The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Wednesday, December 17, 2003 Volume XII, Number 128
did ya
Did Ya Know?. . .You can now
adopt some of the Carthage Humane Societys cutest
kittens at the Central Pet Care Clinic and Carthage
Animal Hospital during regular office hours.
Did Ya Know?. . .The Carthage
Kiwanis Club has launched a year long program to collect
good used childrens and young adult books. The
books are to be distributed to families in the Carthage
area. Any organization wishing to become a collection
station should contact Ivan Hager 358-8236.
Did Ya Know?. . .The Carthage
Recycling & Composting Center, 1309 Oak Hill Road,
has available (FREE to the Public) compost and mulch.
8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
today's laugh
I want a bottle of iodine.
Sorry, but this is a drug store.
Cant I interest you in an alarm clock, some nice
leather goods, a few radio parts, or a toasted cheese
Do you find that advertising brings
quick results?
I should say it does. Why, only the
other day we advertised for a night watchman, and that
night the safe was robbed.
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Belgian Hare Fair
At a called meeting of the
"Belgian Hare Association" last evening it was
decided to postpone the proposed Belgian Hare exhibition
until January or February as it is found inconvenient to
make preparation for the exhibition before the holidays.
Pains will be taken to make it a large and interesting
R. J. Hewley of Macon, editor of the
"Stock Record" of that place has been secured
as the judge of exhibits and his convenience will be
consulted somewhat in naming the exact date of the fair,
which will be announced later.
A Young Ladys
Miss Clara Smith went out yesterday
afternoon with her fine new 16-gauge shotgun and her
young Lewellyn setter and downed the quail like a veteran
getting ten birds.
Today's Feature
Spot Vacated.
The Public Safety Committee
held their regular meeting Monday evening in the
Carthage Fire Station. Police Chief Dennis Veach
reported that he received a letter from Sydren
Industries concerning vacating a parking spot
located on the corner of Fifth and Lincoln
"It is where the tee is on
Lincoln," said Veach. "There is one
parking spot right at the corner facing south on
Lincoln, that is right before their recessed area
where they make deliveries. In that one spot if
there is anybody in there it really makes it
difficult for them to back their trucks in."
Veach stated that there were
other parking spots close by that people could
A motion was made to vacate the
spot and the committee agreed.
Chief Veach also informed that
the "Free Ride" on New Years Eve
would be available again this year from 10 p.m.
to 2 a.m. Anyone who calls for a taxi will picked
up and given a free ride inside Carthage.
"No questions asked,"
said Veach.
This annual program is an
attempt to keep citizens safe from the dangers of
driving while intoxicated.
Just Jake
clarification and more confusion. The official
interpretation of the City Code concernin
the residence of a Council member is ya gotta be
livin in the ward ya represent.
That leaves yet another
question up for discussion. Council member Mike
Harris lives across the street from Ward One,
which he was elected last year to represent.
Now I dont think anyone
doubts that Mike is a good hand when it comes to
the City Council, but the fact remains that his
election last year was not accordin to the
most recent interpretation of the Code.
The simplest solution is for
Harris to run this year in the Second Ward where
he now lives. That option may depend on whether
current Second Ward member Bill Fortune decides
to run for reelection.
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin.
Sponsored by
Carthage Printing
Weekly Column
By JoAnn Derson
"My husbands
suitcase is just plain black, so to make it stand
out at baggage claim, he put a bumper sticker
from a band he likes on it. Now its easy to
spot." M.M., via e-mail
An animal lover from
Buffalo, N.Y., writes: "If you have animals
in your home, be extra-careful with the trimmings
of the season. Keep ribbon, bows, garland,
ornament hooks, strings of any kind, chocolate
and poisonous plants well away from your
four-footed friends. And if you have lots of
people coming in and out of your house, keep your
indoor animals away from outside doors to make
sure they dont get out."
"Heres my
tip: If youre making turkey for Christmas
and it isnt producing much juice to baste
with, try basting it with some chicken or turkey
broth instead of adding more oil."
Megan in Altamonte Springs, Fla.
"If you have
vegetarian friends and are preparing holiday
treats, remember that ingredients like rennet
(found in many cheeses) and gelatin (used in
marshmallows!) are not vegetarian. Your friends
will be surprised and touched by your
thoughtfulness." Twila in Orchard
Park, N.Y.
"I had a friend
over while decorating for the holidays this year,
and she said I had to write in this tip. I keep
my decorations organized using recycled household
materials. I save tissue boxes to hold garland,
and I wrap stringed lights around the core of a
paper towel roll. Clean Styrofoam takeout
containers can hold ornaments, and fabric items
like tree skirts stay folded but unmusty when
kept in a net bag, such as one you would buy
onions or oranges in." H.R., via
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