The Mornin' Mail is Published Daily -Friday, November 21, 1997 Volume 6, Number 111
  did ya know?

Did Ya Know... The OATS bus from Carthage and Sarcoxie runs to Joplin every Tuesday. Call 358-4662 or 1-800-770-6287 on Monday to schedule a ride.

Did Ya Know... Carthage Senior High School salad luncheon is today at Memorial Hall from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at a cost of $4 per person.

Did Ya Know... The VFW Post 2590 is serving their annual Thanksgiving dinner combined with Oct.-Nov. birthday dinner on Sat., Nov. 22 at 3 p.m. for members and their guests. Call 358-1657 for information.

Did Ya Know... McCune-Brooks Hospital open house is Sat., Nov. 22 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Use the main east entrance.

Did Ya Know... Four State Diabetes Support Group will meet Wed., Nov. 26 from 4 to 5 p.m. at McCune-Brooks Hospital cafeteria. Call Yvonne Thomas at 358-8121 ext. 355 or 359-5082 for further details.

today's laugh

Teacher: What do you call a person who keeps on talking when people are no longer interested?

Student: A teacher.


Father to teenage daughter: "I want you home by 11:00."

"But Daddy, I’m no longer a child."

"I know, that’s why I want you home by 11:00."

A Chronological Record of Events as they have Transpired in the City and County since our last Issue.

Furniture Factory Secured.

Will be in Operation in Carthage Within Sixty Days.

Within sixty days Carthage will have a furniture factory running in full blast. Messars, J. D. Clarkson and J. P. Leggett were in Lamar yesterday and arranged the final details for the removal of a furniture factory to this place.

This is an enterprise that the club has had, on foot for some time. Mr. Leggett first presented it and he and Mr. Clarkson have since been working as a committee to secure it.

The board of directors of the Commercial Club held a meeting last night to close up the matter. By the terms of the agreement entered into, the Commercial Club is to furnish a site for the factory. The club now has options on a half dozen pieces of land suitable for the purpose and one of them will be secured at once.

The owners of the plant must, to secure this, build a frame structure on the site provided. The building must be 25 X 50 feet and have an ell at least 25 X 50 feet and be two stories in height.

The factory people further agree to equip the plant with $4,000 worth of machinery and to operate the plant continuously for two years. If they fail to do so the site, building, machinery and all reverts to the Commercial Club.

The maximum number of men to which the factory can furnish employment is about 100. The factory will, however, start with about fifteen men and add the others as the business justifies.

The proprietors of the factory are experienced businessmen and have the necessary capital to make the factory successful. They have looked over the ground carefully and are very much pleased with Carthage as a manufacturing point. They will manufacture all kinds of medium grade furniture.

Now that the deal has been closed they are very anxious to move and have the factory in operation here as soon as possible, and it is altogether probable that the plant will be running here in full blast inside of sixty days.

  Today's Feature

Leggett & Platt Expansion.

At their Tuesday night meeting, Public Works Committee members discussed a request from Leggett & Platt to vacate Central Avenue east of River Street. If the City agrees to the request, that portion of Central Avenue would become the property of Leggett & Platt.

According to a letter from Robert B. Kinz, Leggett & Platt has purchased all the surrounding property and wants to use the vacated area as a parking lot for their expanded operations.

Joe Butler, Assistant to the City Engineer, assured the Committee that the existing utility easements would remain in place in the vacated area and that if relocation was necessary it would be accomplished at the expense of Leggett & Platt.

Butler said that Leggett would also like to change the turning radius at the Central and River intersection to accommodate increased truck traffic.

"We have already agreed with the Mayor and the City Engineer to assist them in redesigning the Central Avenue/River Street intersection to make it more efficient, convenient, and safe," Kinz’s letter states. "To that end, Leggett & Platt anticipates deeding a portion of the the City in order to effectuate the intersection redesign."

