The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Tuesday, July 15, 2003 Volume XII, Number 19
did ya
Did Ya Know?. . .You can now
adopt some of the Carthage Humane Societys cutiest
kittens at Central Pet Care Clinic. Stop by their office
anytime during regular business hours or call 358-1300
for details.
Did Ya Know? . . .The Great
Kingdom Caper Vacation Bible School 2003 will be held
from 6-9 p.m. from Wed., July 16th through Fri., July
18th at the Calvary Baptist Church, 527 E. 13th,
Carthage. K-6th Grades are invited to attend.
Did Ya Know?. . .Storytellers
Sue Godsey and Tyson Guttenfelder will be at the Carthage
Public Library Annex at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, July 15th for
a storytelling event. All ages are invited to attend.
Also, the Summer Reading Program ends Saturday, July
Did Ya Know?. . .Knights of
Pythias will have a Rib Feed at 7 p.m. on Tues., July
15th at the K.P. Hall. Social hour will be held at 6 p.m.
It will be a family night so bring a friend or
prospective member.
today's laugh
Now, tell me, Bobby, where is the
elephant found?
The elephant, teacher, is such a large
animal its scarcely ever lost.
I went into a general store. They
wouldnt let me buy anything specifically.
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
A Forty Year
Said an old soldier last night:
"Forty years ago today Morgan made his first raid
into Indiana, and I believe I can remember every step I
took that day. With many others, I rushed into Peru, our
county seat, and helped organize to drive him out of the
state. Those were exciting times. It is hard to believe
that everyone who is now forty years old or under has
come onto the stage of action since that date and can
know but little about it."
Saw Some Awful
W. C. Thomas returned from Kansas City
this morning. While there he visited the scenes in the
river bottoms and says, "Even today it is the most
terrible sight one could imagine. The temperature was
undoubtedly 140 degrees down in those low lands yesterday
where thousands of laborers are working in the blistering
Today's Feature
Missouri Southern State College Becomes Missouri
Southern State University.
CITY In a special ceremony last
Saturday, the governor signed Senate Bill 55,
which changes Missouri Southern State College to
Missouri Southern State University-Joplin. Sen.
Gary Nodler, R-Joplin, the bills sponsor,
and other members of the Southwest Missouri
legislative delegation were on hand for the event
held outside Webster Hall.
"For many years Missouri
Southern has done the quality of work that a
university does, it just lacked the name,"
said Nodler. "This name change gives them
the recognition they have deserved for so
Southern has had an
international mission since 1995, and this bill
reemphasizes it as a statewide institution with
an international or global mission.
"This name change will
enhance our visibility and credibility not just
in Missouri, but throughout the world," said
Dr. Julio León, president of Missouri Southern.
"In many parts of the world the college
designation indicates high school level. The term
more accurately describes our institution. As we
continue to enhance our international mission,
this name change will be a valuable tool in our
efforts to recruit students."
Missouri Southern will be
required to discontinue all associate degree
programs by July 1, 2008. Southern has already
established a cooperative agreement with Crowder
College in Neosho in an effort to begin this
process, and Crowder is expected to assume many
of the associate degrees now offered at Southern.
"We are very excited about
this name change," León said.
"Its going to be good for the college,
for Joplin and for the entire Southwest Missouri
Just Jake
One a the
disadvantages of livin in a
community where storm water is
directed out quickly is the lack of
tadpole trainin. Not
train the tadpole, they know
everthing they need to.
Im referrin to the
trainin of kids to the nature
of tadpoles. Mainly the fact that
they somehow turn from the fish
lookin critter to a frog.
Amazin stuff,
especially to kids gathered around a
mud hole on a summer afternoon.
Nothin like a catchin a
tadpole with the bare hands and
takin a close look at those
little beady eyes fore ya turn it
back to the natural habitat. Then
actually watchin over a short
period of time the legs startin
to appear and eventually a full
fledged frog croakin (vocally)
on the bank. Course I always
was a curious little mudder.
This is some fact,
but mostly,
Just Jake
Sponsored by
McCune- Brooks Hospital
Weekly Column
By Paul G. Donohue, M.D.
Some Facts
About Breast Cancer
woman lower her risk of coming down with breast
cancer? I cannot tell you how the thought of it
frightens me. My husband says I have gone
overboard with this, but I cant conquer my
fear, no matter how hard I try. P.O.
ANSWER: Heart disease, not
breast cancer, is the No. 1 killer of women.
Early detection of breast cancer and early
treatment usually assure a woman of having a
normal life span. I can give you some tips that
might lower the risk of breast cancer.
What significance diet plays in
breast cancer prevention is up in the air. Some
studies suggest that the following foods are
protective: sweet potatoes, red bell peppers,
carrots, peaches, cantaloupes, leafy green
vegetables such as romaine lettuce and spinach,
apricots and winter squash. Not all studies,
however, support the protective effect of these
Omega-3 fatty acids are touted
as shields against breast cancer. These acids are
found in fish, particularly mackerel, salmon,
sardines, herring, anchovies and tuna.
Alcohol, on the other hand,
increases breast cancer risk. One drink a day
only slightly raises the risk. Heavy use greatly
ups it. A drink equals 12 ounces of beer, 5
ounces of wine or 1.5 ounces of liquor. Women do
not need to forgo a glass of wine at dinner if
theyd like to have one.
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