The Mornin' Mail is published every weekday except major holidays
Tuesday, April 24, 2007 Volume XV, Number 218

did ya know?

Did Ya Know?... The Carthage Veterans Alliance will meet Tuesday night, April 24th at 7:00 p.m. in the Legion Rooms of the Memorial Hall to plan the annual Memorial Day service. Commanders and those who would like to help plan the program should attend. Also invited; American Legion, D.A.V., V.F.W., Chosen Few, Vietnam Veterans, Order of the Purple Heart, Community Band and Boy Scouts.

Did Ya Know?... A Master Gardener will be available to answer gardening questions on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. through August 10. Sponsored by the University of Missouri Extension. Call 358-2158 or stop by the Jasper County University of Missouri Extension Center in the basement of the Jasper County Courthouse.

Did Ya Know?... The Carthage Musical Devotees April Program will be held Sunday, April 29th at 3:00 p.m. The Keynotes Piano Recital led by Bob Harris will be the program, to be held at the First Methodist Church, Carthage. Public Invited, light refreshments to follow the program.

Did Ya Know?...APRIL 25 - Diabetic Support Group meeting at 4 p.m. in the McCune-Brooks Hospital cafeteria. We will be discussing new Medicare Coverage for Diabetes Education and Diabetes Supplies. Guest Speakers will include Karol Jones, Director of Patient Accounts and Debbie Herbst, Dietitian/Diabetes Educator. Free refreshments (diabetic appropriate) and recipes! Call 359-2355 for more info.

today's laugh

The memory is not the first thing to go. It’s just that when it goes, you forget about all the other things that went before it.

He’s such a dangerous handyman that his toolbox has a siren on it.

A Chronological Record of Events as they have Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.

Farmers Northwest of Town Will Slaughter Rabbits.

Mr. J. W. Weaver, of northwest Carthage, was in the City today and informed a representative that the farmers of that section have decided to have another grand charity rabbit hunt for Friday. The last hunt resulted in the slaughter of 225 rabbits, but, according to Mr. Weaver, three or four times that number escaped, and as they are doing much damage, the farmers have concluded to have another hunt and turn the rabbits over to the charity union of this city. Mrs. W. E. Hall, who superintended the distribution before, says that there were persons who had not tasted meat for weeks fed as a result of the last hunt.

An urgent invitation is extended to every Carthaginian who can handle a gun. The hunters will start about 8:30 o’clock Friday morning from Mr. Weaver’s place, three and a half miles northwest of this City.


Today's Feature

Light Agenda for Council.

The Carthage City Council will meet this evening at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall. Items on the agenda include the second reading of the ordinance authorizing the cost share agreement for the Fairview Interchange.

Items in their first reading include a proclamation for Brynn Cummins and an ordinance entering into agreement with APAC-Missouri, Inc. for the Annual Paving Contract for 2007. The bid from APAC is for $38.77 per ton of asphalt laid and $1.91 per gallon of tack oil. It was the low bid and comes with the recommendation of the Public Works committee.


As has been reported in previous issues of the Mornin’ Mail, there will be no City-Wide cleanup this year. This portion of the City contract with Allied Waste was eliminated during a recent amendment to the agreement. Citizens may instead place one (1) bulky item for collection in addition to regular trash in the normal place of collection. The City is in the process of getting bids to hold a hazardous waste drop-off site. Dates will be announced when the service is secured.

Just Jake Talkin'

I suppose ever’one has a different set a priorities ta go by. I reckon that’s why we have such a selection of automobiles and breakfast cereals ta choose from. Some folks want ta own land, some have ta have money in the bank, some stuff their money in a mattress. It’s all a matter of priority.

Some folks like ta always be breakin’ new ground, pushin’ to the limit. Others like ta savor tradition.

One a the problems with priorities is that ever’one has ‘em. This is why things get confusin’. With ever’thing laid out on the table, it makes it a lot easier for folks ta understand what you’re up to.

During the budget sessions, there are always plenty of opportunities for the City ta pick and choose. Knowin’ what’s important should make us better pickers.

This is some fact, but mostly,

Just Jake Talkin’.

Mornin' Mail

To Your Good Health
By Paul G. Donohue, M.D.

Tips For Reducing Foot Odor

DEAR DR. DONOHUE: I am a waitress. Naturally, I am on my feet all day long. When I get home and kick off my shoes, my feet have a terrible odor. I take a daily shower. If I bathe more often, my skin dries out. Is there some way to control this smell? -- C.M.

ANSWER: One way to decrease foot odor is to keep the feet as dry as possible.

When you go to work, take with you a change of stockings. If you can get two stocking changes in while you’re at work, all the better. Wear shoes that have openings in them for ventilation.

Never wear the same shoes two days in a row. Give them a chance to thoroughly dry.

You don’t have to take lots of showers every day, but you can wash your feet before going to work and immediately upon coming home. Dry them with a hair dryer. After they’ve dried, spray them, top and bottom, with an antiperspirant that has aluminum chloride in it.

At night, before going to bed, spray your feet with a solution of sodium bicarbonate. Put half a teaspoon of bicarbonate in a cup of water. This spray changes the acidity of the skin and gets rid of some of the odor-producing germs that cling to the feet.

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