Discussion in the Committee focused on the cost of redesigning the intersection with members agreeing that Leggett should bear the cost.

"I think the third paragraph says ‘Leggett & Platt is wiling to consider any reasonable conditions the City of Carthage may impose,’ well, I think one of the conditions we ought to impose is that we come out of it revenue neutral, if it’s to benefit them," said Bill Johnson. "I don’t have any problem vacating it as long as that’s one of the conditions."

The Committee passed a motion authorizing the Engineering Department to proceed with inquiries concerning the redesign of the intersection and the expense involved and to report back to the Committee.


Life Saving System Explained

Carthage Fire Chief John Cooper reported last Monday evening his understanding of the CairnIris Thermal Imaging System to the Public Safety Committee. This application of military technology would allow firefighters to see through smoke. The helmet mounted camera recognizes the natural heat of people or objects and transfers an image to the user.

The Chief explained that the device would prevent firefighters from having to feel their way through smoke, often crawling along the floor, to find trapped or injured persons.

An estimated cost of twenty five thousand dollars was discussed. Cooper said that after hearing of the system, several people have donated money toward the purchase. The Committee encouraged the Chief to continue his efforts to present the concept, and accept donations. Members also said they would "look into any difference" when it comes time to acquire the equipment.

Chief Cooper told the Mornin Mail that his department would be glad to accept donations of any size for the lifesaving equipment. For more information call the Carthage Fire Department at 358-2232.


Just Jake Talkin'

If you volunteer durin’ the year for anything worthwhile, ya oughta stop by City Hall this mornin’ and meet some of the other folks doin’ the same thing.

This mornin’ is the time for the Mayor’s Volunteer Breakfast. Now it’s not a formal sit down affair, just folks gatherin’ in Council Chambers to recognize those who volunteer their time and effort toward the benefit of the Carthage community.

Mayor Riley began the tradition a couple a years ago as a way to thank the hundreds of folks who are what he calls the "backbone" of the community.

If ya haven’t attended before don’t expect a big production, just folks mainly just drop in and say hey and go on about their business. It is a chance to meet the Mayor and some of the Council members if ya haven’t had the opportunity before.

The event will be open from 7:30 to 9:30 so take a minute to drop by.

This is some fact, but mostly, Just Jake Talkin’.



Oak Street health & herbs

Weekly Column

Natural Nutrition

The wrestlers are in full swing with practices early morning and afternoons. What a grueling sport. I suppose that I look at it from a middle-aged woman's viewpoint as an easy way to get hurt...young men look at it as a test of strength and one-on-one competition (a testosterone thing!). Point being that it can lead to many bumps and bruises which can easily be minimized with the use of arnica salve. No one wants to deal with the pain or looking like the other guy got the best of him. This old time remedy can help speed the healing process for all ages. Toddlers to the elderly. It should not be used on open wounds.

Thanksgiving is just around the corner. We get such good feelings from a big family meal. Besides the warmth of family and friends the food plays a big part in our feelings. Turkey is a source of tryptophan...makes you relax and feel sleepy. Sage in the dressing is a digestive aid and a mild relaxant. Because of the anti-adherence factors present in cranberries, they have been used in the treatment of bladder and urinary tract conditions. Studies in recent years have also mentioned that the berries may inhibit the adherence of E. coli cells. Blueberries have similar properties to cranberries, but they also are nutrients for the eyes. Of course, the yellow vegetables are high in the beta-carotenes. Depending on how much you eat, a cup of Eaters Digest may be in order. It has a very peasant taste and may stop that bloated feeling.

Keep the immune system strong. This time of the year people are out in numbers and the spreading of disease is easy. Stop and think before you touch your eyes and/or nose during a shopping event. If you are in a restaurant and your server has a very bad cold, think about changing sections or choosing an new place to eat. Generally, stay aware that you are ultimately responsible for your own health and prevention is easier than cure.


Copyright 1997 by Heritage Publishing. All rights reserved.