The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Wednesday, June 12, 2002 Volume X, Number 252
did ya
Did Ya Know?. . .The Carthage Masonic Lodge #187 will be
working in the first degree at 7:30 p.m. on Thurs., June
13th. Dinner will be served before the meeting and all
Masons are encouraged to attend.
Did Ya Know?. . .The Carthage
Humane Society has the perfect pet for you. Stop by the
corner of 3rd & Garrison (next to Beimdiek Insurance)
at 10 a.m. on Sat., June 22nd for Pet Adoption Day.
Gifts, raffles and coupons from area vets will be given
away. Pick from a variety of loving animals. Call
358-6402 if your pet is lost.
I finally found out
what basketball players do during the off-season. They go
to the movies and sit in front of me.
The old man was cleaning up in the
branch bank at night when the phone rang. He answered,
The voice at the other end said, "Can you tell me
the penalty for withdrawing a five-year CD at the end of
thirty-eight months?"
The old man said, "When I said, Hello, I
told you all I know about banking."
"Why did Moses wander in the
desert for forty years?"
"Because even then a man wouldnt stop and ask
for directions."
A Chronological Record of
Events as they have Transpired in the City and County
since our last Issue.
A large and appreciative audience
greeted the first production of Hal Keiths famous
comedy, "For One Night Only," last night at
Lakeside theatre.
The piece abounds in uproariously funny
and ludicrous situations, and heart-stopping climaxes.
The company render this production in such good form that
it would please the writer himself were he here to
witness it. The specialties between acts are all new and
clever, and delights the audience.
The clever acting of Miss Summerlin,
the leading lady, and of Miss Langdon, the talented
daughter of Mr. Goldwhinney, deserve special praise.
The same performance will be given
tonight and Saturday night.
Sunday there will be a matinee at 3
p.m., night performance commencing at 8:20. There will be
two new performances. Performances every night next week.
Today's Feature
To Lecture at Carver Monument.
Park Volunteer Mary Ann Willis
from Oak Street Health and Herbs is scheduled to
lecture on Traditional Medicinal Herbs at George
Washington Carver National Monument. A growing
interest in plants and herbs, especially during
the spring and summer when blooms are abundant,
has made this program quite popular. Ms. Willis
will present her program on Sunday, June 16 from
1 p.m. to 2 p.m. Beginner naturalists, as well as
those with experience growing herbs, will benefit
from this program.
Administered by the National
Park Service, an agency of the Department of
Interior, George Washington Carver National
Monument preserves the birthplace and childhood
home of George Washington Carver, scientists,
educator, and humanitarian.
The monument is located two
miles west of Diamond, Missouri, on Highway V,
then 1/2 mile south on Carver Road. For more
information, please call the park at 417-325-4151
between 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.
The National Park Service cares
for special places, saved by the American people
so all may experience the nations heritage.
Just Jake
The old story is that a fly
born in a vinegar jar wouldnt know any
better and think it was the sweetest place on
My theory is still that
most folks would choose to live in this part
of the country, especially Carthage, if they
just knew such a place existed.
Course the down side
a that is if everone moved here, it
just wouldnt be the same. I can
remember an in-law that lived in LA
bein thrilled that she found a home
only 90 minutes drive from work. No thanks.
I personally enjoy
bein a couple hours away from the big
city. Close enough to be convenient, but far
enough away to avoid the day-to-day hassle.
Now if we could only get
the State to build a SW Missouri ball field.
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin.
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Carthage Printing Services
Weekly Column
by Donna Erickson
Your kids will hit a home run
with Dad this year when they make him original
All Star Fathers Day cards modeled after standard
baseball collectors cards. The completed cards
will give Dad the beginnings of a collection of
his most valuable players. As the kids grow and
change, new cards can be created for Dad to build
on from one year to the next.
To start, outline a baseball
card on an index card or measure a 2 1/2 by 3 1/2
size. Cut out. On the front of the card, glue a
recent school picture or a close up snapshot
leaving enough room for childs name, team
(your family name) and position. Be creative when
choosing the position. If the child helps prepare
family meals, his position might be assistant
chef; if another child likes to draw and paint,
she may be the artist in residence.
Flip the card over and put a
lucky number at the top to represent a uniform
number. Add vital statistics such as date and
place of birth, height, weight, and whether left-
or right-handed. Now include career highlights.
Think about each childs accomplishments so
far, such as finalist in the 3rd grade spelling
bee, learned how to ride a bicycle at age 7, etc.
Leave space to write Happy Fathers Day and
the childs name.
Cover both sides of the card
with clear adhesive backed paper and present to
Dad for a special wish from all his major
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Heritage Publishing. All rights reserved.