The Mornin' Mail is published every weekday except major holidays
Wednesday, September 5, 2006 Volume XV, Number 57

did ya know?

Did Ya Know?... Golden Reflections morning coffee will be held September 6th at 10 a.m. in the McCune-Brooks hospital cafeteria. Introduction to scrapbooking with Michelle Dunlap of Show Me Scrapbooking. Call 359-2347 for more information. Visitors always welcome.

Did Ya Know?... The American Business Women’s Association Peace Star Chapter of Carthage invites you to join us for "The Daniel O’Donnell Show" in Branson, November 25, 2006. Shopping and sightseeing at "The Branson Landing", and Lunch at "B.T. Bones". Cost for the trip, $69.50. Reservations before Oct. 3rd, call Sally Metcalf, 394-2213.

today's laugh

Why isn’t there a special name for the tops of your feet? - Lily Tomlin

I took a course in speed waiting. Now I can wait an hour in only ten minutes. - Steven Wright

Weather forecast for tonight: dark. - George Carlin

I’m a writer. I write checks. Mostly fiction. - Wendy Liebman

I had dyslexia as a child and wrote about it in my dairy. - Zach Galifianakis.

A glove is a shoe for the hand.

A Chronological Record of Events as they have Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.

Cases in Police Court.

Judge Buckbee’s court was occupied awhile this morning with the case of Rose Gee and Hester Gateway, two women who were arrested on the street last night, charged with disorderly conduct. They promptly pleaded guilty and were fined $5 and costs, which, all told, amounted to $10 each.

Fishermen Have a Mishap.

Galan Chitwood and Henry Clark of Carl Junction started on a fishing expedition a few days ago expecting to float from the mouth of Center creek a considerable distance down Spring river, but had not gone far till Mr. Chitwood’s boat caught on a part of an old dam at the Boston mills and upset. To save anything was impossible. Two guns, 1,700 loaded shells, a jug of "bait" and a lot of camp equipment went to the bottom to rise no more, and as Mr. Chitwood was floundering in the water a purse containing $70 washed out of his pocket and floated downstream. Fortunately, this was rescued.


Today's Feature

System Close to Implementation.

New technology is close to being implemented for use in Carthage’s infrastructure. High resolution aerial photographs were taken for use in a geographical index system (GIS), a collaborative effort between the Jasper County Commission, Carthage Public Works Department, Carthage Water and Electric Plant and other regional entities.

The aerial photographs will be used by the Carthage Public Works Department for increasing to photo-accuracy the sewer and street plans of the City. Public Works Director Chad Wampler says that the Public Works Department received the photographs late last week and is in the first steps of demonstrating sewer and street overlays against the base map. Examples will be available soon.

The County Commission intends to use the overhead photographs in conjunction with the Environmental Contamination ordinance approved earlier this year. The maps will illustrate areas of known mining contamination as designated by the Environmental Protection Agency. County Assessor Don Davis says the system will have "multitudes of uses" once implemented.

Stench Report:


Stench Detected Late Monday Evening on Carthage Square

Just Jake Talkin'

Onea my uncles didn’t care much for havin’ money in his mattress. He wanted it in things that folks couldn’t haul away easily. It would be easy enough for someone ta come in and carry off a bag full of cash, but it would take a real man to carry off a dump truck or a bulldozer.

That’s where his money was kept. He knew if he ever needed some cash, he could always sell a piece of equipment.

In his later years, when it wasn’t as easy to get out and move that equipment around, he got so he liked to see a little cash accumulate. Found it was a lot more flexible and easier to carry around.

He used to say, "Whether you’re rich or poor, it’s good to have money."

I never had any argument against that.

This is some fact, but mostly,

Just Jake Talkin’.

Mornin' Mail
Here's A Tip
By JoAnn Derson

• An easy way to store wrapping paper for quick use is on a curtain rod. Mount a small one (or several, for different styles of paper) inside the door of a closet or on a garage wall. Slip on the roll and mount. Now it’s ready for use anytime, and it’s easy to get just the amount you need. You can store rolled ribbon right alongside it if the curtain rod is long enough.

• "You can use eyeglass cleaner or a windshield cleaner with a built-in defogger on bathroom mirrors. It helps if you have a husband who likes a steamy shower, then shaves right after. I was so tired of those hand smears on the mirror, and now I don’t have to deal with them." -- Y.L. in Arkansas

• Store dairy foods that come in tubs -- yogurt, sour cream, cottage cheese -- upside down in the refrigerator to make them last longer.

• Mix 1 part dish soap to 2 parts water and keep the mixture in a spray bottle by your sink. Use it to spray heavily soiled dishes for a soak, or to soap up your sponge.

• "If your kids own a video-game console, then you might be aware that after hour upon hour of playing, the console can overheat and shut itself off. I devised an easy way to keep the machine cooler, and therefore less susceptible to costly damage from overheating. I placed a cooling rack (the kind used to cool cookies and other pastries after cooking) on a hard surface (like a shelf in the entertainment center or the top of the TV) and put the console on top. This allows for ventilation of every surface of the game system. Also, make sure your kids don’t keep anything on top of the console or too close to the sides, as that will hinder air flow as well." -- C.E. in Florida

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