The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Tuesday, December 23, 2003 Volume XII, Number 132
did ya
Did Ya Know?. . .You can now
adopt some of the Carthage Humane Societys cutest
kittens at the Central Pet Care Clinic and Carthage
Animal Hospital during regular office hours.
Did Ya Know?. . .The Carthage
Kiwanis Club has launched a year long program to collect
good used childrens and young adult books. The
books are to be distributed to families in the Carthage
area. Any organization wishing to become a collection
station should contact Ivan Hager 358-8236.
Did Ya Know?. . .Justin Boot
Factory will be shut down December 17th through January
5th, in observance of the Holidays.
today's laugh
"I cant do a thing with
Jones," said the manager. "Ive had him in
three departments, and he dozes all day."
"Put him at the pajama
counter," suggested the proprietor, "and fasten
a card on him with these words: Our pajamas are of
such superior quality that even the man who sells them
can not keep awake."
Teacher- "Every day we breathe
oxygen. What do we breathe at night,Willie?"
Willie- "Nitrogen."
Joking Customer - "How much are
your four-dollar shoes?"
Smart Salesman - "Two dollars a
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
A Fine Camera.
An unusually fine camera was on
exhibition at Frank Edels drug store yesterday. It
was one he had ordered for W.G. Reid, living five miles
southwest of town. It takes a large picture, 6 1/2 x 8
1/2 inches, and is a Promo, long focus, special camera.
It can be opened out to a length of thirty inches, but
closes up to a compact form in a case only six inches
thick. It cost $92, having an extra large fine lens.
The "Bonanza
E. OKeefe and son, John, went out
to Bellville this morning to see how Prof. Babboo is
getting along with his noted mine, the "Bonanza
King." This mine is on land leased from Mr.
OKeefe, but he has never met the lessee, nor seen
the mine since it was fixed up in its present shape, and
while having an outing today will see both.
Today's Feature
Large" Discussion Continues.
The City Council will
hold their regular meeting tonight in City Hall
at 7:30 p.m. Council Member Jackie Boyer is
sponsoring a purposed ordinance authorizing a
ballot for the April 6th City general election.
The question is "whether the municipality of
Carthage shall elect five council members who
reside in and be elected by the qualified voters
of their respective wards and five council
members at large to be elected by all the
qualified voters of the City, in staggered
Changing the manner in which
City Council Members are elected was originally
sponsored by Mayor Kenneth Johnson and was voted
on at the last Council meeting. The Ordinance was
rejected by a two to seven vote.
Council Member Claude Newport
stated at the last Council meeting that he
didnt feel that the City Council should be
the ones voting on the matter. Newport explained
that he felt the matter should be voted on by the
citizens in Carthage.
If the purposed ordinance is
approved the question could be brought to voters
in the April 6th general election.
Just Jake
Mornin',Looks like the
discussion bout the possibility of
electin five council members "at
large" will continue.
Puttin the question on
the ballot in April would give the community the
opportunity to push the Council one way or the
other. From what I understand, the Council would
still have ta put an ordinance in place that
would actually change the current distribution of
Council members. Im assumin that any
future Council could undo the ordinance just like
they can any other. Just because there was a
community vote would not make the ordinance
itself any more bindin.
The main advantage of the
community vote would be to make it more palatable
for Council members if they were undecided on the
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin.
Sponsored by
McCune- Brooks Hospital
Weekly Column
By Paul G. Donohue, M.D.
Role in Emphysema
DEAR DR. DONOHUE: I am writing
this to you while I am hooked up to an oxygen
tank. Its set at 2. Is 2 a good setting? Is
oxygen doing anything for my collapsed air sacs?
Just what is its purpose? Anon.
ANSWER: You must have chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease COPD. There
are two varieties: emphysema and chronic
bronchitis. Most of the time, a person has a mix
of both.
With emphysema, there is
widespread destruction of the more than 300
million air sacs in the lungs. Through those
sacs, oxygen passes into the blood, and carbon
dioxide, a waste product, passes out of the
blood. With emphysema, it is a constant struggle
to get enough air.
Chronic bronchitis is airway
inflammation. The airways bronchi
are tubes that bring fresh air into the lungs and
empty used air out of the lungs. Its hallmark
symptom is constant cough with production of
thick, yellow phlegm.
If readers would like to know
how it feels to have COPD, grab a straw. Breathe
in slowly. Then exhale through the straw
no cheating. Before you finish exhaling,
youll feel the need to breathe again. You
cannot empty your lungs of used air. Thats
why people with emphysema take shallow breaths
and never really empty or fill their lungs with
air. It is impossible to do so.
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