Tuesday April 8, 1997 Volume V, Number 206



A Chronological Record of Events as they have Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.

A Verdict for the Defendants in the Sidewalk Suit. The jury in the suit of Moses Williams, vs. C. E. Elliott, Clay Leaming and D. A. Fillmore, judges of the former county court, returned a verdict about 6 o'clock last night in favor of the judges. The jury had been out since 10 o'clock in the morning.

The case was a very interesting one and the result was watched for with great interest. Williams is the man who wanted to put down cement sidewalks around the courthouse. At one time the court was inclined to favor the proposition, but public sentiment was so strongly in favor of stone walks that they called the deal off.

Williams brought suit for damages against the county, but the case was thrown out of court and he then brought suit against the judges as individuals. This is the suit that was settled yesterday and it puts an end to Mr. William's efforts to stick someone for his unlaid cement walks.

Health Notes.

sponsored by McCune Brooks Hospital

April is National STD Awareness Month. During these 30 days, health authorities, such as the American Social Health Association (ASHA), will make a concerted effort to alert people to the growing incidences of sexually transmitted diseases, especially among young adults and teenagers.

According to a release from ASHA, among the 12 million new infections reported in the United States each year, two-thirds occur in people under 25; one fourth of the cases are being found in teenagers. STDs are more common in the United States than allergies, arthritis, or lung disease. The facts are, STDs can be prevented; many are curable; and most can be treated. However, it’s important to know that adolescents contracting an STD infection could well be affected by them throughout their lives. For example, the STDs that are caused by viruses, such as genital herpes, human papillomavirus (HPV), hepatitis B, and HIV/AIDS are, so far, incurable.

Knowledge is always the best ally against disease. People of all ages need to learn the facts about STDs. Talk to your doctor about ways in which you can avoid being infected and infecting others. If you have youngsters, it’s never too early to teach them about STDs and the effect an infection can have on them for life.

did ya know?

Did Ya Know... Main Street Carthage announces the 1997 Farmers Market on the Historic Carthage Square. The event is starting two months earlier than usual and is scheduled each Wed. and Sat. from 7 a.m. to noon through the summer. Vendors must be registered with the Carthage Main Street office. Call 358-4974 or stop by 137 Grant for information.

Did Ya Know... The Jasper County Health Dept. sent out 5,000 random health care and environmental surveys to Jasper County residents. If you received a survey and have questions, call William Gory, Admin., or Maxann Parrish at 358-3111.

today's laugh

Underwear: Something that creeps up on you.

Two friends were driving to the golf course one morning. "You know, I was thinking," one said. "Golf is a lot like taxes." "Okay, I'll bite," said his friend. "Why is golf a lot like taxes?" "Well," replied his friend, "you spend your whole life driving your heart out for the green, and no matter what happens, you always end up in a hole."

Congress passes bills and the taxpayer pays them.

New Council Members To Be Sworn In.

Newly elected Council members Donna Harlan, Art Dunaway, and Charlie Bastin are scheduled to be sworn in during tonight’s Council meeting, along with incumbent Mike Harris. There had been no official word at City Hall yesterday at closing concerning the anticipated resignation of Third Ward winner Steve Ogle. Ogle was transferred to Nashville after he was placed on the ballot. State law requires that he must officially resign before another can be appointed to replace him.

Former Council member Gary Mohr, the write-in candidate that was narrowly defeated by Ogle, has put his name in for consideration for the appointment.

The agenda also includes the election of a Mayor ProTem and the appointment of Council members to the various Committees. The new Council will hear the first reading of an ordinance amending BOCA property maintenance Code and vote on a resolution annexing property as requested by Jack and Kim Crusa.

Just Jake Talkin'.


Seems like folks are stirred up more now that the election is over than in the heat of the campaign. Well, I guess heat is a little strong as a description for most of the campaigns, but they did at least reach a little more than luke warm at times.

From hearin’ what some have ta say, there is somewhat of a feelin’ of victory on the part of those who proclaim a distrust of all political animals. ‘Course there has always been that element that enjoys the squabble more than the content of any particular debate, but there is also a sense of uneasiness bein’ shown by those who might approve of the resent past history of the Council.

It is doubtful that tonight’s Council meetin’ will produce any real surprises, but there should be at least some sense of suspense for those accustomed to observin’ the proceedings. There is always that time set aside for personal comment by the Council members if the rest of the meetin’ gets a little dull.

This is some fact, but mostly, Just Jake Talkin’.