Did Ya Know?. . .Carthage Humane Society needs your community club, church group or family to help with upcoming adoption events. To volunteer call 358-6808. You can now make a deposit at Hometown Bank to go towards an addition to the cat room at the Carthage Humane Society. Did Ya Know?. . .Sign-ups for "Take Flight - Read!" and "Book Your Summer" end after Monday, June 23rd. Stop by the Carthage Public Librarys downstairs desk to pick up a folder and start logging that reading time! Did Ya Know?. . .The City of Carthage will be spraying for mosquitoes this week, Mon.-Fri., June 23rd-27th. Your area will be sprayed on the evening of your trash pickup, between 8:30 p.m.-11:30 p.m. You may want to turn off any window or attic fans while the sprayer is in your area. |
"I combined an electric iron with
an electric toaster and an electric blanket." "I didnt sleep a wink last
night....this fly kept sitting on my nose." "I didnt know he was dusty."
Struck Good Shines of Jack. The miners in the shaft of the Tiger Hill Mining Co. in Northwest Carthage struck excellent shines of jack at 47 feet today. The shaft is about 100 yards east of the shaft where the gas was struck recently. The jack is imbedded in a sort of slate and the dirt is very similar to that taken out of the shaft on the Porter lot. Will Continue Drilling. The south Side Improvement Co. will begin tomorrow to drill the second hole on the fair grounds in search of mineral. The first hole was put down 200 feet and nothing but an excellent well of water found. As the members of the company are not looking for water, but mineral, they will drill elsewhere. The water in the hole stands within a foot of the top and is pure, clear and cold. The second hole will be put down midway between the gate and the race track.
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