The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Wednesday, May 14, 2003 Volume IX, Number 232
did ya
Did Ya Know?. . .The Carthage
Shrine Burn Crew will have a fish fry at 6 p.m. on
Saturday, May 17th. The public is invited. North of
Carthage on M Hwy, 71 Hwy to M Hwy, 1/4 mile west. $8 per
Did Ya Know?. . .Golden
Reflections will have afternoon tea at 2 p.m. on
Thursday, May 15th in the McCune-Brooks hospital
cafeteria. The Carthage Police and Fire Departments will
share info about keeping our homes safe and what to do in
emergency situations. Call 359-2347 for info.
Did Ya Know?. . .Carthage Humane
Society needs your community club, church group or family
to help with upcoming adoption events. To volunteer call
358-6808. You can now make a deposit at Hometown Bank to
go towards an addition to the cat room at the Carthage
Humane Society.
today's laugh
Your son is making good progress with
his violin. He is beginning to play quite nice tunes.
Do you really think so? We were afraid that wed
merely got used to it.
They told me you are the man who
invented spaghetti. Where did you ever get the idea of
Out of my noodle.
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Hudson Mining Co.
Find Rich Stuff.
Another strike has been made by the
Hudson Mining company on its lease on the Pleasant Valley
ground a short distance southwest of this city, which
bids fair to eclipse that of its Dermott holdings. Some
days ago the company put a drill to work on its lease,
and at a depth of 38 feet, ore was encountered, which
continued to a depth of 87 feet. The drill was still in
ore at this depth yesterday and it is expected that it
will still hold out for several feet yet.
About one year ago, Messrs. Waller and
Waggoner for the Hudson Mining Co., secured a lease on a
piece of land owned by John Dermott. Their selection was
a wise one, and one of the biggest strikes in the history
of this district was made. Very flattering offers were
made to the leasers and owner of the land, and finally an
option was given to St. Louis people for $125,000, to be
divided equally between the parties interested. This was
about eight months ago. Complications arose that
prevented the consummation of the deal, and within the
past two weeks, the St. Louis people dropped the matter,
and other parties took hold of it. It has not been
possible to learn for what amount the last option was
given. It is expected that the parties now holding the
option will be here in a few days to look over the
The strike made yesterday will greatly
enhance the value of the property, for it is a
continuation of the body of ore upon which they have been
working, on the Dermott land. The ore will run over 20
per cent and the owners are very much elated with the
prospects. Steps are being taken to erect a mill on the
ground to work this last strike, as it is a little too
far to work in the mill now on the ground.
Today's Feature
Rates Proposed.
The Budget committee met Monday
night in Council chambers. At the meeting the
Carthage Water & Electric Plant (CW&EP)
board reviewed their budget with the committee
and made a recommendation to raise electricity
prices fifteen percent, water prices five percent
and wastewater prices five percent.
The raises were proposed for a
variety of reasons. The main reason according to
CW&EP General Manager Bob Williams was
because over the past three years CW&EP has
experienced an unexpected fifteen point one
percent increase in the cost of purchase power.
During this same time operating revenue has
increased by only point one percent.The Board is
recommending the fifteen percent rate increase
beginning July 1, 2003. According to Williams a
medium size home using 900 KWH of electricity
should expect an increase of approximately $8.00.
The other main reason for the
increase was due to projects needing to be done
this year. A main transformer at the substation
needs to be replaced. According to Williams
recent test reports on the transformer showed gas
build up which indicated arcing inside the
transformer which will lead to failure in
probably a short period of time.
"When it gets hot and
everybody cranks up their air conditioner and you
hear a big boom, youll know what it
was," said Williams.
According to Williams, even
with the price increase, when compared to
surrounding areas, prices in Carthage remains
below average.
Just Jake
Got another one a those
calls yesterday.
"Hello, this is
Craig with the Fraternal Order of Police
here in Carthage," the voice said.
"I didnt
catch the name," I replied.
"My name is Craig
and Im calling about....", he
"What was the last
name," I asked.
"Showers," he
"Then you
dont work here in town," I
said, havin been knowin
several of the local officers for some
"No," he
said, "and Im not an officer.
Its illegal for police officers to
solicit money."
Knowin there are
several local police activities I would
rather donate to, I declined to commit
any money.
This is some fact, but
Just Jake Talkin.
Sponsored by
Carthage Printing
Weekly Column
\By JoAnn Derson
Mildew-stained shower
curtains can be washed in the washing machine.
Use detergent and 1 cup of bleach. Throw in some
old towels for scrubbing action.
"To keep my kitchen
sponge and scrubbies fresh, I just throw them in
the dishwasher every few days."
Stella in Ohio
If you are sending a
greeting card to someone in the hospital, try
putting the persons home address as the
return address. If the patient is discharged
before the card arrives, it will be
"forwarded" to his or her house.
"Whenever I come
across a sticky lid on a jar one that is
hard to open I just pop it in the freezer
for about three minutes. This seems to unstick
glass jars in a jiffy." Jim in Denver
"I used to have a
problem with my shoelaces coming untied when I
ran. Then, my cousin Gary showed me this nifty
trick: Just take a spray bottle or a damp cotton
ball and moisten the laces before tying. It works
great!" Bill in West Palm Beach, Fla.
"I love to make
pies all kinds of pies. Heres a
trick my mother taught me: To make a smooth cut
on a soft pie, use a knife thats been run
through butter." Martha P. in Georgia
If you eat something hot
and need to cool down your mouth right away,
dont reach for water; it can aggravate
inflamed taste buds. Instead, grab a hard candy
or sprinkle your tongue with sugar.
Copyright 1997-2003 by Heritage
Publishing. All rights reserved.