The Mornin' Mail is published every weekday except major holidays
Wednesday, January 19, 2005 Volume XIII, Number 151

did ya know?

Did Ya Know?... The Ladies of the Assessors Office have put together a Jasper County Cookbook, the first since 1979. All proceeds go to Relay for Life for donation of $10.00. Receive you cookbook today, call Sandy 358-4952 or Christie 358-7357.

Did Ya Know?. . .You can now adopt some of the Carthage Humane Society’s cutest kittens at the Carthage Animal Hospital, 2213 Fairlawn Dr., during regular office hours. For more info call 358-4914.

Did Ya Know?. . .The McCune- Brooks Hospital Blood Pressure Clinic is open M-W-F from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Clinic is located at 2040 S. Garrison in the MBH Wellness Center. Call 358-0670 M-W-F for more information. BP Logbook available.

today's laugh

"Say, Joe, you’re a broker; can’t you give me a tip?"
"I know something that is now about twenty, and within six months I can guarantee it to be over ninety."
"Sounds good! What is it?"
"The temperature."

Tourist: "Why were you so nice to that man? Is he a prominent citizen in town?"
Garage Man: "Yeah, he’s one of our early settlers."
"Early settler? But he’s a young man."
"True enough. I mean he pays his bills at the first of every month."

A Chronological Record of Events as they have Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.

Fell Off The Car.
John Brown Had His Face Skinned at Highland Avenue this Morning.

John Brown attempted to get off a swift moving street car at Highland avenue this morning and was tumbled over on his face in the gravelly road. His face was skinned and his body bruised but none of the injuries are serious.

Brown says he told the conductor to stop for him at Highland avenue but through a misunderstanding the car was not stopped. Brown got off anyhow. He was unconscious for a time but revived soon enough to take the next car back to the office of Dr. Baker whiere his hurts were dressed. Brown is a young man residing on the east end of Highland avenue.

S.B. Griswold and Miss Blanch, Mr. and Mrs. James Spence took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. O.D. Royse at Joplin, Sunday.


Today's Feature
Followup on Dumpster Request.

The Public Safety Committee met Monday evening in a regular session. Police Chief Dennis Veach reported that he had done further research about a recent request for placement of a dumpster on the sidewalk of 5th street. This item was brought before the committee at the previous meeting by Sue Vandergriff of the Private Events building on the square. Vandergriff said that there was no room for a dumpster elsewhere on the property, as the building reaches from 4th street to the sidewalk, leaving only 69 inches to the street. Chief Veach said he checked all of the ordinances pertaining to blockage of the sidewalk and could not find a legal way to permit an irregular dumpster placement. Vandergriff was not in attendance of the meeting.

Veach also reported that the evidence annex storage unit had been built in the basement of the Police Department. On December 28th City Council approved a bid from Michael’s Barns for $1,000 for the erection of the 8’ by 16’ storage structure for the purpose of housing evidence. The storage unit will not be used to house drugs or money.

Just Jake Talkin'
As my dad is fond of sayin’, "a quarter isn’t much, unless ya don’t have one."

One idea that has been at least expressed is the possibility of a fire substation bein’ a part of the new hospital. The plans for the new hospital are bein’ put together and it’s prob’ly a good thing to explore any possible long term savin’s that could be put in place.

The idea of a substation has consumed a lot of type in this publication over the last thirteen years or so. Several locations have been identified and rough plans even drawn out to take fire protection closer to the south side of town. The City currently has property designated for a substation near HH and Highway 71. The problem is payin’ for the thing. The cost of any proposal will no doubt tip the scale.

This is some fact, but mostly,

Just Jake Talkin’.

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Mornin' Mail
Weekly Column
Here's A Tip

By JoAnn Derson

• "To soften food that is stuck on a pan, try soaking it overnight with fabric softener. Just fill the pan with enough water to cover the burned-on food, then lay a dryer sheet of fabric softener in the pan (poke it down so it will stay under the water). The next morning, you should be able to wipe the food right off. You can even use the fabric-softener sheet as a scrubber." — A.S. in Maryland

• "To make your carpets look clean in a hurry, like when you are having company over, just sweep them with your broom." — C.C. in Pennsylvania

• "Ways to avoid spam — that nuisance e-mail that comes in droves to fill your in box: Use a name that has both words and numbers. Keep a separate "free" e-mail address for site logon information and for shopping. Be sure to report spam to your e-mail provider. Boost your spam-filter setting and add everyone you know to your address book or ‘safe’ list." — P.K., via e-mail

• "To keep thread straight when threading needles, I run the end across a cheap glue stick. It works very well, and the glue washes right out of the thread. Or, if you are afraid it will be sticky, you can just clip the end off before you start sewing." — T.E. in Kentucky

• "To make butter easier to spread on bread or toast, we keep a stick in a plastic sandwich baggie. We hold the baggie in our hands just long enough to soften the outside of the stick. Then, we can put a knife down in the bag to get a little of the softened butter to spread. It’s no-mess, and the heat from your hands softens the butter but doesn’t overmelt it, like when you put it in the microwave. You can just reseal the baggie and put it back in the fridge." — N.U. in Florida

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