The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Friday, February 7, 2003 Volume XI, Number 164
did ya
Did Ya Know?. . .A new beginner
PACE (People With Arthritis Can Exercise) class starts on
Mon., Feb. 10th. Classes meet at the MBH Wellness
Facility, 2040 S. Garrison, at 1:30 p.m. on M-W-F. The
advanced class meets at 2:15 p.m. Call 359-2432 for more
Did Ya Know?. . .The Lincoln
Ladies Federated Republican Women will meet at 6:30 p.m.
on Mon., Feb. 10th at All Occasions Bakery. Current
members are encouraged to attend and new members are
always welcome. Membership dues are $10.
Did Ya Know?. . .The Sanctuary
Choir and friends will present "God In Us" at
8:00 a.m. and 10:40 a.m. on Sunday, February 9th at the First Church of
the Nazarene, 2000 Grand and Fairview.
What is the longest
word in the English language?
Smiles, because there is a mile
between the first and last letter.
Why should no man starve on the deserts
of Arabia?
Because of the sand which is there.
What keeps the moon from falling?
It must be the beams.
A Chronological Record of
Events as they have Transpired in the City and County
since our last Issue.
Shop-Lifter Walked
Off With Rubber
Boots in Broad Daylight.
As Ed St. John and Ed Lanyon walked
along the south side of the square this morning about 11
oclock they saw a young fellow trying on rubber
boots at a display in front of the Boston store.
Suspecting that all this was not right, they kept
watching him as they went west. When they were half a
block away, the stranger having slipped on a pair of the
rubber boots and handled the shoes to his hearts
content, quietly walked around the corner and disappeared
down Grant street. It was such a monumental piece of
nerve on the fellows part that he was not
thoroughly suspected until too late.
Today's Feature
Stormwater Phase
At the Public Works meeting
Tuesday night, City Engineer Joe Butler presented
to the Committee the City of Carthage Phase 2
Compliance. Butler reported that the City of
Carthage has a new state requirement. The
application and summary of six control measures
for NPDES (National Pollution Discharge
Elimination System) phase 2 Stormwater
compliance, a part of the clean water act of 1972
is due March 10, 2003.
The requirement is an attempt
to keep receiving water clean. For Carthage the
receiving waters are Spring River and Center
Creek. There are six required control measures
the City of Carthage need to complete in the next
5 years. They are public education and outreach,
public involvement/participation, illicit
discharge detection/elimination, construction
site run off control, post construction SW
management, and pollution prevention/good house
keeping for city operations.
The public will see changes
over the next five years such as new city
ordinances, new permit requirements, and
educational information, in the form of flyers,
brochures, public meetings and city signs.
Exhibits at artCentral.
By Lee Sours, artCentral
The Bill Perry black and white
photography exhibit will continue through Friday,
February 14th . Weve had more visitors from
Joplin this week. If you havent seen it
yet, you have one week left to view this exhibit
featuring the human form and close-ups of horses.
Then on February 28th a new exhibit
by members of the Ozark Pastel Society will be on
display. As always with a group exhibit, there
will be a variety of subject matter and styles
represented. The members of this group are very
talented and we are always glad to have their
work here.
Also showing at that time will
be the works of David Winward who was a
helicopter pilot in Germany and has painted
beautiful scenes from his life there. His work
will be displayed upstairs in the Members
Gallery. So be sure to see both the upstairs and
downstairs exhibits.
On display now at our satellite
gallery, Shellies on 3rd Street by the post office, is the work
of Carthage artist, Richard Logsdon. He has
wonderful Americana oil paintings exhibited
I enjoyed the visit by a high
school design class last week. They were a very
polite group who came by to see my spinning,
felting, weaving, dying, etc. operation.
HOURS: T F 11 - 5
Sunday 12 -5 Closed Mon. and
1110 E 13th 358-4404
Just Jake
The thermos bottle, as
the old story goes, is an ingenious
device. Keeps hot things hot, cold things
cold. But, the question is asked,
"how does it know?"
The commercial
showin a group of generation
Xers sittin round the
campfire sippin on a can a brew. "It
doesnt get any better than
this," one of them says with
authority. I would ask again, "how
does he know?" I can understand a
statement such as "this is the
life," or "things could be a
lot worse," but I have never been
one ta think it is impossible to be
better. Once that thought process begins,
all innovations cease.
Even Edison continued
modifications on the light bulb after the
basic formula was discovered. His work
has been improved over the years.
"Course he probly didnt
spend much time sittin round
the campfire.
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin.
Sponsored by
Oak Street health & herbs
Weekly Column
Natural Nutrition
By Mari An Willis
The stress in our lives has
been great and it is a time when our weaknesses
can rear their ugly heads. Things thought or said
may be contrary to ones regular way of
doing things. In observing myself and others when
I/they are in the grips of losing a loved one odd
things may happen with communication and
expression of feelings. Even though I knew what
to do for myself nutritionally, it was not always
easy. This basic routine kept me going when I was
meeting myself coming and going.
1. Remembering to take deep
breaths. I would find myself holding my breath
and scrunching my shoulders with tension. Breathe
deeply and say RELAX.
2. To keep my immune system
strong I took one Macroforce daily. Occasionally,
if I had been exposed to someone with active flu
or cold, I would add 2,000 mg. of Vitamin C.
Happy to report I did not get sick.
3. Nervous system fed daily
with Mega B-Stress and some Kava Kava to keep
communication open.
4. Calcium to help me relax and
sleep. Sometimes, I would take a Melatonin for a
few hours of deep sleep.
5. Lots and lots of prayer and
support from my friends.
One lesson I learned was to
keep things as simple as possible and to let the
unimportant things go.
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2003 by Heritage Publishing. All rights reserved.