The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Friday, May 10, 2002 Volume X, Number 230
did ya
Did Ya Know?. . .Eminence Chapter #93 Order of the Eastern
star will have a Salad Luncheon from 11:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
on Friday, May 10th at the Masonic Temple, 7th &
Maple. Lunch is $4.00 for adults.
Did Ya Know?. . .Stones
Throw Dinner Theatre, 796 S. Stone Lane Carthage, will
have "The Wizard of Oz" auditions at 7 p.m. on
Sun., May 12th. All ages needed.
Did Ya Know?. . .The Carthage
Humane Society will be on the Carthage square from 11-3
p.m. on Sat., May 11th for a Special Adoption Day. If
your pet if missing call 358-6402 ASAP.
Did Ya Know?. . .The Grand
Opening of Innovative Industries, Inc., a non-profit
organization that employs physically & mentally
handicapped individuals, will be from 10-11:30 a.m. on
Saturday, May 11th at Centennial & Grand Ave.
Why is a clock the most
modest piece of furniture?
Because it covers its face with its
hands, and runs down its own works.
Whats the difference between the
North and South Pole?
All the difference in the world.
Whats the largest room in the
The room for improvement.
A Chronological Record of
Events as they have Transpired in the City and County
since our last Issue.
Railroad Grader on
the M.K. & T. Killed by a Blast.
Claud Dyer,a railroad grader at work in
the cut of the M., K. & T. road being built into
Joplin, was killed by a delayed shot yesterday at a point
near New Chitwood.
Only two of the three shots went off,
he went back to look at the third and it threw his body
forty feet into the air.
Cant Keep it
The splendid work of Dr.Kings New
Life Pills is daily coming to light. No such grand remedy
for liver and bowel troubles was ever known before.
Thousands bless them for curing constipation, sick
headache, biliousness, jaundice and indigestion. Try
them. 25¢ at A. H. Caffee & Co. drug store.
Today's Feature
Dirt Water & Kids.
The Carthage Police Department
is preparing for its third annual Mudstock to be
held at the Meyers Park Development near Wal-Mart
on Saturday , June 29. This years theme of
"Dirt, Water, Kids" is descriptive of
the event and will open from noon to 3 p.m.
The Carthage Fire Department
furnishes the water, dirt is hauled in and the
kids work their way through an obstacle course
constructed in the mire.
The event is free to Carthage
kids with the target group being 9 to 15.
"But we wont turn
away any Carthage Kids," says Office Kevin
In years past officers and
other adults have been known to get down and
dirty with the kids and their parents, who often
also participate.
Participants are required to
wear a shirt, shoes and socks. Sandals are not
Several organizations, which
include Carthage R-9 schools, McCune Brooks
Hospital, Carthage Ambulance and the Missouri
Army National Guard, assist and participate in
organizing the event and actual City funding is
typically less than $500.
Just Jake
If youve been to
Mudstock before, youve got an
understandin of the fun that kids have
at this event. Its an opportunity to
waller in the mud and cool off.
If ya havent been and
this sounds a little off the wall, it
probly is. Im guessin that
why over 300 kids have typically shown up at
past events.
The kids get to see and
talk to fire and police personnel in a
relaxed and fund atmosphere. Everone
gets to let their hair down and just have a
fun day.
If the sun is beatin
down, even the spectators get a little relief
by gettin down wind of the spray
offered by the fire truck keepin the
mud washed off the kids. Its a ways
off, but if you know a kid, this is the place
to show em a good time.
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin.
Sponsored by
Oak Street health & herbs
Weekly Column
by Mari An
I've spent some hours looking
into some of these new diet formulas and new
"pain relief formulas" which have
sprung up and are being advertised via direct
mail and phone and info commercials, etc. This
supplement business is booming as is consumer
confusion. I am constantly having to look up
something new just to find out that it is not
I looked into a
"miraculous new pain relief" supplement
which was just what I was sure my customers were
looking for. The price was pretty steep, but if I
purchased two bottles or even a six months
supply, the price dropped (any wise retailer
would be happy to accommodate that buying
method...I do) accordingly. Sounded good until I
ordered a bottle as I got mixed messages from the
phone salesperson....was it a hormone as one
salesperson informed me, or was it a propritory
formula with amino acids as the other salesperson
informed me. Hummmm. Worth the $29.99 plus
S&H to find out I guess. After all, my
customers do deserve the best. Well, to my
surprise, it was just an overpriced bottle of
DLPA. This is a form of the essential amino acid
PHENYLALANINE which activates endorphins. The
DL-phenylalanine effectively inhibits enzymes
which intensifies and prolongs the body's own
natural painkilling response to injury, accident
and disease. This nonaddictive, nontoxic
supplement has been introduced to many people
over the years in health food stores. Dr. Earl
Mindell's Vitamin Bible, the vitamin reference of
choice, clearly explains the usage. Obviously not
a "new" supplement.
What about the new diet patch?
I was not familiar with the name of the active was the Latin English,
KELP. One sixth the price and on the health store
shelves for years! Louise Tenney in Today's
Herbal Health states it will increase the
Maybe what my parents said is
true..."nothing new under the sun."
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Heritage Publishing. All rights reserved.