The Mornin' Mail is
published every weekday except major holidays
Tuesday, December 11, 2007 Volume XVI, Number
ya know?
Did Ya Know?... The Fair
Acres Family YMCA invites the public to help
celebrate Sharon Croleys retirement after
12 years of service. An open house will be held
Thursday, December 13 in the game room of the Y
from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Did Ya Know?... The
public is invited to experience a live Nativity
at the First Baptist Church in Carthage, 631
South Garrison. Free performances will be held
every half hour from 6:30 to 8:30 on December 13,
14 and 15. Complimentary snacks, hot chocolate
and cookies will be served between performances.
The plastic surgeon just
couldnt help this one woman. He gave her a
face-lift, and there was another one just like it
Letters are getting so
expensive, some college kids cant afford to
write home for money.
An agent is showing a house to
prospective buyers. He shows the large yard and
says, "Your children will love it
As they start in, a mouse runs
across the patio. Unfazed, the agent adds,
"And think what a great time your cat will
If scientists were any good,
they could come up with a lying bathroom scale.
A Chronological Record of Events as they have
Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.
Stole Geese.
John Austin and Lee Doyle
(also called Hurt sometimes) were arrested last night by
the Carthage Police, charged with stealing twenty one
geese from a Mr. Miller, who brought the geese here from
near Phelps, Lawrence county and had sold them to Frank
Porter. During the night he had turned them loose on Will
Kendricks place, in North Carthage.
About 12 or 1 oclock
Austin and Doyle went after the geese, but Kendrick
stopped them . They explained their actions by saying
Porter sent them for the fowls. They then took their load
to Joplin and disposed of it to two butchers for $8.50.
The police followed up their trail so closely they still
had the money in their pockets.
Miss Nira Wright will
spend the winter in New York City after which she will
leave New York for a visit with relatives in the east.
The Carthage City
Council will meet this evening at 7:30 p.m. in
the Council Chambers of City Hall. The first
readings of several ordinances are scheduled
including one that would approve a settlement
agreement with US Cellular and assign a
percentage of the settlement proceeds to the
Missouri Municipal League.
The Council is
also scheduled to hear the first reading of an
ordinance that would vacate the east 17 feet of
Buena Vista Right-of-Way between Fairview Avenue
and Highland Avenue. This item is brought by the
Public Works Committee where it was discussed
last week. The committee voted to support the
ordinance, which would allow for the construction
of a privacy fence between houses in the Rollins
Creek development and Buena Vista street.
Council will also
hear the first reading of an ordinance that will
allow a comprehensive tree inventory inventory
would for help the City all trees in City parks to be conducted
by Skip Kincaid and Associates. The determine the
condition of trees in the City parks, and would
help the City Tree Board to know what areas will
require future planting.

Just Jake
Snow tires are a wonderful invention. They can be
carried round, not takin much room,
always ready. If ya got a nice dry place ta put
em on, its not even a bad job to get
done. Its a wonder
that more folks dont wear little traction
type things on their shoes. I figure someone has
invented such a thing. Looks like itd be
simple enough. Some sort of elastic or velcro
type set up with little studs on the bottom. Easy
to put on, easy off. Keep ya from bustin
your... but that would probly be to simple
an answer. Its always more excitin ta
watch folks slip and slide.
Sides, itd just be
another thing Id have to organize. I
suppose I could keep a pair in the same place my
tire chains are, at my cousins house in
This is some fact, but mostly,
Just Jake Talkin.
Mornin' Mail |
To Your Good Health
By Paul G. Donohue, M.D.
Forget Stomach
Flu, Blame Norvovirus
Have you any information on the Norwalk flu? My
grandkids were all sick with it last week --
vomiting and diarrhea. One had to be taken to the
hospital because of a high fever. -- M.C.
Norwalk virus -- so named because it was first
isolated in Norwalk, Ohio -- is now called
Norvovirus. Its one of the most common
causes of infectious diarrhea, and the infection
is not limited to children. Its the virus
responsible for ruining many peoples
vacations when it races through cruise ships.
After a relatively
short incubation period (the time from the
viruss entry into the body until the
appearance of symptoms) of one to two days,
infected people begin to have diarrhea, sometimes
accompanied by stomach cramps and vomiting. Body
temperature rises, and headaches are another
feature. The illness lasts, on average, two to
three days, but some are ill for as long as one
There is no
special medicine for the infection. Lowering body
temperature, when indicated, and making the
person comfortable are two treatment goals. The
most important aspect is to keep the infected
person -- adult and especially child -- hydrated,
since so much fluid is lost in the diarrhea
Care if I make a
picky point? This isnt the flu. Flu is a
respiratory illness with cough, muscle pain and
fever. People use the term "intestinal
flu," but thats a misnomer. I make the
point only because many people who receive the
flu vaccine and then later develop diarrhea blame
it on the flu. They say the vaccine didnt
work. Theyre wrong. Theyre talking
about a different illness.
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