their first four years of study at a
four-year institution of higher learning. The
scholarship may be renewed three times, depending
on maintenance of good standing as defined by the
institution of higher learning. The amount of the
scholarship varies each year depending on federal
pays to get good grades," Congressman Blunt
declared. "Students often have a hard time
comprehending what that means, until it comes
time to finance four years of higher learning in
a college, vo-tech school, or community college.
It's very expensive and that cost is growing.
Winning a scholarship, like the Robert C. Byrd
Program, removes a barrier to a higher education
for children in many families, and eases the debt
load on a student who may be dependent on
Just Jake
Ive been to a few
county fairs.
Some a my earliest memories
of the experience was when I was
visitin my city cousin who lived
several blocks from where the fair was taken
It was late in the
evenin and we could hear an auction
goin on. We knew some of the livestock
would be auctioned, but the prices that were
bein called out seemed low for farm
animals. Things were sellin in the $35
to $50 range. All I could figure was they
were sellin high dollar chickens or
small pigs.
My cousin and I
walked to the location and to my surprise the
folks there were payin that kinda money
for homemade pies. As I look back they may
have been rasin money for the fair, but
as a kid I couldnt imagine any pie
bringin the price of a brand new
bicycle. Course I never tasted the pies.
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin.
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Carthage Printing Services
Weekly Column
by Donna Erickson
When you make this concoction
with your family, your kids will be the first on
the block to say, "We cook sand!"
This zany recipe for making
play clay out of sand will provide unforgettable
summertime fun.
In an old cooking pot, you use
for crafts, mix 1 cup of clean sand, (available
at hardware stores or lumber yards) 1/2 cup
cornstarch, 1 1/2 teaspoons powdered alum
(available at grocery stores in the spice
section) and 1/2 cup water. Let your child stir
the mixture with hands or a wooden spoon. An
adult should place the mixture on the stove on
low heat stirring constantly with the spoon. As
the mixture becomes warm, it begins to liquefy.
In 2-3 minutes, watch for it to thicken. Continue
to stir until the consistency of play clay.
Remove from heat. Let cool.
Enjoy playing with the clay as
you would any regular play clay. Or try these two
Make a sand picture
frame. Arrange and glue a few seashells on a
wooden frame with a 1-inch or larger edge. Use a
paint brush to apply household glue directly onto
the frame around the shells. With your fingers,
press a thin layer of sand goop on the glue. Let
dry for about 2 days. Brush off any loose sand.
Place a picture from your summer vacation in the
frame for a special family memory.
Make an archaeological
surprise. Form a ball of sand goop (the size of a
tennis ball) around a small rubber toy or
whimsical plastic trinket. Let dry for a few days
until the ball is hard. At a party, tap the ball
with a hammer. It will crack open to reveal the
Note: For best results, store
unused sand goop in an airtight container. Use
within 2 days.
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