The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Thursday, September 19, 2002 Volume XI, Number 66
did ya
Did Ya Know?. . .The American Legion will have its first
regular meeting after renovation at 7 p.m. on Thurs.,
Sept. 19th in the Memorial Hall Legion Rooms.
Did Ya Know?. . .The regular
monthly Carthage Water & Electric Plant Board meeting
scheduled for Thursday, September 19th has been canceled
due to lack of quorum.
Did Ya Know?. . .Golden
Reflections will meet at 2 p.m. on Thurs., Sept. 19th in
the McCune-Brooks hospital cafeteria. A program on the
Carthage Humane Society will be presented by David
Did Ya Know?. . .Carthage
Masonic Lodge # 197 will have an open installation of the
2002/2003 officers at 6:30 p.m. on Sat., Sept. 21st, in
the pavillion in Central park in Carthage. This meeting
is open to anyone interested. Stop by in casual dress. A
cook out will follow.
Moe: This hearing aid I
bought is the most expensive one on the market. It cost
Joe: What kind is it?
Moe: A half-past-four.
Father: Son, I am concerned about you.
Youre always at the bottom of the class.
Son: Dont be worried, Dad. They teach the same
things at both ends of class.
A Chronological Record of
Events as they have Transpired in the City and County
since our last Issue.
Elmer Ellis, of Mound
and Maple, the Victim,
but not Seriously Hurt.
Elmer Ellis, the nine-year-old son of
Mrs. Tennessee Ellis, of the northeast corner of Mound
and Maple streets, was knocked down by a runaway horse
yesterday afternoon about five oclock. He was much
cut and bruised, but it is thought not seriously injured.
The horse belonged to Frank Melugin,
who recently moved in from the country and lives west of
Maple on Mound street. The horse had been led to the
Melugin front fence, but became scared at something,
broke his halter and ran wildly east on Mound street.
The boy who was hauling a basket of
laundry, saw the horse coming and turned out to one side
of the road just as the horse turned the same way to go
around the little wagon. The result was that he struck
the wagon, hurling it violently against the boy, knocking
him onto the hard and rocky ground with great force. The
boy bled a great deal and was cut on the head in two or
three places and his face was badly skinned, one eye
swelling shut in a few seconds. Dr. Burch was called and
dressed his injuries in good shape. The horse turned
south on Main street and was caught near Second street.
Today's Feature
Spanish-Language Website.
The U. S. Small
Business Administration has announced the launch
of its new Spanish-language website. The site is
aimed at reaching the growing Hispanic business
community and the Spanish-speaking community at
large with a business tool to help current and
aspiring owners to start and grow their
businesses successfully.
The site,,
responds to the needs of a segment of the U. S.
population that, according to the Census 2000,
has grown to become the largest ethnic minority
in the country, with more than 35 million people.
According to statistics gathered by a leading
Spanish-language Internet provider, 78 percent of
all Hispanics have access to the Internet.
Minority-owned businesses
account for more than 15 percent of all
businesses in the United States. Of those, the
largest share, 39.5 percent are owned by
Hispanics. Hispanic-owned businesses employ
around two million people and contribute more
than $200 billion annually to the U. S. economy.
The website will include its
own search engine to make it easier for users to
find information.
to the Max
Last weekends running of the
New Hampshire 300 marked the second time in three
weeks that the start of a NASCAR race was delayed
by rain. Once the race began, only 19 laps were
run before the rain set in again leading to a red
flag, which stops the race, further delaying the
action by almost two hours. With weather
continuing to threaten the event, most teams
began strategizing for a less than full distance
event. NASCAR considers a race official once it
has reached the halfway point. Most teams had
done their homework and had their cars set up for
a slick track, partly for the weather and partly
because of a crumbling track surface that plagued
the track at a race earlier in the summer. The
earlier race had 14 caution periods for 77 laps
while Sundays event only had three; one for
an accident, two for rain on the track. Rain
began falling again on lap 197. Race officials
brought out the second caution for rain on lap
200. It was quickly obvious that the rain would
not be letting up in time to dry the track again
so the checkered flag was flown on lap 207
allowing rookie Ryan Newman to claim his first
career victory at a leisurely 55 mph. Mark Martin
has moved into a 6-point lead in the
seasons point championship over Sterling
Marlin. Only 67 points separates the top 5.
This Sundays race will be
held on the "Monster Mile", Dover Downs
International Speedway, in Dover, DE. The track
earned its nickname due to its long
straight-aways and tight, high-banked turns. If a
second groove, or lane, of racing develops,
side-by-side racing could occur. If not, drivers
will likely resort to the bump and pass tactics
that they have used at some of the shorter tracks
in recent weeks. Jimmie Johnson, Jeff Gordon and
Dale Earnhardt, Jr. are recent winners here
although Tony Stewart and Rusty Wallace typically
run well on concrete surfaces such as Dover. Of
the 43 starters, any of these could challenge for
the win.
Just Jake
youre like me, ya wonder exactly where
that money goes that ya might give to any
certain organization. That is probly
one a the best reasons to consider the
Carthage United Way. Most of the money either
stays right here in Carthage or is used for
services available to local people. Only
about 11% is used for administration and
campaign expenses.
One a the things that is
impressive is the way the Carthage United Way
Board of Directors are good stewards of your
money. All agencies that receive funding are
held accountable for those funds. They
present their budget for scrutiny each year
and available funding is spread in an
equitable manner. If you have an extra buck
or two a month, ya couldnt find a
better place to put it to use.
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin.
Sponsored by
Metcalf Auto Supply
Weekly Column
By Tom &
Ray Magliozzi
Dear Tom and
My car got broken into while
sitting in my mechanics parking lot,
waiting to get fixed. The vandals broke the
passenger-side window. The mechanic called the
police and filed a police report, then replaced
the window. He said he would not charge me for
the labor to replace the window, but he wants to
charge me for the window itself. Should I pay for
the window, or is it the mechanics
responsibility, since I entrusted the car to him?
Thanks. Rachel
RAY: Well, liability laws vary
from state to state, Rachel, so you should call
your local attorney generals office to
check. But in most civilized states, once you
fill out the repair order and leave your keys
with the mechanic, the car is then considered to
be in his care, custody and control. And from
then until you pick it up, hes responsible
for it, Rachel.
TOM: So he should cover the
cost of both the parts and the labor necessary to
fix it. And I should point out that most garages
have insurance to cover just this sort of expense
because, sometimes, stuff happens.
RAY: Maybe he doesnt want
to make a claim to his insurer because hes
been dropping too many cars off the lift in the
past few weeks. But thats not your problem,
TOM: Now, if you had dropped
off the car the night before, left it in his lot
without his knowledge and slid the key through
the mail slot, then I think any overnight damage
is your responsibility. In that case, hes
being generous by offering you free labor, and
you ought to thank him.
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