The Mornin' Mail is published every weekday except major holidays
Friday, August 18, 2006 Volume XV, Number 45

did ya know?

Did Ya Know?... Storyteller Diane Humphrey of Joplin will present "The Land of a Million Smiles" Saturday, August 19 at 1:30 p.m. in the Powers Museum. The free activity will focus on the Ozark Playgrounds Association, the Ozark Girl Smile, and early tourism development in this area.

Did Ya Know?... The Carthage Church of the Nazarene, 2000 Grand Ave. will hold a "Back to School Bash" Wednesday, August 23 from 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. The event is free and everyone is welcome. Hot Air Balloon Rides, Jumpy Castle, Horse Rides, Petting Zoo, Train Ride, Gift Certificate Giveaway.

Did Ya Know?... "Who’s on What and Why?" will be held Wednesday., Aug. 23 from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. in McCune-Brooks Hospital. Karen Fenstermacher, Family Nurse Practitioner with Dr. Unruh, will talk about how doctors decide how an individual’s diabetes is treated. Diabetic-appropriate refreshments provided.

today's laugh

My wife wanted to go to Hawaii for our vacation; I wanted to go to Bermuda. So we split the difference. We stayed home.

My uncle is a great patriot. He says he loves all forty-eight states. His heart is big, but is geography book is terribly outdated.

Television is something to do without actually doing anything.

A Chronological Record of Events as they have Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.

Mare Strayed or Stolen.

A claybank mare either strayed or stolen a few nights ago from the farm of Harry Riddle, 10 miles southeast of Carthage.

She was 12 years old,, had dark heavy mane and tall and was bare footed; 15 1/2 hands high, weigh 900 pounds; branded "E4" on left shoulder. The owner is offering a reward for information.

If You are Well Bred.

You will be kind.

You will not use slang.You will try to make others happy.

You will not be shy or self conscious.

You will never indulge in ill-natured gossip.

You will never forget engagements.

You will not swagger or boast of your achievements.

You will not bore people by constantly talking of yourself and your affairs.


Today's Feature

Changed to Meet Standards.

An action taken by the Public Works Committee this week might result in a change of the Carthage code book for new street construction. The committee spoke with Public Works Director Chad Wampler concerning Chapter 22 of the Carthage code, which deals with the thickness of base rock and asphalt paving for street construction.

The current code lists a blanket specification for all projects of 6 inches of base rock and 2 inches of hot asphalt. Wampler said that the department should be using different specifications for different widths of right-of-ways and for different soil types.

"There is not a minimum standard anymore," said Wampler.

Street Commissioner Tom Shelley agreed that the current standards are not sufficient for modern traffic loads.

Wampler’s recommendation to the committee was to refer contractors to a formula that uses the variables to determine the depths of base rock and asphalt that would be appropriate for each project.

The committee approved a motion to recommend the code changes to City Council for approval.

Stench Report:

No Stench Reported on Carthage Square.

Just Jake Talkin'

So this old farmer is drivin’ into town to get a part to fix his tractor. He’s in a hurry to get back to the field and is speedin’ just a tad. A patrolman pulls him over.

As the patrolman was writin’ out the ticket, a fly kept buzzin’ around and the officer would shoo it off.

"Looks like onea those circle flies," says the farmer.

"What’s that?" asked the officer.

"Out on the farm they’re always circlin’ round a horse’s tail," the farmer replies.

The officer he stops and thinks.

"Say, you aren’t callin’ me a horse’s rear end are ya?"

"Oh no," says the farmer. "I respect lawmen way too much for that. But, ya know, it is pretty hard ta fool them flies."

This is some fact, but mostly,

Just Jake Talkin’.

Oak Street Health & Herbs
Natural Nutrition
By Mari An Willis

This has been a very busy season. Many people are complaining of general lack of energy. Stress, heat, improper nutrition and vacations all take their toll. We are in a hurry and rush society with me at the head of the pack!

Spirulina - a natural food supplement that is easily digestible providing an excellent cross of nutrients and protein. It is commonly found in weight control formulas for its ability to satisfy hunger. Creates internal energy.

Bee Pollen - strengthens and builds the system. It has been used to make one "buzz" through the day. It is rich in amino acids and enzymes - natural energizers. If one has allergies to bee sting, this is not for you. Start in small doses and work up.

Damiana - has been used to treat those in an exhausted state. Although it has been used to help balance hormones and is often associated with increasing sexual prowess, it is in many energy formulas.

Ginko - is an adaptogenic herb helping the body to deal with stress thus burning less "stress" energy. It is a gift for the aging as it increases blood flow to the brain and extremities, improves mental clarity and helps with other blood conditions. Much study has been done on Ginko proving its benefits.

Ginseng - an old standby used by many to overcome stress and weakness. Ginseng is a tonic herb and is best used on a daily basis as it is used in the Orient. In China it is used as a preventative.

Herbs, being the gift they are, may benefit one and not the other.

Art Notes from Hyde House
by Sally Armstrong, Director of artCentral

As we continue to prepare for the new show opening August 25th I am excited to report that we already have most of our calendar booked with shows and some workshops and classes for next season! We will begin after the holidays with a three day workshop for adults from Webb City watercolorist John Fitzgibbon and John’s work will be featured as the opening show for the season in the Main Gallery. The next month will feature a pastel workshop by Sarcoxie pastel artist Mary Lou Reed and she too will have an art show of her work beginning at that time. The group of potters and ceramic artists that comprise MIDWEST CLAY ARTISTS will be in the Main Gallery for a group show in April, and of course our usual Membership Show in June. Later in the summer we hope to feature a corporate show from artists from one of our large corporations in the area, and a photography show from Joplin artist Bill Perry. The fall will feature work of watercolor artist Marilyn York of Olathe Kansas and later the work of Donna Roberts of Joplin who works in mixed water-media. Along the way we will feature a seminar class by Joplin resident and former museum curator, art appraiser, and consultant Michael Bell who will speak to artists and collectors alike on the subjects of art pricing, conservation, collecting and selling, shows and marketing. We are especially excited about this opportunity! So the new year looms ahead.

The classes and workshops mentioned above are open to all, but members of artCentral will receive discounted fees so that is another good reason to join artCentral this year, to keep abreast of what will be offered in the future. We have had so many requests for classes and this is one area that I would like to build upon additionally. If you are an artist and would like to teach a pottery workshop, a photography workshop, anything not already scheduled, please call me at artCentral. We also are interested in artists willing to have small shows in the Member Gallery, as none are scheduled yet for 2007. My number is 417 358 4404.

And now, mark your calendars for August 25th and be with us for A LOVE AFFAIR WITH WOOD by sculptor Larry Oliver! See you there.

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