The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Wednesday, October 15, 2003 Volume XII, Number 84
did ya
Did Ya Know?. . .The Class of
1978 Reunion will be held from 7-12 p.m. on Friday, Oct.
17th in the old Eugene Field School. Classmates of any
age invited. For more information contact Piper, Shellie,
or Teresa at 358-3879.
Did Ya Know?. . .The Carthage
Veterans Alliance will meet at 7 p.m. on Thurs., Oct.
16th at the V.F.W. Hall. They will finalize plans for the
Veterans Day Program to be held at the Memorial Hall. All
veteran organizations are welcome to attend.
Did Ya Know?. . .The next
Diabetes Support Group will meet from 4-5 p.m. on Wed.,
Oct. 22nd in the McCune-Brooks Hospital dining room.
Donna Nelson, RN, will speak about handling lifes
challenges. Refreshments and recipes will be served.
today's laugh
"Let me hear how far you can
"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight,
nine, Jack, Queen, King."
"Mummy, why does it rain?"
"To make things grow. To give us apples, pears,
corn, flowers"
"Then why does it rain on pavement?"
Mother (teaching alphabet)- "Now,
dear, what comes after O?"
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Common Slang and
"Cinch" is a word that has
recently come to us, a very expressive metaphor taken
from the Mexican "cincha," meaning the
tightening of a saddlegirth. Hence to get a cinch on one
is to have one in a grip as tight as a saddle of a
mustang. The true significance of this metaphor appears
in that amusing Western poem "One of the
Palls," written by Jonah Le Roy Robinson, of
Watertown, S. Dak.:
Joe had no sense o time to quit;
Stunted discreetion and stall-fed grit
Helped him unbuckle on many a cinch,
Whar sensible men ud have died in
the pinch
Among the slang phrases, some of which
have really been assimilated into the language and are
frequently used by editorial writers, a great many have
come from the race track in recent years, showing that,
in this country slang is everyday language.
Today's Feature
Applications Requested.
The Carthage Community
Foundation is preparing to begin its second round
of grantmaking to benefit Carthage area
Charities. In August of 2002, grants totalling
$2,050 were made from The Carthage Fund. This
year CCF is partnering with Donor Advised Funds,
and will be making grants of about $7,500 to
local charities. Grants are not restricted to any
particular field of interest, but grant requests
benefitting the arts are being solicited.
In or to announce grants by mid
December, the following deadlines have been set:
November 10th - submission of
Concept Letters.
December 1st - filing of Grant
Applications for qualifying projects.
Any interested grant applicant
needing copies of the Grant Policies, together
with guidelines for preparing a Concept Letter
should call the Carthage Community Foundation
office at 359-5534.
Concept Letters should be
mailed to P.O. Box 609, Carthage, or faxed to
Just Jake
Mornin',I got into
another one a those, you go, no you go, no you
go, speechless discussions at the intersection
the other day. This time it was with a motorcycle
rider. Had his (I think it was a he) face shield
down so I couldnt tell the expression, but
we had quite a discussion decidin who was
gonna balk first. After a couple a false starts,
the biker won out. I can only take so much of
bein mister nice guy and after a while I go
on through just ta prove a point. The problem is,
I havent figured out what the point is. I
find myself talkin to myself sayin
somethin like, well, if youre
gonna be that way, Ill just show you
and off I go. Guess I just dont have the
stamina I used too. When I was younger I could
sit at a corner longer than anyone. That really
showed em too, I suppose.
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin.
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Carthage Printing
Weekly Column
By JoAnn Derson
Heather D. of
Jacksonville, Fla., gives us this tip: Save your
toddler clothes as you get closer to potty
training. Many of those pants, shorts and jumpers
will fit again once the diapers come off.
When considering a gift
for someone who has a newborn baby, dont
forget that practical items can make great gifts:
a nice moisturizing and antibacterial hand soap;
pretty hair ties for women with long hair; gift
certificates and menus for local restaurants that
deliver; and extra diapers, which are always
Doctors say these things
can help women decrease or avoid PMS symptoms:
limit intake of caffeine; increase sleep time;
eat smaller, more frequent meals; get more
sunshine (wear sunscreen, of course); and avoid
"A cushy changing
pad can double as a makeshift sleep mat when
covered with a blanket. I use mine when I am out
visiting friends and my daughter gets tired. It
gives her a chance to stretch out, and shes
perfectly comfortable when I put it on the floor
in an out-of-the-way place. I still keep an eye
on her, though." Pat B. in Front
Royal, Va.
"If you have dry,
scaly feet, try this overnight treatment: Wash
and dry feet. Rub in a light moisturizer,
followed by a thin layer of petroleum jelly
(avoid the area between toes). The petroleum
jelly will seal in the lighter moisturizer, which
is absorbed right away. Cover your feet with
cotton socks and leave them on all night. If your
feet feel too hot with socks on, cut the toes
off. Do it every night for seven days, and I
swear it will make a difference. Sure does for
me!" Brian in New York
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