The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Wednesday, October 2, 2002 Volume XI, Number 75
did ya
Did Ya Know?. . .Golden Reflections will have a Recycling
Program at 10 a.m. on Wed., Oct. 2nd in the McCune-Brooks
Hospital cafeteria.
Did Ya Know?. . .The Jasper
County Farm Bureau Federation Annual meeting will be held
at 7 p.m. on Thurs., Oct. 3rd, at the Fairview Christian
Church multipurpose room, 2320 S. Grand.
Did Ya Know?. . .Any class
members of the Class of 68 who would like to make a
contribution in Chris Lobbeys memory are encouraged
to make a contribution to the Carthage Humane Society,
Inc. Checks can be made out to the Humane Society and
sent to Nancy Sanders, 12894 Dogwood Road, Carthage, MO
A boy and a girl were
out driving one evening. They came to a quiet spot on a
country lane, and the car stopped. "Out of
gas," said the boy. The girl opened her purse and
pulled out a bottle. "Wow!" said the boy,
"A bottle . . . what is it?"
"Gasoline," said the girl.
Little Girl: Mother, you know that vase
you said had been handed down from generation to
Mother: Yes.
Little Girl: Well, this generation just
dropped it.
A Chronological Record of
Events as they have Transpired in the City and County
since our last Issue.
Paid Fines.
Two women giving their names as Ida
Simpson and Mary Griffith, both assumed names however,
were arrested by the officers last night for disorderly
conduct in a room back of the Y.M.C.A. rooms. As Police
Judge Bright is absent on a campaigning tour, Justice
Woodward acted in his place. The women pleaded guilty and
were fined $12.50 each, which they paid.
Two Up To Date Girls.
Two popular South Carthage girls
indulged in a horseback ride by moonlight last night.
They had their plans all made to don their brothers
clothes for the ride, but a pair of stern fathers learned
of it and vetoed this. However, the girls were not to be
denied riding astride in the protecting shadows of he
night. "Its more fun that way," said one
of them, "and besides theres not so much
danger of falling off."
Today's Feature
City Switch Streets.
Mayor Kenneth Johnson
received confirmation yesterday that as of
October 1, the Missouri Department of
Transportation will assume responsibility for
surface maintenance of Highway 96 through
Carthage. Prior to the recent agreement with the
State, the City maintained the portion of 96 from
Central east to River.
In exchange, the City of
Carthage will now provide surface maintenance of
Route E, (Fairview) east of Garrison to City
limits. The City was previously maintaining
Fairview west of Garrison.
The production of
"Heaven's Gates & Hell's Flames"
will be performed on October 6 - 8, 2002 at the
First Assembly of God Church in Carthage,
Missouri located at 1605 Baker Blvd.
The production will be held at
the First Assembly of God multipurpose building
on Sunday, October 6 at 6:00 PM, Monday and
Tuesday evenings, October 7 & 8 at 7:00 PM.
Free Admission. Nursery and children's ministry
will be available to children ages 7 and under.
Just Jake
So this mouse was
runnin along a muddy country dirt road
one day and slipped into a rut in the road. A
rabbit friend came hoppin by and the
mouse pleaded for the rabbit to help pull him
out of the rut.
The rabbit thinks the mouse
needs to show a little initiative and get out
on his own and hops on down the road to town.
A little later the rabbit
was in the dinner eatin a head a
lettuce and sees the mouse comin along
the edge of the road.
The rabbit steps out side
and hollers, "Though ya couldnt
get out of the rut."
"Had to," replied
the mouse, "a car was comin."
I suppose most follow a
narrow path, sometimes its a good idea
to poke your head up, just in case a Mack
truck decides to follow your lead.
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin.
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Carthage Printing Services
Weekly Column
By Amy Anderson
In addition to Oktoberfests and
the activities surrounding Halloween, October
holds many opportunities for fun festival-going.
The weather is cooler, so bring a sweater and
The Wooly Worm Festival
This year marks the 25th anniversary of Wooly
Worm Festival in Banner Elk, N.C. The premise is
simple: Contestants race wooly worms up lanes of
string and, based on the coloring of the winning
worm, a prediction of the severity of the coming
winter is made. If you arent an experienced
worm racer, dont be intimidated. You can
get a worm there, and these guys are surprisingly
easy to race. Basically, you set them on the
string and they go at it. Check it out Oct. 19
and 20. Races start at about 10:20 a.m. and
continue in heats of 20 throughout the day. For
more information contact the Banner Elk Chamber
of Commerce at (828) 898-5605 or log on to
The California Avocado
Festival If you like the green stuff, this is
the fest for you, with live entertainment in
addition to LOTS of avocados in chips, in
dips and in whips. It is appropriately held in
Carpinteria, Calif., a major contributor to the
avocado yield of Santa Barbara County, the
third-largest producer of avocados in North
America. The festival is held the first weekend
of October this year Oct. 4, 5 and 6
at the corner of Carpinteria and Linden
Avenues. Check out the Web site
for more on the art contest and recipes for
La Strada dell Arte Kansas
City, Mo., has held this free street-painting
festival for the past five years. Its purpose is
to showcase the very chalkworthy talents of more
than 250 artists of all skill levels. Their
artwork can be seen the weekend of Oct. 5-6 on
the streets of Kansas City, just south of
downtown, near Union Station. And if the kiddies
are inspired, sign them up for a 2-foot-by-2-foot
block of concrete so they can create their own
work of art. For more information call (816)
941-3600 or check out
Fiddlers Reunion If
youre into fiddling, rush to Elkins, W.V.,
on Oct. 26. At the Davis and Elkins College, you
can check out some good fiddlin from the
very best. Expect spontaneous jam sessions and
performances from some players who normally shun
the spotlight. For more info, go to or call (304) 637-1209.
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