The Mornin' Mail is published every weekday except major holidays
Wednesday, May 9, 2007 Volume XV, Number 229

did ya know?

Did Ya Know?... McCune-Brooks Hospital will offer a free skin screening clinic on May 9 from 9-11 a.m. and 1:30-3:30 p.m. Appointments will be assigned on a first come-first served basis. Register in the ER/Outpatient lobby beginning 8:45 a.m. 359-2452 for more info.

Did Ya Know?... Spare Cat Rescue will help pay for the spay or neuter of your cat. Call for details. 417-358-6808.

Did Ya Know?... The Seventh Annual Ozark Master Gardener plant sale will be held from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, May 12 at Powers Museum, 1617 Oak St., located across from Municipal Park in Carthage.

Did Ya Know?... The "Emma Sanders Memorial Fund" has been established at Southwest Missouri Bank by friends of the Sanders family. This is to give those showing concern for the family an opportunity to help. Contributions to the fund can be made at any Southwest Missouri Bank.

today's laugh

Dad, what’s heredity?
Heredity, son, is something that a father believes in until his son starts acting like a darn fool.

Are you saving any money since you started your budget system?
Sure. By the time we have balanced it up every evening, it’s too late to go out and buy anything.

A Chronological Record of Events as they have Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.

Threshing Machine In A Blaze.

A threshing machine standing on a vacant lot at the east end of Central avenue at the corner of Willow street caught fire last night at 2:30 o’clock.

The fire department was called out and extinguished the blaze.

No one seems to know to whom the machine belonged. It is a Minneapolis separator, none of which are sold from this town. Some of the people living in the vicinity of the fire say that W.W. Whittaker, or near Reeds, pulled the engine and separator to the place Saturday and left it there preparatory to shipping it to the Kansas Wheat belt. He is in the threshing business, and it may be his machine.

The origin of the fire is a mystery. It either caught from a passing Frisco train, or else was of incendiary origin.

Insurance is seldom carried on threshing outfits, and it is supposed that there was no insurance on this one.


Today's Feature

Met At Kellogg Lake.

The City Council Public Services committee met Monday evening in a regular session. The meeting was held at Kellogg Lake park as part of an ongoing parks and recreation system evaluation. The committee discussed with Kellogg Lake Nature Center and Preserve board members Jo Ellis and Ed Grundy some proposed additions to the park. Ellis told the committee that the City Council Public Safety committee had reviewed plans to adopt an ordinance restricting parking in Kellogg Lake to the areas designated for parking. The committee took no action on the matter but discussed the progress of the ordinance with City Administrator Short.

The committee also discussed Kids’ Fishing Day, which is to be held at the lake on June 9. Ellis requested that the lake be closed from June 5th until the fishing day to allow the lake to be stocked. A motion was approved to allow the closure, as it has been done in previous years.

Under old business, the committee reviewed the proposal to change the name of the street in front of the new McCune-Brooks Hospital from "Garrison Avenue" to "Dr. Russell Smith Way." This proposed name-change has been open for comments from the public for the last 30 days and only one comment has been received. According to City Administrator Tom Short, council member Tom Flanigan sent a message through the City website speaking in favor of the change. The committee approved a motion to allow the change.

Another name change approved by the committee was for the new hospital itself. The same 30 day comment period has been in effect until recently for the proposal to change the name of McCune-Brooks Hospital to "McCune-Brooks Regional Hospital." This proposal saw no comments from the public, and was approved unanimously by the committee.

Fireworks bids for the City 4th of July celebration were also heard. The committee approved a motion to accept a bid from A&M Pyrotechnics for a $15,000 fireworks show.

Just Jake Talkin'
One a these days I’m gonna do a time study on the efficiency of takin’ the time to carefully coil an electric cord and compare it to just throwin’ it in a heap and untanglin’ it when it’s needed.

I know it looks a lot better hangin’ on the hook all coiled up in its proper place. But what I’m not sure of is whether or not it saves time.

Now, rope coilin’ is a different story. Most of the time ya have ta pull out the full length of rope, so tangles slow ya down. I recommend takin’ the time to keep a rope (especially a lengthy one) neatly tucked in a convenient place.

Because ya never really know when it’s gonna start stormin’, and there’s nothin worse than standin’ in the rain untanglin’ a rope just so you can get that tarp tied down.

This is some fact, but mostly,

Just Jake Talkin’.

Mornin' Mail

Here's A Tip
By JoAnn Derson

• ON SALE IN MAY: Gardening supplies, luggage, jewelry, outdoor furniture, televisions, mattresses, silver and home-maintenance items.

• Camping season is officially under way. When you’re packing for your camping trip, use a coffee can with a plastic lid to hold matches, candles, cameras and other things that need to stay dry.

• "To clean a smudge off of cotton upholstery, try using a plain pencil eraser. Make sure it has not been used, as the lead or graphite can transfer. Use a brand-new one and the smudges usually come right off. Vacuum away any remaining rubber bits." -- P.D. in Arkansas

• Install a towel rack on the inside of your closet door. You can use it to hold scarves and belts, and even necklaces. It barely takes up any room at all.

• "Save pretty pictures from calendars to use as placemats. If you find one you really like, laminate it or take it to a copy shop to have it laminated. It brightens meals and makes cleanup a snap." -- C.B. in California

• "Use plastic containers (used for leftovers) to store children’s art supplies. They make it easy to see the crayons, markers, etc., and it’s easy for the kids to sort into. Cleaning up after my grandkids is no problem." -- E.L. in Rhode Island

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