The Mornin' Mail is published every weekday except major holidays
Tuesday, July 22, 2003 Volume XII, Number 24

did ya know?

Did Ya Know?. . .You can now adopt some of the Carthage Humane Society’s cutiest kittens at Central Pet Care Clinic. Stop by their office anytime during regular business hours or call 358-1300 for details.

Did Ya Know?. . .The Carthage Public Library would like to remind everyone that all summer reading logs need to be turned into the YPL desk by Wednesday, July 23. Magician Marty Hahne will be at Awards Day at 3 p.m. on Friday afternoon, July 25, at the Library Annex. All readers are welcome.

Did Ya Know?. . .Carthage Lodge #197 will have a 2nd degree special meeting this Thursday evening 3/26/03, 7:00 pm, at the Masonic Temple located behind the Carthage public Library. All area masons are invited to attend . More info - Rob Lewis 417-623-7112

today's laugh

He owned a lot of sheep and he wanted to take them over a river that was all ice, but the woman who owned the river said: "No."

So he promised to marry her and that’s how he pulled the wool over her ice.

These are the best eggs we’ve had for years.

Well, bring me some that you haven’t had for so long.
A Chronological Record of Events as they have Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.

Says Dogs are a Nuisance.

"Wish you would put an article in the paper about the dogs," said a Carthage woman to a reporter the other day. "They are a fearful nuisance. They cut across our premises here, wallow in the flower beds, and plunge in our artificial fish pond and kill the fish. There ought to be an ordinance against dogs running at large and it ought to be enforced.

Her ready reply.

A Laclede young man, who asked a young woman of that town recently how her nose became so red, is now wishing he hadn’t been so inquisitive. "My nose is glowing with satisfaction over the fact that it is not always stuck into other people’s business," she replied. And then, in spite of the nose, she froze him with a look.

  Today's Feature

Shriners Hospital Free Screening.

A free screening clinic will be held to identify children in the area who can benefit from the expert care provided at Shriners Hospitals. The free clinic will be held Saturday, July 26th, from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on the South side of the Carthage Square at the World Finance Corp Building, 120 E. 4th.

Any children under 18 who might have orthopaedic problems are welcome to the free clinic for an evaluation to find out if they may be eligible for free treatment.

Shriners Hospitals for Children is a network of pediatric specialty hospitals, founded by the Shrine, where children under the age of 18 receive excellent medical care absolutely free of charge.

Shriners Hospitals treat children in a family-centered environment, recognizing that while medicine might heal the child’s body, tending to the child’s sense of well being is equally important.

The medical staff of Shriners Hospitals include pediatricians, urologists, neurosurgeons, geneticists, and other specialists to ensure comprehensive care for children with associated medical problems.

Harry S. Truman and World War II.

Harry S. Truman and World War II will be presented by William Worley of Kansas City on Thursday, July 24th, at 7:00 p.m. The presentation is hosted by the Powers Museum. Admission is free.

Harry Truman organized what came to be known as "The Truman Committee" as a subcommittee of the U.S. Senate Military Affairs Committee in 1942. His efforts, and those of the committee as a whole, were devoted toward making sure that military contractors provided the highest quality products for use by our service part, Truman’s diligence as chair of this subcommittee that brought him to the notice of the Democratic Central Committee in 1944 so that they recommended him to President Roosevelt as his 1944 running mate. Of course, the absolutely crucial decision by Truman after he became President upon the death of Roosevelt was the continuance of the Manhattan Project and approval of the use of its products against the Japanese in 1945. What is not so well known is that Truman took back the authority to determine place and usage of atomic weapons from the military the day after the bomb was dropped on Nagasaki. Throughout the rest of his terms as President, he steadfastly but quietly when possible, refused to approve their usage even during the Korean War. William Worley, speaking as Harry S. Truman, will discuss these topics and other issues facing the President during WWII.

Just Jake Talkin'



With all the fuss over warnin’ labels, it’s obvious that the toothpick industry has a savvy lobbyin’ organization at work.

I can’t believe that such a dangerous implement is allowed on the market without the appropriate caution bein’ spelled out in detail for the protection and safety of the consumer.

They obviously don’t belong in the hands of minor children. No tellin’ what the imagination of an eight year old could devise. Sure they can be carefully molded into innocent objects for the creation of small toys or crafts, but that only leads to a false sense of security. They should be only distributed in a child proof box with an appropriate warnin’: "Only For Use In Your Mouth." They also need adequate instructions on teeth pickin’.

This is some fact, but mostly,

Just Jake Talkin’.



McCune Brooks Hospital

Weekly Column

To Your Good Health

By Paul G. Donohue, M.D.

DEAR DR. DONOHUE: Last summer I was stung by a bee or a wasp. My arm swelled, and I began to feel woozy. I never passed out, but my husband took me to the emergency room, where they gave me fluids by vein and injections of antihistamines. I am afraid of a repeat incident this summer. Could a second sting kill me? — H.B.

ANSWER: In North America, about 50 deaths occur annually from insect stings. Having had one serious reaction to a sting puts a person at risk of a repeat dangerous reaction. "Serious" here means the sting provoked nausea, vomiting, trouble breathing or a drop in blood pressure. That kind of reaction is called anaphylaxis (AN-uh-fill-AX-us). Anaphylactic reactions can cause death.

Your reaction, while an exaggerated response, does not appear to have been an anaphylactic reaction. However, obtain a copy of the emergency doctor’s assessment of what happened. If you had an anaphylactic reaction, it will be clearly stated.

Anyone who has suffered an anaphylactic reaction should consult an allergist. Allergy shots can desensitize people to insect venom. The process takes time, so it is best to get started well before the stinging season arrives.

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