The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Tuesday, March 11, 2003 Volume IX, Number 186
did ya
Did Ya Know?. . .The Carthage
Salvation Army Soup Kitchen, 125 E. Fairview, will serve
Chicken & Noodles, Peas & Carrots, Drink and
Dessert on Tuesday, March 11th.
Did Ya Know?. . .Eminence
Chapter #93 Order of the Eastern Star will meet at 7:30
p.m. on Tuesday, March 11th at the Masonic Temple, 7th
& Maple. We will Honor the Past Matrons and Past
Patrons and present a 50 year membership pin.
Did Ya Know?. . .The
McCune-Brooks Hospital Auxiliary will meet at 10 a.m.,
with refreshments at 9:30 a.m., on Wednesday, March 12th
in the hospital cafeteria. Dorothy Shull will be the
guest speaker presenting a program on "Our Heritage
today's laugh
Janet- "What do you do when you
see an unusually beautiful girl?"
Anna- "I look for a while, then I get tired and lay
the mirror down."
"Are you the celebrated lion
"No, I only comb the lions and clean their
"What kind of hen lays the
"What kind?"
"A dead hen."
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Mrs. D. S. Kessler, who lives seven
miles to the south, came to town today with a marketing
of eggs, and she drove the familys 20 year-old mule
which she had to whack over the back at nearly every step
in order to get here before noon.
But after the eggs were sold, the mule
started west on Fifth street at so smart a canter that
the woman began to scream. A man tried to flag the outfit
at Main street and the mule turned short up the car
track, throwing Mrs. Kessler out at a tangent and slid
her, face down, clear across Main street in that
lob-lolly which can be better understood than described
just now. Up she jumped, the mud blinding her and
dripping from her extended fingers and clothes as if a
bucket of paint had been poured over her head.
"Im in the mud," she
exclaimed, at which she was led into the Richardson
grocery store where Miss Mollie Lake helped clean her up
and borrowed her a dress.
Today's Feature
Council Tuesday.
The City Council
meeting is scheduled for Tuesday evening at 7:30
in Council Chambers. The agenda for the evening
includes discussion regarding the purposed golf
course name change and a property rezoning
request.At the previous
Public Service Committee meeting the Committee
voted to recommend and bring to council for
approval Marble Oaks at Carthage as the purposed
new name for Carthage Municipal Golf Course. At
last months City Council meeting the
Council voted 9-1 against the name Boulder Creek.
An amended bill to change the name to Marble
Creek at Carthage failed due to a tied vote.
Howard and Melody Knowles have
requested that the property at 816 and 900 S.
Garrison be rezoned local business. It is
currently zoned apartment. According to Howard
Knowles they are wanting to rezone the property
because everyone on the block is already local
business, 816 and 900 S. Garrison are the only
two properties on the block that arent.
When asked whether or not a business was going to
be established Knowles replied that the option
was open.
Just Jake
I see there is
another study out showin that
kids who watch violent tv are more
likely to be abusive in their early
adulthood. The group questioned grew
up in the 70s and were followed
through until recently.
Some of the shows
they considered violent at the time
were the "Roadrunner" and
"Starsky and Hutch."
Im still not
convinced about the Roadrunner, but I
can believe that watchin too
much Starsky and Hutch could make
anyone a little edgy.
What is a little
disturbin is compared to the
level of violence on tv today, those
shows would not even be on the scale.
Bout the most violent thing
Hutch did was ta run into a tree with
the "General." The next
scene the car wouldnt have a
scratch. At least thats what my
delinquent friends told me.
This is some fact,
but mostly,
Just Jake
Sponsored by
McCune- Brooks Hospital
Weekly Column
By Paul G. Donohue, M.D.
DEAR DR. DONOHUE: Our son, 47,
has been diagnosed with prostate cancer. From
eight biopsies of his gland, three showed cancer
cells. His doctor wants him to undergo surgery.
Our son does not want surgery but chooses to go
the way of good nutrition. What foods contain
lysine? It is reputedly helpful for prostate
cancer. D.A.
ANSWER: The relationship
between diet and cancer is intriguing, and clues
suggest a link between some foods and some
cancers. A low-fat diet appears to offer some
protection against prostate cancer, as does a
diet rich in soy, flaxseed, cabbage, cauliflower
and broccoli. Tomatoes are given a stellar
position in prostate cancer prevention. They
contain lycopene, and it is the active ingredient
in bestowing protection. Cooked tomatoes and
tomato sauces are better lycopene providers than
raw tomatoes.
Having said that, I urge your
son to reconsider his position. Surgery is often
reserved for men whose cancer is confined to
small areas of the gland and, if that is your
sons case, such prostate cancers are often
curable. He is turning down a chance to live a
long, healthy life. At least talk him into
conferring with one or several more doctors for
their opinions. The list of lysine foods
includes: eggs, meat (beef and chicken in
particular), milk, cheddar cheese, soy products,
navy beans and yogurt. I listed them because you
asked. I dont list them as being a prostate
cancer treatment.
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Publishing. All rights reserved.