The Mornin' Mail is published every weekday except major holidays
Wednesday, March 20, 2002 Volume X, Number 193

did ya know?

Did Ya Know?. . .The Carthage Humane Society, 13860 Dog Kennel Lane, has a black & white declawed adult male cat who needs a loving home. Come find out what you can do to help Carthage’s neediest animals. If your pet is lost or missing call 358-6402 ASAP.

Did Ya Know?. . .Golden Reflections will have their next meeting at 2 p.m. on Thurs., March 21st in the McCune-Brooks cafeteria. Lauri Fasken, RN, will speak about the Jasper County Health Department and other services. Anyone 55 or older is welcome to attend.

Did Ya Know?. . .The Diabetes Support Group will meet from 4-5 p.m on Wed., March 27th in the dining room of the McCune-Brooks Hospital. Debbie Herst, RD, CDE, will speak about National Nutrition Month.

today's laugh

I hate to always eat and run, but the way I tip, it’s the only safe procedure.

Little Dennis began falling out of a tree and cried, "Lord, save me, save me!" There was a pause and then he said, "Nevermind, Lord, my pants just caught on a branch."

When you are in deep water, it’s a good idea to keep your mouth shut.


A Chronological Record of Events as they have Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.


Will Move His Residence and is Improving a Rental House.

J. E. Lang has begun extensive improvements at his residence lot on Howard street, Grand avenue, and Tenth street. A rental house on the rear of his 60x200 foot lot is being modernized with a kitchen, cellar and general making over.

Between that and his own residence at the head of Grand avenue, excavation is being made for the removal of his residence, which will be fronted east on Howard street and remodeled into an eight room modern house. Eventually he will build a new residence on the site of his present home, looking south on Grand avenue.

Lawrence Daniels, a graduate of the Model City Business college, has taken a position with M. S. Parsons.

  Today's Feature

Unique Request.

The City Council Public Safety Committee was presented with a unique request during its regular meeting Monday evening in the Police Station.

Michael Banes, representing the Carthage Ministerial Alliance, told the Committee that the organization would like to donate a covered trailer to transport equipment used by the Fire Department to deal with hazardous material. The estimated cost of the trailer is $3,500.

According to Banes, the Alliance has been looking for a way to contribute to the community and had talked to Fire Chief John Cooper and Police Chief Dennis Veach concerning various equipment that might be useful. Chief Cooper told the Committee that currently the hazardous material equipment is carried on three different trucks. The trailer is something that is not a necessity, but would be a convenient way to move the equipment when it was needed. It would also free up space on the fire trucks for other needs.

Banes hopes to have the trailer purchased by the end of April.

Committee Chair J.D. Whitledge asked Banes to thank the Alliance.

Just Jake Talkin'


As the April 2 City and School Board election is gettin’ near, the Mornin’ Mail is offerin’ a free column (about 350 words) to any candidate in a contested race to say what’s on their mind.

From my count, that would include the five School Board candidates, the two Mayoral contestants, and the two Fourth Ward candidates.

The Mail will publish the School Board candidate comments on one day and the City candidates on another.

The candidates are also bein’ afforded a few minutes to speak at the Chamber Egg’s and Issues candidate’s forum on Wednesday the 27th. Another opportunity to formulate your opinion to make an informed decision.

This is some fact, but mostly,

Just Jake Talkin’.



Carthage Printing Services

Weekly Column


by Donna Erickson

Kids love to hear the story of Noah’s Ark and how he gathered the birds and animals two-by-two. Lots of things we use everyday, such as clothing and accessories, come in pairs and kids become aware of the combinations at a very young age. Even 2- and 3-year-olds like to help sort socks.

As children grow, they become more skillful at distinguishing things that are alike or different. No wonder matching games like Old Maid, Concentration, and Dominoes are favorites from generation to generation.

Here are a pair of activities for adults and kids who enjoy matching things up! First, find a partner because in both activities you will play in pairs.

• Drawing in pairs. Each member of the pair will need some paper and a marker, or pencil. Sitting back to back, one person draws a simple object such as a car, house or baseball glove, and gives his/her partner directions on how to draw the same thing. The goal of the activity is to give enough explanation (without saying what the object is) so that when you’re done, you’ll have a pair of drawings that are - if not identical - at least very similar. When one person is done, switch roles, with the other partner drawing a new picture and giving directions. Compare results.

• Scavenger hunt. Start by gathering items that come in pairs such as mittens, socks, gloves, shoes, earrings and cuff links. All players should sit on the floor in a circle. Place all items in the middle of the circle.

An adult or older child should hide one member of each pair of objects in rooms in the house. Work in pairs to hunt for the objects. As one is found, bring it to the circle and match it with its mate. See how many pairs each team can make. For an extra activity, ask your kids to think of things that are referred to as a "pair" even though they are really one item. For example a pair of pants, scissors, glasses, shorts, and tights.


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